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Valentines Day shoes/boots


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This is a pair of boots found on sale last winter. The sales gal at the store knew they were for me, and she was very helpful. I did not try them on at the store.

The label says inside the boots are made of real leather and man-made leather. I think the red is the real leather. There are hearts cut out of the black leather and the red shows through on the outside of the boot shank. (With jeans no one sees it) Heel is 4" with a 3/4" platform. The are quite comfortable and easy to walk in. The sole has little hearts on it so you leave a heart track in the snow or on the sidewalk after you walk thru a puddle. The guys behind you see the hearts and think "Now there is a straight upstanding guy who is OK with who he is and open minded enough to wear women's boots" - yeah right!!

http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-2/951853/bootscomp.jpg to view the boots.

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In the spirit of Valentine's Day, I'll wear these at the office on Monday:

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They're my Ros Hommerson "Ingra" pumps. Mondo cool pumps if I do say so myself! Pairing them with a bright red shirt and black dress pants, it should make for quite a charming sight!


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Hmm! Nice selection, Jeff. I've always liked that style even though the heels aren't 5" high. :P Now, it's time to select a style for next year. these would be a good start:

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(Although this pair isn't your size--- it's mine and I've already got an identical pair.) :P

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Hmm! Nice selection, Jeff. I've always liked that style even though the heels aren't 5" high. :D Now, it's time to select a style for next year. these would be a good start:

Posted Image

(Although this pair isn't your size--- it's mine and I've already got an identical pair.) :P

Very nice. Very nice indeed! What brand are those? Anyhoo, there's always the 4211's from Sexy Shoes. Those are five inchers, and I've already started buying them. I can always get a pair in red for next year! :P

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Thanks for your kind words, Dawn! :P I've found that wearing red shoes gives me an incredible rush, like I'm pushing the envelope to the limit, perhaps even beyond it because nothing calls attention to a person that a bright color like red. But I enjoy it greatly and always have fun when I wear my red pumps, like I will today! :P

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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How was it? Fun as usual! One co-worker said she wasn't surprised to see me wearing my red shoes on Valentine's Day and admired my sense of style.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Jeff B, I hate to rain on your parade, but have you ever thought that your employer endures your high heel wearing to keep you in your place without giving you any other type of advancement, pay increase, or additional job responsibilities. Employers like employees who happily come to work everyday do their job and go home, and take what pay is given them. By wearing red shoes and being "just one of the girls", you may be sealing your fate to be that forever. The difference is that women wearing red shoes can advance in the company and interface with customers, travel, etc. You (or I ) being male wearing red shoes are somewhat of an embarrassment, and are kept in the back room where no one can see you as long as you put out the work. What an easy benefit - let him wear red shoes, then we don't have to offer him a paid vacation, insurance, advancement, more pay, (fill in the blank). Just a thought. I am self employed, and wear what shoes I want most days. When a client comes through the door, I hide my heels under my desk and slip into a pair of penny loafers. I think impressions go a long way in business. We at this site see high heel wearing as normal - I do. But to other people it is still pretty bizzare, and I am sure most people think the worst when they see a guy in women's shoes. When your are trying to sell something (yourself or a product), you can't let your attire detract from the business. Business is always selling. Even if you are clerk, you can be the best clerk in the company, and be "for sale" when a better job comes up. Best to dress the norm, boring as it is. Blackslide

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While what you say is true in most cases, blackslide, in Jeff's case he is a civil servant working in a personnel office. Thus he is "protected" from discrimination in a lot of ways that those of us that are self-employed aren't. For further insight into Jeff's position, you might want to scroll back through some of Jeff's earlier posts to get full flavor of his situation.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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This was not meant as an attack - just a thought. My hat's off to Jeff. There is no way I could imagine getting out of my car wearing high heel pumps with nylons and walking into a public building to go to work. Guts. I have tried nylons and pumps, and while I like what I see on my feet, I don't think the world is ready to see a 6'1" 210 lb bald guy in his mid 50's wearing Ginger Roger's shoes. I would think nothing of wearing 3" chunky heeled black boots in the same situation. Must be where my head is at. Maybe it is because boots are something that women stole from men, and pumps have been in the womans domain for many years. I also live in the same town as the Marlboro man- gotta keep that in mind.

