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These things are high!!! They're also a bit tight in the toe-box if you know what I mean.

I thought my first time in heels being 5" stilettos was energizing. Boy did I have a lot to learn!! When I slipped on and laced up these 6" stilettos, the feeling was beyond electric!! I could have probably powered a small city with the energy I was feeling.

Of course I was able to stand in them with almost no problem. That's where it ended - walking was... to say the least... a task.

I am able to walk about 10 steps before the agonizing pain fells me to the couch. I guess that will just take some time to master.

My original goal was to wear these boots to bed just to help in the stretching of the muscles. Not gonna happen - not with the tightness in the toe box, I won't be able to rest without some discomfort. So, last night I slept in the 5" boots (avatar) instead.

Here are some pictures - let me know what you think.

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BTW - I know that I look like an idiot trying to walk in these things. It's a good thing that nobody can see me. :D

One more thing - the jeans piled on the floor... just when I was going to click the timer on the camera, the DOOR BELL RANG!!! I, in record time, pulled off the boots, put on a pair of socks and pulled up those jeans. I get to the door and it was some kid already walking away taking some sort of survey about something or another. WOW!! Now I had to relace the boots and start everything from scratch. Oh well - practice makes perfect for future emergencies I guess.

I'll stop bothering you all (for now). TTFN.

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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Wow, those are beauties. If it were me I would have answered the door in them anyway.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Wow, those are beauties. If it were me I would have answered the door in them anyway.

Door = 20 paces from the couch and 20 back.

I'd have gotten half way there with no place to go but to the floor.

Once day... oh yes.... one day, I will answer the door in a pair of heels. Of course they'll be well hidden under a pair of long jeans... in the begining at least. :evil:

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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JL -

I absolutely understand the electric feeling but, heels aren't supposed to hurt. If the shoes don't fit and you wear them too much, you will ness up your feet.

Next time you might try leather boots. Ther have a lot more give than the patent oned do. You might also try them with hose and if you do, make sure the part around your toes is very lose (leave at least 1/2 " open) to keep the hose from pulling too tight around your toes.

I haven't gotten a pair of red boots yet but all I can say is, those sure are RED. The look great, just wish they fit better.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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JL -

I absolutely understand the electric feeling but, heels aren't supposed to hurt. If the shoes don't fit and you wear them too much, you will ness up your feet.

Next time you might try leather boots. Ther have a lot more give than the patent oned do. You might also try them with hose and if you do, make sure the part around your toes is very lose (leave at least 1/2 " open) to keep the hose from pulling too tight around your toes.

I haven't gotten a pair of red boots yet but all I can say is, those sure are RED. The look great, just wish they fit better.

They are pretty RED aren't they???...

Seriously though... my biggest issue is shoe size. My black boots are indeed leather and they fit very comfortably. I have always dreamed of wearing 6" heels. From what I've read, it's best to start with boots to provide ankle support. I also read that I should start low and work my way up to the stilts. As you can tell, I do things a bit Bass Ackwards.

Anyway..... I found Funkypair.com on this site and they carry my size (15/16 Woman's) in a lot of the boots. BUT... not in the 6" ankles and what they do have is in PVC. Don't get me wrong - I like the knee boots, but it's a lot of work for an hour or two of enjoyment before the wife gets home.

If you (or anyone else) can recommend any places that carry my size, is reasonably priced, and carries the 6ers in leather, I'd be more than happy to give them a shot. I'm still a 'closet heeler' so going into a store is out of the question right now.

As for the hose... they were on. Can't wear the red ones with socks and certainly not barefoot.

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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Those are some really cool boots and I would have givin that kid a new servey to attack.haha. The more you wear them the better thay will fit. If you want to break them in fast, wear them in the bath for a while and stretch them out. Water and shoes and boots feel really gooooooooooood. Or just wear them ,treat them mean and soon they will fit just fine.

real men wear heels

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JL -

I noticed the boots have a side zipper. Something you could do to shorten the time it takes to put the knee boots on is to lace them through the holes in the back of the speed hooks. This might take a bit of doing. When I laced my granny boots this way I used a pair of needle nosed pliers to reach under the speed hook and pull the lace through the hole. It will also take a little while to get the lacing comfortable but once you do it, the laces don’t slip very much so all you have to do is zip the boots up.

I know, I know, all the purest out there will say that half the fun of having lace boots is lacing them (maybe more than half the fun if someone else will lace them for you) …but if you’re in a hurry lacing through the holes works.

