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Lets put our thinking minds together


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No problem sscotty727--We are all just trying to be one big happy family here after all. Its like a company really. dr1819 might be the Research and Development VP, jo would be the IT VP, Heelfan and Peachy would be VP of Sales, jeff would be VP of Finance....heels910 would probably work in the advertising division...everybody has their place in the company and all divisions need to work independently and together interdependently to achieve maximum success.

There was never any real hard feelings on my part :roll:, I was just concerned for a new member of the forum. Whether he street heels wasn't my concern. My concern was his participation on the forum in the future. There are plenty of people who wear heels who don't participate on the forum and hopefully, heels910 wont be one of them.

So, heels910 if you are reading this, come back! :wink:

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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No problem sscotty727--We are all just trying to be one big happy family here after all. Its like a company really. dr1819 might be the Research and Development VP, jo would be the IT VP, Heelfan and Peachy would be VP of Sales, jeff would be VP of Finance....heels910 would probably work in the advertising division...everybody has their place in the company and all divisions need to work independently and together interdependently to achieve maximum success.

There was never any real hard feelings on my part :roll:, I was just concerned for a new member of the forum. Whether he street heels wasn't my concern. My concern was his participation on the forum in the future. There are plenty of people who wear heels who don't participate on the forum and hopefully, heels910 wont be one of them.

So, heels910 if you are reading this, come back! :wink:

Understand. I wasn't trying to talk down to a new member or make him feel bad. I was simply responding to his questions with my own personal feelings on the topic. When he responded, I just took it as debating the issue, not me blasting him. As you said, we all have our own opinions on the topic just as we all have our own reasons for wearing heels or even our own favorite styles of heels.

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I am still here. Thank you for your concern. It is an interesting debate. I hope nobody has got their feelings hurt, and no toes stepped on (it really hurts when they get stepped on with spike heels :roll: ). It is all good. Kneehighs would be the legal dept.

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Boy you know it about getting stepped on. It took my left foot (big toe) a year to recover from being stepped on twice by women's heels while dancing. My dance shoes are very thin and soft, with no resistance at all.

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I am still here. Thank you for your concern.

It is an interesting debate. I hope nobody has got their feelings hurt, and no toes stepped on (it really hurts when they get stepped on with spike heels :wink: ).

It is all good.

Kneehighs would be the legal dept.

Thanks, but I thought I'd be the hhplace.org pimp daddy? Ya know? Kidding... :roll:

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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I am still here. Thank you for your concern.

It is an interesting debate. I hope nobody has got their feelings hurt, and no toes stepped on (it really hurts when they get stepped on with spike heels :roll: ).

It is all good.

Kneehighs would be the legal dept.

Well, I suppose Heels910 sorta got an earful. The plain & simple fact is that men need to address heels as part of a fashion statement. Nothing inspires confidence like a man who knows where he's going and can dress the part and carry it off. Few things are more pathetically uninspiring than a man who lacks the poise and confidence to carry it off. Men who wish to add heels to their wardrobe as a fashion accessory should do so with the same degree of determination and confidence you would find in an olympic athlete! The poise and the confidence will inspire others who might otherwise shy away.

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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There is a forum practically identical to this one in a way. It's about guys who want to wear legwear (tights, pantyhose, stockings, etc.) as males, and it's at http://forums.delphiforums.com/legwearuf It's called Legwear as Unisex Fashion, on Delphi Forums. Check it out. Like hhplace, it's a support group for guys who want to wear legwear in public and want acceptance from spouses, S.O.'s, and "society" (whatever that is). The questions are similar and the answers are similar. It may be a long time before society accepts the idea of men wearing articles of clothing that are commonly associated with women, but make no mistake - it's happening more than ever. So if you want to wear shoes with heels, just screw up the courage to do it, and...well, do it! The first time is the most difficult, but it gets easier. The more men are seen doing it, the less "odd" it becomes. When guys first started wearing earrings, it was really unusual and people stared; now they don't even give it a second glance. Wear your heels (and hose or anything else) proudly and with confidence, and chances are that people either won't notice, or if they do it will be positive. Wear them like you feel guilty about it, and your insecurity will also show through, and you'll probably be laughed at. C'mon guys, it's all in the way we present ourselves. Get out there and wear what you want. Don't wait for society to "approve". It's not going to for a long time.

