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Has anyone noticed an increase in their ability to wear heels and/or comfort after losing a significant amount of weight? I'm hoping to lose about 60lbs over the next year to put myself at a healthy 200lbs and it makes sense that with less weight on the feet one would be more comfortable?

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At present, I check in at 215 and have gone as long as six straight hours in four inchers. I plan on losing around 15 pounds so I'll present a sleeker profile! ;)

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Of course loosing some weight will increase the time you can keep standed on high heels. I had this experience and some girls I know have said something about it too. But let's talk about physics: it's all a matter of pressure. P=W/A^2 (pressure is directly proportional to the weight and inversely proportional to the square of the area) When wearing high heels your weight will be concentrated in the balls of your feet, that has a reduced area related to the hole foot plant. This reduction will square increase the pressure related to the area reduction. That way, any small lose of weight will help to reduce the pressure (that is what you feel) and help you to stay more time stand on high heels. Of course it all depends on the person, feet shape, shoe quality, etc... Heels for all! Flavio.

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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Dawn HH, this is what happens when you study 5 years to be an engineer and spend other 5 years working like one... all in life turns into a matter of physics ;) Heels for all! Flavio.

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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Tom-NL is right: P=W/A My mistake, I was thinking in another formula when explaining, sorry to everybody!!! Thanks Tom! Of course this doesn't change the fact that if you are lightweight you'll fell more confortable in high heels, since the contact area is very reduced when wearing them. Heels for all! Flavio.

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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