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guy in Uggs


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I saw a guy wearing Uggs the other day. I think they look terrible on women, but he looked okay in them. They were sand coloured and he had his jeans tucked into them. As an aside, the worst looking footwear on women, the Ugg, has now been replaced by...I don't know the name...but they are those brightly coloured, plastic, chunky clog with the back strap things that are becoming popular. In my opinion, anyway.

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I saw a very trendy young Japanese guy wearing Uggs in Knightsbridge last summer. They looked good on him. I've an aquaintaince who wears a heavy duty looking male version, but I don't think he wears them for fashion.

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I saw a guy wearing Uggs the other day. I think they look terrible on women, but he looked okay in them. They were sand coloured and he had his jeans tucked into them.

As an aside, the worst looking footwear on women, the Ugg, has now been replaced by...I don't know the name...but they are those brightly coloured, plastic, chunky clog with the back strap things that are becoming popular. In my opinion, anyway.

The ugly plastic clogs are Crocs. Truly an abomination.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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LOL Funny you should say that. I thought the same thing about Crocs, till I tried on a pair, I was sold, I own a black pair and I'm debating on getting red and yellow pairs as well. If you check out their site you'll see they have alot of different styles. They maybe ugly, but you can't deny the comfort. Persoally I think they do look good with a nice pair of jeans. I plan on getting a pair of the boots they have as well, "Georgie" is the name on them, and the most popular style is "Beach." www.crocs.ca

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The ugly plastic clogs are Crocs. Truly an abomination.

Absolutely - we were shopping on Thursday evening - and I couldn't belive it they were priced at £30. They look expensive at a fiver.

For the record, I quite like uggs.


what have I said?

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Don't blame Shafted!!!! It was me.

Did I miss something?

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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ChantalTV mistakenly attributed my comment that I quite like Uggs to you, and suggested that you should be banned from the forums. I stepped in and said "Don't blame Shafted ...." The mistake has been corrected. I didn't want you to be tarred with that extremely bad brush! I'll have to get some pics of me wearing them up on the board. :evil:

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LOL Funny you should say that. I thought the same thing about Crocs, till I tried on a pair, I was sold, I own a black pair and I'm debating on getting red and yellow pairs as well. If you check out their site you'll see they have alot of different styles. They maybe ugly, but you can't deny the comfort. Persoally I think they do look good with a nice pair of jeans. I plan on getting a pair of the boots they have as well, "Georgie" is the name on them, and the most popular style is "Beach." www.crocs.ca

Well, I suppose they might look okay on a guy, like the Uggs. But on women....

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I bought my wife some crocs, in light blue, and when I saw them I hated them. Then I wore them, that's when you realise why other people wear them, they are so comfortable. I am considering getting some now. Anyone tried the Crocs Mary Janes?

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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ChantalTV mistakenly attributed my comment that I quite like Uggs to you, and suggested that you should be banned from the forums. I stepped in and said "Don't blame Shafted ...."

The mistake has been corrected. I didn't want you to be tarred with that extremely bad brush! I'll have to get some pics of me wearing them up on the board. :evil:


Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Guys, For those who don't know. Ugg boots are an Aussie invention decades ago. Generally we only ever wore them inside (excluding some feral down and outs). Then some american company came in, saw our shoes and thought we can flog these back home, tried to even buy the rights to the name although very Aussie company's and people actually acknowedge this theft of culture and turned what was fancy slippers into street wear! Go figure! Shane

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Dr1819 has said that "Crocs lay eggs". I now have proof of this. Previously, I had said in a post somewhere that I had seen boys, girls, and Moms wearing Crocs at the Science Center where I work, and I suspected that it wouldn't be long before the Fathers would join the whole family and wear Crocs also. What I have suspected has come true as they are available in larger sizes. Now, ain't that a Croc? Pardon me while I wash my mouth out with soap as I can't believe that I am discussing flip-flops, Uggs, and Crocs. TOUEY!!! Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Hi All. I've seen occasional comments from Gents on ZAPPO'S web site who've purchased some of the Ladies Tall Shaft styles. Perfect for Gents to romp around in Lousy weather, but better left for the Ladies to STYLIZE them rest of year in Fair weather.

Boots Rock!!!!

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