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i read this post with interest and can see everyones side of the argument, as in summary, nothing anyone has said on here has been wrong.

yes to promote the cause the best way is to do it sscotty727, however i think the underlying point that there isnt enough of the ones who wear the heels out to make it a common sight for your average person going about his daily business.

yes like everything, strange new clothes you start to see, a different hairstyle thats unusual, when enough people do it, noone thinks its weird anymore as you see it a few times a day everydau, whereas men wearing heels you dont.

i see the point of heels910, as like a brand of washing powder, people have the choice for what they choose to buy, however with craft marketing and a little manipulation of thought, people can have their arms twisted into choosing a certain item with a little clever marketing persuasion.

maybe is the smart non over the top stylist image of a man presented wearing heels was published somewhere, somehow, people may look at this and think 'it isnt so bad, why not' and it may catch on im no commercial marketing expert but i can see a hint of potential, as we know from the street while people are curious most have nothing against it.

my two cents


ps kneehighs

In fact, it implies something is right with it, for some people some of the time—the glass if half full.

technically it would always be half FULL. half empty logically thinking is impossible, as it is impossible to halve empty as a quantity as empty is in fact NOTHING :roll:

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Hi, Daz - welcome back! Haven't heard from you in a while. I remember when earrings on men caused quite a stir. These days, even mainstreamers are wearing earrings, so it's no big deal. The earrings on men thing reached a critical mass. When that happened, it began to acceleration, until it permeated mainstream society to the point that everyone relaxed and said, "That's ok - everyone's doing it." After that, there were no more comments in the papers. I strongly believe the one thing that contributed to it's success, however, was the fact that most male earring wearers kept it on the conservative side. Thus, they blended. The only exceptions were those in segments of society that were already known for their excesses (punk/goth). Thus, the more we and others wear conservative heels in public, all the time, the more likely it is that others will begin doing the same, until a critical mass is reached, enough to propel the conformists who wish to wear heels into wearing them, too. That's the critical point, when those who conform begin conforming to a new norm which they're desiring, but dare not lead the way for fear of repercussion. Well, Daz, good luck! I just took a stroll to my friendly neighborhood castle wearing a pair of 2-1/4 inch Nickels ladies oxford lace-ups. The heels are solid wood, so they do make some noise, but looking at them very few would believe they're ladies' shoes. Perhaps tomorrow I'll make the 1.7 mile stroll in my new 3" heeled Statutes, a side-zip oxford. They're actually quieter than the Nickels, although with a much more slender heel. Very comfortable, both of them, and I'm glad they arrived today!

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This is what I am talking about. I am trying to figure out how to get the word out, "that there are a lot of men that want to wear heels".

Let's all keep thinking about this. If we put our minds to it, we can come up with some ideas that will work.

I really don't know just what it is you expect to "work". heels910. But speaking of work, just yesterday I was required to attend a meeting on how to evacuate a building in the event of an emergency. Well long story short, the presenter was giving advice about people wearing/keeping some comfortable shoes handy in case one needed to go down stairs or escape from a building in a hurry. Then he said - totally unsolicited and unprovoked in any way - "This applies to both men and women, high heels are not sensible shoes and can lead to serious problems in trying to evacuate a building. People who wear 4 inch heels will just slow others down and endanger themselves. If you normally wear high heels, keep another pair of shoes handy."

Folks, this was given in the main auditorium of a major office of the US government right in Washington, DC. So if the US government is now recognizing men wearing high heels - just how much more recognition do you need?

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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...Folks, this was given in the main auditorium of a major office of the US government right in Washington, DC. So if the US government is now recognizing men wearing high heels - just how much more recognition do you need?

I think thats a really good point, Guy N. Heels! You challenged my ingratitude for what level of acceptance we already have with the general public.

I am thankful that I have been on three first dates and worn stiletto heels. There are women that accept it from the very start.

I am thankful that New York City has laws that protect my freestyling privileges.

I am thankful that 11/44 Fortune 500 companies (pdf) with headquarters in New York City have Corporate Non-Discrimination Policies that include "gender expression and/or identity".

1. Citigroup Inc.

2. J.P. Morgan Chase and Co.

3. Pfizer Inc.

4. Merrill Lych & Co.

5. MetLife

6. The Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

7. Lehman Brothers

8. American Express Co.

9. Viacom Inc.

10. Estee Lauder

11. New York Times

I am thankful that the New York Labor Code 201-D prohibits discrimination based on , "an individual's legal recreational activities outside of work hours, off of the employer's premises, and without use of the employer's equipment or other properties."

I am thankful that we had an awesome World Heel Meet 2006 and I got to meet so many wonderful fellow Freestylers and make new friends in the process.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Folks, this was given in the main auditorium of a major office of the US government right in Washington, DC. So if the US government is now recognizing men wearing high heels - just how much more recognition do you need?

Wow - what office? If they gave the briefing, in public, I don't think it's constitutes a secret.

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