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World Heel Meet 2006, London: Sat., May 13th


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This message is intended for our readers who don't regularly read the Real Life Meetings thread (that was me for about a year).

Everyone is cordially invited to what will probably be one of the largest heel gatherings ever. On Saturday, May 13th, members from hhplace.org will be meeting at the Starbucks near the Totten Court Road Tube Station at 10:30-11:00.

Members will be flying in from around the world for this meet. I personally will be taking the Eurostar in from Paris and Heeluis is flying in from Hamburg. micha might even be making it in from Germany too! Some members will be even bringing their wives or girlfriends. You are welcome to do the same or just come alone. :D

Various old timers will be present. Mods like Xaphod and Calv! Heelfan, and other old timers will be present too! :cry:

Your immediate consideration of attending this event would be more than appreciated.

Please leave your reply (yes, I can make, no I can't make it) either way at the following link:


Hope to see everyone there!

p.s. cheap hotel accomodation tips are scattered throughout the thread as well.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Time is running out before the big World Heel Meet 2006. I really don't want anyone to miss this rare chance to meet heelers from 4 different countries from around the world! Heeluis is flying in from Hamburg, Germany. Robert is flying in from Gouda, The Netherlands, and I'm flying into Paris all the way from New York City. The current prediction is that we will be making hhplace.org history on May 13th--the biggest heel meet ever.

Please don't miss out on this special occassion. Others like myself are making a special effort to be there...maybe you can too! :D

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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One of our local FM stations has a “Committee for Esthetic Public Spectacles” that is responsible for the live reporting of the “April Fools Day Parade”, the “Noontime Fireworks Show” and many other totally fictitious events that are described in great detail on the radio.

Please don’t make the “Biggest Heel Meet Ever” something the “Committee for Esthetic Public Spectacles” would be proud of.

On second thought, it might be even more fun if you do. Consider:

Thigh Boot Beer Chug (none of this drinking from a hh pump) :drinking:

High Heel Hop Scotch :cry:

Stiletto Marathon :o

Size 14 scavenger hunt (first one to find a store selling them) :D



. Submitted in fun, and wishing I could be there.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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No problem TBG! I'm sure that amongst the veterans like Firefox, Xaphod, Calv, DrShoe, and Heel Meet Vet Heelfan and others intimately familiar with London, we'll prudently mark our course. The bar we are going to on Saturday is mainstream. Can you believe that a mainstream bar has a Wednesday night crossdressing night? Its true. In the UK, things are very different than in the US.

As far as the DVD camcorder is concerned, I was hoping for just TWO clips:

1. A consenting member trying shoes on in a shoe shop.

2. A consenting member walking down the street and documenting the public's reaction.

I'll volunteer for both if need be.

Any other filming I was going to give over to the discretion of the group.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

bumping as a courtesy to the newbies who might not read the Real Life Meetings thread. We are now expecting 21 attendees from 4 different countries at this Saturdays World Heel Meet.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Hi All! WORLD HEEL-MEET, LONDON, SAT 13th MAY 2006 Just a reminder that this biggest-ever Heel-Meet is only four days away! Come on all you waverers, lurkers, lady members and shy-guys . . . take the plunge and join over twenty of us for a great day's street-heeling (although heels not compulsory), plus shoe-shopping, eating, drinking, sightseeing and socialising in London! My daughter Peachy (Mel) and I are both going! Wouldn't miss it for the worlds! See under the "Real Life Meetings" Section. Cheers, Heelfan

Onwards and upwards!

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sounds like fun...any of the motels nearby have a pool that i could use to swim/wade in my boots and leather...just teasing...have fun...wish i could be there.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And I thought dreaming about running naked down oxford street in a pair of pumps was bad!

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Hi Everyone! Don't be put off by the London weather. The thunderstorms appear to have passed, and the latest TV forecast for Saturday is "Sunny internals, possibly the odd shower and slightly cool (9c)". Not too bad, huh? Peachy (Mel) and I plan to arrivce at the first (Starbuck's) rendezvous between 10.30 and 11am. See you all there. COME ON ALL THE REST OF YOU ASPIRING STREET-HEELERS! Not too late to post below that you are joining the record-attendance-breaking World Heel-Meet (Heels nice, but not compulsory!). Cheers, Heelfan

Onwards and upwards!

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