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Three types of people


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Always one to ponder, here's my latest... There are three types of people: Men, women, and those who look good in heels! IMO, wearing heels (and skirts in my case) has always been a men vs women thing. Common opinion is that I can't do it because I'm a man. Well, I've been looking and watching and I think skirts and heels are like anything else. There are those that look good in them and those who don't. There are plenty of women who, IMO, shouldn't be in heels. Likewise, there are a lot of men that look good in skirt and heels just like they would in a nicely tailored suit.

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Always one to ponder, here's my latest...

There are three types of people: Men, women, and those who look good in heels! IMO, wearing heels (and skirts in my case) has always been a men vs women thing. Common opinion is that I can't do it because I'm a man. Well, I've been looking and watching and I think skirts and heels are like anything else. There are those that look good in them and those who don't. There are plenty of women who, IMO, shouldn't be in heels. Likewise, there are a lot of men that look good in skirt and heels just like they would in a nicely tailored suit.

I think there's a pair of heels and a style of skirt for every man, just as I think that some heels and some skirts will never look good on some women.

That's the thing about fashion - what looks good on Meg Ryan will never look good on Rosie O'Donnel - and vice versa. Too much depends on body type.

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I think there's a pair of heels and a style of skirt for every man, just as I think that some heels and some skirts will never look good on some women.

That's the thing about fashion - what looks good on Meg Ryan will never look good on Rosie O'Donnel - and vice versa. Too much depends on body type.

How true, how true. And while I still haven't figured out what will look good on Rosie, I think she definitely needs wear things with Hefty on the lable.

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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How true, how true. And while I still haven't figured out what will look good on Rosie, I think she definitely needs wear things with Hefty on the lable.

HA! That was funny! And true too!

As for the subject of the thread, I definitely think that I do look good in heels, I wouldn't wear them if I thought otherwise. Put together with the right outfit (leather jacket, turtleneck and flared jeans for example), heels can not only be fashionable but daring and adventurous as well since it breaks the longstanding taboo regarding what men can and can't wear. And I like that feeling of being bold and daring when I'm out and about in heels.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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How true, how true. And while I still haven't figured out what will look good on Rosie, I think she definitely needs wear things with Hefty on the lable.

Me? If I looked like her and severely dissed Magnum PI in public on my own show, I'd don a 30 mil plastic garbage bag for the rest of my life.

Seriously, she wasn't uncute in her police woman stint with Emilio Estevez, Richard Dreyfuss, and Dan Akyroid. It's the thought of everything else which puts me off.

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I've always been told that the heels and leather that I wear suits me but it's always been sales assistants trying to sell me something! Actually in all seriousness it's usually after I've bought it... I've never had any adverse comments from anyone though!

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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HA! That was funny! And true too!

As for the subject of the thread, I definitely think that I do look good in heels, I wouldn't wear them if I thought otherwise. Put together with the right outfit (leather jacket, turtleneck and flared jeans for example), heels can not only be fashionable but daring and adventurous as well since it breaks the longstanding taboo regarding what men can and can't wear. And I like that feeling of being bold and daring when I'm out and about in heels.

Dude, you're tempting me to try this while out on the town one night. Perhaps at the next world heel meet, but I'd have to wear my wedding ring and let them know my female wife's name before anyone would even begin to believe I was straight.

Rather, if I can make it (work schedules are always iffy), I'll go in my usual relaxed jeans and rugby shirt, or possibly, my charcoal shirt.

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Yeh. Like JeffB I think I look good in the type of heels I wear, and certainly couldn't do it if I thought it looked ungainly, like I'm afraid an awful lot of women do here. Nepali women are short, so they appreciate the height, but newly aquired urban habits have caused many to become rather wide. But then again . . . some can still pull it off beautifully. I'm trying to work out just how they do it (besides the sexuality - there is more to it than that). Like many others on this board I subscribe to the whole-look stratagem - in my case, very long plaited hair which is tied with a band of the same colour as my shirt, a neat pair of straight jeans, a black sleeveless leather jacket, and matching black blocky heels. And, with reference to dr1819, if my son had not appropriated my rugby shirt, that would be in there too. I've not had many comments on this getout, but one from a free-thinking artist type girl of my aquaintance was completely positive. Cheers, Aglo.

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