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Gauchos, like ponchos, came from men's fashions, and are still men's fashions in the countries of their origen.

Here's a pic of gauchos (the men) performing a dance. Notice the cut of their pants!

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It's from this CNN article: http://www.cnn.com/2006/TRAVEL/DESTINATIONS/04/26/argentina.gaucho.ap/index.html

So again, how is it that men's fashions migrate to womens such that men can't wear them anymore?

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Gaucho pants with boots are the norm in the south of Brazil dr1819.

They really are men's clothes and shoes and part of the tradition of that place. It's usual to see men in the streets wearing that confortably and traditionally, speacially in the winter.

In another places of Brazil you'll see men wearing that kind of attire in the so called CTGs - Gaucho's Traditions Centers - and in the Barbecue Restaurants (we call it churrascarias), the most traditional one is "Fogo de Chão" that are in 4 cities in Brazil (including here, Sao Paulo) and another countries like United States. Check http://www.fogodechao.com/locations.htm

In the same site you'll see some pictures of the waiters in Gaucho pants and boots. People in the US can go to the restaurant.

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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  • 4 months later...

Bob HH is absolutely right! When we go to these kind of restaurants it's easy to eat untill... untill... untill you feel that your butt is glued to the chair! I did it last week... he he he...

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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