Do try then with hose. You’ll be surprised how much room socks take.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I am able to walk about 10 steps before the agonizing pain fells me to the couch. I guess that will just take some time to master.

Woah! Heels are supposed to be fun, not "agonizing!"

If you want "agonizing," consider modifying non-essential body parts without anesthetic.

But if you'd like to walk normally past, say, 40 or 50, lay off agnonizing one of the most critical body parts known to mobility - the foot. And as the foot goes, so does the ankle, then the knee, hip, and back.

A couple of summers ago I worked up to wearing 5" heels, beginning with 3.5" heels, even though I often wore a four inch heel. I used the same "interval training" we used in track:

Mon: 2"

Tue: 3"

Wed: 3.5"

Thu: 3"

Fri: 3.5"

Sat: 3.75"

Sun: 2.5"

Mon: 3.5"

Wed: 4"

Thu: 3"

Fri: 3.5"

Sat: 4"

Sun: 3.75"

Mon: 4.5"

Tue: 3"

Wed: 4"

Thu: 4.5"

Fri: 3.5"

Sat: 4"

Sun: 4.5"

Mon: 5"

It's an undulating cycle that allows for tendon/flexor recovery, and the above schedule is very abbreviated - the original one was two months long, because the last thing I wanted to do was hurt myself.

That's just stupid.

On the other hand, the human body is capable of adapting, provided one takes things slow, and never goes beyond the pain factor (muscle soreness isn't pain. Cramped toes in a too-tight boot is pain).

Pain is your friend. It tells you when you're doing something wrong.

So listen to it, and don't do it.

Unless you're really hell-bent on walking with a lot of pain in about ten to twenty years. If that's the case, indulge, but my Mom's got bunions the size of walnuts, all because she pushed too hard, too fast, and for too long.

Another thing to consider - tight, pointy-toed, high-heeled boots are the worst Rx for your feet. Period. I believe the podietrists are in league with the manufacturers, as nearly all of the shoes available today, despite two decades of warning, are pointy-toed.

Your toes need to spread out, in part to distribute the weight, and in part to ensure proper circulation.

Let them.

Many ultra-sexy high-heeled shoes and boots have been built in your size that are anatomically correct. I buy from Zappos because they have the largest selection of 3+" heels in my size. I usually send back about 75% of my orders because they don't fit.

As cute as they are, it doesn't sound like your boots fit. Your ankles never developed when you were growing up to over-rotate like that, and your toes didn't develop to be highly compressed bearing 240% of the normal weight they hold into a tiny compartment that's not at all shaped like your foot.

Let me lay it out for you - Pleaser Sucks. All they want is your money. If the top fashion were round-toed boots, they'd give you round-toed boots. But that's not the top fashion today, and they could care less about your health and welfare. They just want the money.

My advice: Step back, check out the several quite awesome custom shoe and boot makers out there who build anatomically correct footwear. Work with them. Visit them if you can. You may pay $300 for a pair of boots, but that one pair will be quite high, but extremely comfortable, and will last you several years - well worth the investment.

My favorite pair of 4" heels are to die for - so much so that I find myself saving them for special occasions when I know I'll be on my feet all day. There's absolutely no pinching in the toes (although they're comfortably snug, there and everywhere else). The 4" heels are high enough that I'm at my limit of comfort, but not crossing into my threshold of discomfort. The lace-up styling with the side zipper means I can adjust them as they wear in, yet get them on and off in a hurry. And the fact that they're leather with a lining means that if I wear them with at least hose, if not a thin sock, they'll last a long time. They'll probably last me 10 years, as I've had then 2-1/2 years, already, with minimal signs of wear and only break-in adjustments. Then again, I paid $350 for them, with two sitting/fittings, so I tend to respect the craftsmanship of the maker.

They're my favorite pair, and because of the personal sittings/initial fittings, entirely well worth the expense.

My second favorite pair of boots are made of leather, have a 3" block rubber heel, side zips, and simply fit quite well while being very stealthy yet comfortably high - great for nightlife.

A whopping $30 on eBay, shipping included.

However, as I've only routinely worn one in five shoes I've purchased one eBary, that comes to around $50 per pair of valid heels, and the construction isn't as nice, generally, as the shoes found in the mall (which are too small anyway...).

Custom heels, gents - do it right, find a cobbler willing to work with you, and if you listen to him (he's been fitting people a lot longer than you've been wearing), you'll wind up with a pair of heels that'll be well worth the additional expense.

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