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Celia C HH photos

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Hi everyone,

I enjoy wearing high heels, nylons, corsets and all the trimmings. Little wonder I like to read and view all the contributions here. Great job and thanks to the admins/moderators!

Thought I'd reciprocate and share some of mine too.

(I'm testing two different picture hosting services and hope they won't be loading slow).

Enjoy! :D

Celia C.

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All shoes are from Cover Girl Shoes (now sadly out of business).


nice photos - I especially like the first one; the white/black pumps with jeans is a cool, clashing kind of look. what size shoe do you wear?

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde


Hallo CeliaC, it's nice to see a lady enjoy this forum and also willing to share her shoepics with us. Perhaps later we will see more of you on display and writhing. There are a few ladies in here but to my feeling the balans is far off to the male side. Mealwhile a warm welcome and enjoy our heelspics A3


Lovely pictures and shoes.. you can't beat classic court shoes (pumps). Feel free to share some more! Bob.


Thanks for the warm welcome! - Yes, I mean to post some more. I also love to fiddle around with the photos on my computer, though it takes a lot of time and I don't get to do it as often as I'd like to.

Here's one taken on holidays in Wales - marvellous country!

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As for shoe size I am always confused with the American, European (French? English?) sizes, so I don't order online. It also depends on the make of the shoe - usually it's in the low forties.


Hi CeliaC, Let me add a welcome to you. I remember Cover Girl shoes. Visited the shop once, and the staff were very kind and accomodating. They were very used to male customers as they specialised in theatrical outfitting. I also had a pair of black courts like yours and they gave me great pleasure. Thanks for sharing your pics with us. TB2

Are you confusing me with someone who gives a damn?

  HighBoots said:

The dress on that pic looks awesome, too bad we only see a bit of it.

I agree 100%! Welcome to HHPlace, CeliaC.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.


Thanks folks, your appeciation is very heartwarming and I ... ahemmm, appreciate it very much. The "dress" is really a skirt. It's from SKIN TWO, kind of hobble skirt, except with such a long slit it is still possible to go up and down stairs, if a bit awkwardly. I just checked a pair of my favourite shoes, size 7 1/2. They used to fit me just fine, but for the past few years I can't get into them anymore. - Question: Does this happen to anyone else on this board, that you need bigger sizes than you used to?


Welcome aboard, CeliaC. I really enjoyed your pictures. Thanks for sharing. I agree with the others, that skirt is awesome! I also especially liked the picture from your holidays in Wales. bobbie


Celia C. Let me add my welcome as well. I like your pics as pumps are my favorite style of shoe. You have some great pumps there. Looking forward to seeing more of your collection. Thanks for sharing. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!


Celia I loved your pics and loved the way you posed in those heels. I could not help thinking you must have taken dance lessons because of the way you posed in those heels. Some of the pics look like dance steps and checking out your legs, they look like dancer's legs. They are hot



Now that you mention it, I can see it too. - Funny though, I am not a dancer. A rebel at heart, when everybody started to take dancing lessons at school, I made a point not to. Can't see the point of it to this day, rather sit in the back of the hall with an Einstein or Steven Hawking and talk astrophysics :D:cry:

High Heels on Tp of the World

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HH taking a soak

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That's one way to keep your shoes clean :D Do you never take them off? Bob.


And you get to hold someone and get held, too. One of the people usually likes that, so make them happy.

  bobsmith said:

That's one way to keep your shoes clean :o Do you never take them off?


:cry: Take'em off? ONLY UNDER DURESS!

  Dawn HH said:

Great set of pics and great set of legs, Celia C. Any more pics?


Dawn HH

Coming. Don't want to shoot all my arrows at once :D


Lovely pictures! Is the second one for real? Very cheeky! :D Bob.


Timeless beauty -- shapely feminine legs and classic stiletto pumps. Mmmmm!

Have a happy time!


That's a great pic of the legs and I certainly like the black stiletto heels, but what really caught my attention was the second pic. That photo was a very teasing one and it made me chuckle a bit. Thanks for sharing. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!


Hi all, glad you like the pics. - Since the advent of digital cameras my out put has multiplied and I can try lots of ideas and just press delete when it hasn't worked out. Be back soon, Celia.


That's the best part about digital cameras: if you don't like a certain picture, you can just delete it. No wasted film or memory space.

Black 5-inch stilettos - the only way to go!

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