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So I got this e-mail at work...


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This woman I work with - a tall, leggy, attractive blonde that likes to wear almost-revealing clothes, who regulary wears an incredible pair of 6" heel ankle boots to work, sent me this e-mail on Tuesday with a bunch of photos attached.

Here it is (I have attached the images so you can see them):


From: xxxxxxxxx, Kim

Sent: Tue 2/27/2007 7:42 AM

To: xxxxxx, Yvette; xxxxx, Tracey; xxxxx, Anthony; xxxxx, Jeff; xxxxx, Justin

Subject: Are your shoes uncomfortable?


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I need to post the remainder of the images and story in the next message in the thread. Sorry - it only allows 4 images at a time.

Here's the rest of the photos, e-mail and pontification...


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My response (verbal) was "So what's wrong with them???

Her response was "Are you kidding??? That's just freaky"

The next response I wanted to give but didn't was "But how do you know that you don't like it unless you've tried it?? Personally I have a couple of pair like that and they're great. It takes a bit to get used to but none the less great!!" Of course I didn't say that, but I really REALLY wanted to!!!

I would really just love to walk (more like strut) into work wearling a pair of 5" or 6" heels and just handle my day as I normally do.

Everything does indeed take time to progress though. Think about it: 15 years ago, a man wouldn't be caught dead wearing a pair of 'ped' socks (the ones that you can't see outside of the shoe) but now it's the thing to wear. You walk into a gym and all the guys (muscle-heads and others) are wearing them in their sneakers.

Maybe someone can figure out a way to move these changes along a bit faster. Perhaps getting more of the super-popular famous people (not Prince) to wear heels would advance the progression a bit faster. I dunno.

Back to the e-mail thing.

Apparantly I was the only one to say anything to her about the pictures. When an e-mail like this goes out, everyone is reply-all happy.

Just thought I'd share this with all of you.

I need to put on my 6" Mary Janes now.

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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Everything does indeed take time to progress though. Think about it: 15 years ago, a man wouldn't be caught dead wearing a pair of 'ped' socks (the ones that you can't see outside of the shoe) but now it's the thing to wear. You walk into a gym and all the guys (muscle-heads and others) are wearing them in their sneakers.

Funny you mention that, as I was thinking the same thing recently while cruzing thru Target, looking for socks.... Can't bring myself to go with the "ped" socks in my daily attire... It's almost like the heels in public thing, for me... wierd..;)

Never frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

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Does she know about your "interest" in heels? Why did she send those to you?

Or were they a hint?

Good question... I'm certain that she's caught me staring at her heels, but... the other guys that she copied makes me think that it was just a non-descript message to a group of friends with no intention other than to say 'hey, check this out'.

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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I think that collection of images have been floating around in an e-mail for a couple years now. A female friend of mine sent me those images in YIM saying they reminded her of me. ;)

(formerly known as "JimC")

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd agree with her. They're all extreme styles, which would be uncomfortable for extended wear for 99.9% of the population. Some of them would also be dangerous to wear out and about where you might step on a stone or rough paving. They're also freaky to the extent you wouldn't find them in high street shops, only specialist places catering for the fetish market.

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Maybe she has an extreme heel fetish that no one knows about yet.


Dawn HH

I could only wish... Moreover -- that she would share with me and I with her....

I can dream, can't I?????

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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I could only wish... Moreover -- that she would share with me and I with her....

I can dream, can't I?????

IMO she just found those on the web somewhere and, after the fuses quit blowing, she decided to share those pics with her office workers. If she's really interested in you or yer heels she'll give you some other type of message. Stay cool. :smile::o;)

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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Could she be just trying to set you up? Bosses have to take harrassment real seriously these days and do something about it. If they do not, they will make a bunch of lawyers rich. I know of a good looker who set up a fellow employee, just to steal a promotion that she had not earned by doing just that. You may want to be carefull.

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Agreed, but she might want to be careful too. Leading someone into making more comments is entrapment really. Its best to stay away from those situations. Plus where I work, sending such attachments via email would be considered misuse of company assets, and you'd probably be sacked (the sender of the material that is)... By not replying, I'm figuring you did yourself a big favour.

I learned the truth a long time ago, being afraid of the dark is what keeps most of us alive...

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I totally agree with the 'misuse of company assests' thing in addition to the whole sexual harassment point as well. As the e-mail manager/admin for my company, I am well aware and super-cautious of those lines - the main thing is to exclude your username and computer from the monitoring systems and all is usually ok unless I do something stupid. :-) Anyway... This particular person is a good friend. We do totally different jobs though both in the IT world. There is no potential for sabotage of promotion, etc... with her at least. I just think that someone e-mailed it to her and she truly isn't into the super-high / fetish heel thing. I know that they are not for normal wear (for the average heeler that is) but the ballet ones on the other hand............ IMHO I think that she is turned off by them even though she still wears her 6" non-platform ankle boots.

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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