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Glamour.com response to Freestyle Fashion


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I just love the way you stir the pot kneehighs, can't wait to see the results. Doesn't look like were off to a good start, but that can change.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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:D thanks Shafted. Just trying to educate the public and increase awareness really. Guess you could say I'm trying to stir the pot without letting it boil over. To regulate disequilibrium, to move people into a productive discomfort zone of tolerating men in heels.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Its a great idea, except I still think that the idea of men in HIGHLY feminine styles of footwear, such as stilleto pumps, will be met with lukewarm (at best) responses from the average person. If merely from a practicality standpoint. Im a very athletic and fit 19year old who's 6ft 180lbs and I can barely wear shoes like most of those you posted.....dont get me wrong...I could most certainly walk in them, but id be the first to say you were crazy if you wanted me to sacrifice my incredible sense of mobility and freedom by wearing 4inch stilleto's all day. Ya I could survive, but id feel genuinely oppressed whenever I wanted to do something that required me to be active in almost any form....I couldnt leap up and down stairs, couldnt jog along or run if im in a rush......I think if we are going to advance our cause in a feasable and realistic manner that we need to show images in men in realtively "practical" heels, like chunky/wedge/platform styles......dont get me wrong.....I wish we lived in a society where I could wear a pair of patent pumps or boots out when I was going somewhere dressy, but most men wouldnt desire, not want that. I think we're better off starting slowly and portraying an image with a significantly lower shock value than what you are presenting the glamour forums. And please dont get me wrong....im 150% for any ideas you may have, and am overwhelming appreciative of your efforts to our cause on this forum and in real life, I just feel that if we are ever going to reach the ideal end goal, we should do it in a tactful and realistic manner. just my $0.02

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You have a valid point. Get one foot in the door first, then get two feet, then get our whole body in. This is something that another friend of mine pointed out too. I will work on that. I do have one pair of chunky heels that I can do a shoot with. Next thread of Freestyle Fashion that I do at the Lucky Mag forum and I will try that pic instead. Perhaps I can use a pic of me in chunky heels on Mens Style.com link as well.

The real outcome of these threads for me isn't necessarily dependent on positive feedback from others though. Its just more to heighten public awareness and educate people about Freestyle Fashion. There is a time and a place for the "shock value" of a man in thin heels and I am working on discovering that time and place.

The current trend for womens heels is actually a thick heel with a round toe too. If there are others here who have pics of themselves in chunky heels, please share them. I even created a special thread for this and even posted a pic of Heel-D in flats in the thread. Hope others will feel free to share their chunky heel pics too.

hint, nudge

edited to add: terayon thanks for your post there. Gonna hang out for awhile over there?

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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I definetely want to check out what they have to say about our movement. Its a bit tough for me to take self portraits, but Ill see if I can perhaps get some pictures for you to use on your next post. We should try and include a nice array of looks that includes several types of heels and styles.

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I definetely want to check out what they have to say about our movement.

Its a bit tough for me to take self portraits, but Ill see if I can perhaps get some pictures for you to use on your next post. We should try and include a nice array of looks that includes several types of heels and styles.

Actually, I think we should try a couple of posts without the stiletto pics.

And use only the chunky heel round toe pics

That way we can test for sure if it was the stiletto=woman association that was causing the knee jerk ewwww response.

I'll have a pic made up by the end of the day and a new post created at Lucky Mag by days end as well.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Just started this thread at the Glamour magazine forums.


We'll see what happens.

Hi kneehighs,

my respect for your engagement in fashion forums. No bad idea :D

I'm simply wearing my heels on the street like You, Thighhighboots, Shafted, JeffB and all the other courageous guys. I hope that this is helpful too ...

nice greetings


The best fashion is your own fashion!

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Of course it helps Micha. In fact, the public reality of a man in heels is probably more powerful than the idea of a man in heels as seen in the privacy of a persons computer screen. Gonna post threads on all the Conde Nast forums within the week. Get ready for some fun!!! p.s. I'm on a leave of absence from work which explains why I have the time to do this.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Kneehighs Not to sound critical, it is great that you are pushing the envelope and all, but, the kind of people that visit a glamour website or read those types of magazines typically have no mind of their own and spout what they are told by the same magazines, mainstream (otherwise, why would they go to such a website/magazine for "advice" vs just using their own brain on what to wear?). I wouldn't get too down on negative feedback from such people, obviously they think less, react to "trends" more. Even if they don't mind or like the idea personally, they probably feel like they need to act negative out of peer preasure. I say go talk to real women and see their reactions. From all I read from others and what I have from seen from my two sister in laws, independent women who think on their own see little problem with it. Even my wife is "ok" with it as long as I don't project too much feminity. Her main issue is if someone were to view me in a negative light. I told her I really don't care what others think, why should she? She seems to be ok with that, but again, as long as it isn't too femine. Scotty

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sscotty727--don't take it as critical at all. Just using every resource available to increase awareness. ncgal mistook my statement about settling a lawsuit to mean that I'm a lawyer though. I'm not one YET, but will be soon enough.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Cool, good luck! Also, glad you didn't take it as being critical. I guess my main point is don't be so shocked by negative reactions from that crowd, they are pretty much lemmings. You get more honest responses from everyday women who make up their own minds on fashion, not what they read is the latest "trends". Scotty

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Cool, good luck!

