SallysWorld - Webmaster Posted November 1, 2006 Posted November 1, 2006 Sorry guys & galls....For my 2 peneth...I much prefurr the old style PHP forum layout..theres way too much going on within this forum layout,its just too 'busy',prime example,you can only post 4 images per message "why"??? Its also a lot harder to find you way arround this forum and a lot of the new icons (new posts / popular threads etc) are so misleading you dont know whats going on... Please bring back the old style PHP forum...its sadly missed! SW-W PS:Although this is classed as a whinge...I am glad this forum is here,just HATE the current format!
dr1819 Posted November 2, 2006 Posted November 2, 2006 Sorry guys & galls....For my 2 peneth...I much prefurr the old style PHP forum layout..theres way too much going on within this forum layout,its just too 'busy',prime example,you can only post 4 images per message "why"??? Its also a lot harder to find you way arround this forum and a lot of the new icons (new posts / popular threads etc) are so misleading you dont know whats going on... Please bring back the old style PHP forum...its sadly missed! SW-W PS:Although this is classed as a whinge...I am glad this forum is here,just HATE the current format! Well, I'm happy you're glad it's here, as it was dying on the other web host. The good news is that the new admin is also a dedicated heeler and member, and as an additional bonus, runs other sites on this web hosting company, and also works at the company which is hosting this website. In summary, we couldn't have a better "inside man" if we tried! Plus the price (free) is right. Another website on which I'm a moderator migrated from php to vBulliten, and it was confusing at first. Then one day, about 100 posts later, I went "oh - this isn't so bad at all," as I'd learned my way around the new format. Over time, if you post often enough, this site will quickly seem that way to you, as well. As for the four picture limit, it was needed to curb the "voluminous posting" which had some people posting 30 pictures in one post. That's a bit excessing, and contrary to the main purpose of the board as a discussion forum about high heels, not necessarily a personal venue for self-exposition. I do hope you understand!
jmc Posted November 3, 2006 Posted November 3, 2006 One thing that jumps out at me is this: We have been posting on this new board for just about a month now and I have not had to report a spam post yet. In fact, my last sentence is contains the only mention of that dreaded word I have encountered since the switch. That is definitely a good thing! Sally, I hope you can find a comfort level with this new board. I have always enjoyed your offerings, you are always so cute and sweet! Have a happy time!
dr1819 Posted November 3, 2006 Posted November 3, 2006 Another thing I enjoy is the fact that when I log in, only those threads that have had posts since my last visit are highlighted. On the old board, if I visited, logged out, then logged back in, none of the threads/forums would be highlighted, whether I'd actually visited them or not.
dr1819 Posted November 4, 2006 Posted November 4, 2006 It did for me. I'm surprised, as others reported having the same issue. I'm not sure what you mean by "the layout is totally different," as it's almost identical to the old board. Same forums, same threads in those forums, etc. The top menu (Home, Discussion Forum, etc.) is slightly different, requiring you to go Home to access your private messages, but by and large, phpBB (the old software) and vBulletin are almost identical in design, especially compared with the layouts of other software found on other popular bulletin boards, such as The Fashion Spot. Those layouts are significantly different. My two favorite boards for the last several years have been this one and another than runs vBulletin. I found this one first, and had absolutely no problem with the other one, which used to use phpBB, migrated to vBulletin due to it's significantly better featers. I know that you'll quickly adjust, and hope you find your way around. If you're frustrated because you can't do something you used to be able to do, please note that here and we'll help you find the solution!
Tech Posted November 4, 2006 Posted November 4, 2006 The top menu (Home, Discussion Forum, etc.) is slightly different, requiring you to go Home to access your private messages Actually, your private messages are accessible from anywhere just by clicking on the "Private messages" link at the top next to "Welcome yourname" I am compiling a user guide in the welcome forum of what everything does and what its all for too in case anybody is interested? Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines If something doesn't look right, please report the content ASAP!
dr1819 Posted November 5, 2006 Posted November 5, 2006 dr1819, I only agreed that the forum was "too busy". My only real gripe is that the layout does not adjust to the width of the browser window as the other forum did. Well, I am sorry, Lindsay. As with all change there are gives and takes. I think the takes definately outweight the gives, even though we might have to give up one or two of our favorite features of the old board to gain the benefits of the new one. By the way, I personally never experienced the automatic resizing feature you speak of. Even though I use a resolution set at 1162x864, larger than most, I'd often have to scroll sideways to see the images in larger posts. I'm more at home with the narrower lists, as it eliminates the scrolling. As a nostalgic anecdote, it reminds me of the C-64 BBS days, where 40 characters was the limit! Thank God those days are gone! The current limit is more than twice that, but still accomodates 90% of the member's screen resolutions. That's a good thing.
Guy N. Heels Posted February 18, 2007 Posted February 18, 2007 It has taken a while, but I've finally learned how to navigate around this forum and now I like it. As with anything, it has a few drawbacks, but in the main I like this new format fine. Keep on stepping, Guy N. Heels
Tech Posted February 18, 2007 Posted February 18, 2007 It has taken a while, but I've finally learned how to navigate around this forum and now I like it. As with anything, it has a few drawbacks, but in the main I like this new format fine. Thank you Guy. I would like to hear your thoughts on what you feel are its drawbacks but thats best by PM as I dont want to bring the tone down, or encourage bandwagon jumping.... Drop me a PM with your thoughts if you dont mind? Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines If something doesn't look right, please report the content ASAP!
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