Also, glad you didn't take it as being critical. I guess my main point is don't be so shocked by negative reactions from that crowd, they are pretty much lemmings. You get more honest responses from everyday women who make up their own minds on fashion, not what they read is the latest "trends".


Who says I was shocked? As I stated above, "Just trying to educate the public and increase awareness really. " AND , "The real outcome of these threads for me isn't necessarily dependent on positive feedback from others though. Its just more to heighten public awareness and educate people about Freestyle Fashion. "

As far as talking to women in the real life, of course! Usually whenever the opportunity presents itself I talk about heels.

Perhaps the online forum venue is just practice for bigger and better things down the road though? Can't wait to get a professional editorial done of men in heels. That will be cool for sure.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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I checked out Kneehighs thread at the Glamour Magazine forum. Great job, Kneehighs!

Then I decided to post my own opinion. Here is what I wrote:

Some chicks like to have it both ways. They can wear any styles of clothes, jewelry, or shoes that they want, whether the style originated as a masculine or a feminine fashion. Woe be unto them, though, who criticize this female choice.

I'm a guy who is a recent convert to fashion freestyling, in Minnesota of all places. I will try any fashion style that captures my fancy, if I like the look. Some things are easier to pull off and others are more controversial.

sunshine76 protested that heels are a short guy thing. She wrote: "Are you sure this wasn't just started by some guy that was insecure about being short?"

Well, jeez Louse, Sunshine, not all guys are blessed with six foot frames. And it is the gals who always seem to want a tall man. In the true American tradition of self-improvement, I wear boots with 4" heels, so I can stand taller and see eye to eye with chicks in their own heels.

Nice leather high heeled boots on me, are a look I enjoy, even stilettos. Not everyone else appreciates it, but that goes for just about any fashion choice. I took the trouble to learn to walk and to dance in heels, and I am having fun with my choice.

Some women dig this look, and others are aghast. I can live with that. My woman thinks it is sexy, and so do many others.

As for now, I am, Taller in Minnesota.

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Sscotty727 and Magickman said it the best about this subject. That glamour forum i'm just laughing my ass off because they are lemmings/drones, no mind of their own, gotta conform. Its great to be a member of this board because at least we do not conform to any social "norms" and act on our free will. I could care less over in the other fashion forums about their new outfit or new style of sweater or whatever.. they all look the same to me. I like what Magickman said about enjoying the nice leather boots because its they look and feel good on himself - and thats what counts! Good on ya! If you portray the confidence and the "don't give a sh!t" attitude, others will respect that. I'm a member on other internet forums and some of them i don't bother going on because they all think the same, they all conform, or they gang up and put you down .. pretty much i'm just in the car forums and nothing else (excpet this of course!). All the others i think are the superficial ones that has nothing better to do and possibly compensating for something. And what many of you have said, I do agree that in real life, the real independant thinking woman has more of an open mind to accept the men in heels. So far 5 women (incl. my wife) knows about my wearing womens heels and they all think its pretty cool. At first they were stunned because it was different but they thought about it and they think its totally cool, and I have myself shoe-shopping friends! 2 of my guy friends know about it and they don't really care, they're cool about it, it doesn't change anything about me, i'm still the beer drinking, hockey loving, computer nerd, grease monkey, action junkie, military wheelman, movie nut ... that enjoys wearing womens shoes from time to time!

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Magickman thanks for taking the time to post over there. I like your writing style. Its full of flavor and spice. They seem to be pretty open minded to me over there actually.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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I actually found that "mommy" comment to be a bit wierd and untastefull myself.....its one of those things that you could make work if you were speaking and really emphasized your words properly, but when merely typed out....did come off as a little strange.... For the most part I was impressed with the quick turnaround of the members of that board.....with a little reasoning and gentle explanation I can usually shut down most people in an arguement, this included. :D

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Well, that's one of the cases where I put my foot in my mouth, thats for sure.

Either way, I did apologize to her and explain what I meant by the "mommy" reference. But instead of accepting my apology, she dragged it out more. I wasn't there to get their "permission", as the "mommy" word was an allusion to a grade student getting a permission slip for a field trip. Alas, it was late and I wasn't thinking clearly so that metaphorical reference wasn't articulated specifically.

It won't happen again thats for sure.

I think all of us that were there helped: Magickman, terayon, and me.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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