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I always give much credit to JeffB for his taste and his employer's attitude towards him wearing heels in the office. He does his choices tastefully, and he creates a fun, positive atmosphere around his co-workers, which I would say makes a more light-hearted fun time in the workplace. I found out that I was not so lucky in that regard where I used to work in Denver. Although nothing was said in front of my face, I found out after the fact that some of the supervisors were making faces and saying things behind my back, which I believe led to me not working there anymore, even though they say there were other reasons. I can't go into great detail over this, but needless to say, I'm not the only one that has been targeted at this particular place over needless things just to get them out the door. I applaud JeffB for being able to do as he likes and has succeeded in integrating heels into his everyday life with laser precision. Cheers! SQ (btw....I'm in a better place now, more money, and I'm much happier than when I was there) :P

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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Hello! To backslide, I'm employed in the Federal sector so, like Bubba said, I'm protected from discrimination. The most important consideration is the quality of my daily work, as long as I produce, and I do produce, no one worries over what I choose to wear on my feet. It also helps that I'm a loyal and dependable worker, and well liked by co-workers. Nowadays, my co-workers rarely pay much, if any attention to the shoes I wear since they're all well used to my wearing heels. The only time they do is when I show up in something new, and that's becoming more frequent as I stock up on pumps from Sexy Shoes! As I've said previously, I'm very, VERY lucky to be in the sort of situation I'm in. And I'm enjoying every minute.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Are you still wearing your heels to work on your present job as you did in Denver? Cheers---

Dawn HH

Noo...sadly, this is not as tolerant of an outside atmosphere as Denver was (except the job...little did I know then). Unfortunately there are not a lot of employers who look fondly upon guys wearing heels to work, so alas I am relegated to my "away-from-work" activities, but at least I still get some enjoyment out of them. I still love seeing the cobbler's face when I bring in my favorite 4" knee-high boots to have the heels re-done on them....totally precious! :P

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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Hello to Jeff B. Sounds like you are in an envious position. How do men react to your shoe choices? Are they as receptive as women? I was surprised at shoe stores lately. When I bought a pair of very pointy and very stilletto heeled purple boots, I started a converstation with the sales gal. (Remember, this is cowboy country - pretty conservative) She told me she had a pair in red just like them and began telling me how comfortable they were to wear. Then she complimented my finger nails - just kept clean and about 1/8" long. I had complimented her on her toenails and sandals and wondered if she got cold wearing them in 30 degree temperature. The point of this is she seemed to treat me like "just one of the girls" or she did not think anything unusual about a guy buying stilletto heeled boots. Maybe we are making some progress!

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Hello to Jeff B.

Sounds like you are in an envious position. How do men react to your shoe choices? Are they as receptive as women?

Well, none of the few men who work at our complex have ever said anything to me about the shoes I wear, and I've been doing it for some three years now. I guess they either don't know how to approach me about the subject or simply choose not to. Since the ratio of women to men is roughly 9 to 1, it's really no big deal what guys think. It's more fun to get compliments from the gals anyway!


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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  • 8 months later...

I had a pair of mid calf black pleather boots with a 3 inch heels. I love to wear them. They felt great. I wore them with boot cut male jeans. I would wear them to my storage unit to get stuff. I wore them to two different stores and that was fun. Here is my dilenma. My girlfriend and future wife who I am marrying soon freak out when I told her that I owned a pair of boots and would wear them. She kind of likes to wear them, but she says it is not really her. I thinks that she looks great in them. I am trying to get her to step outside the box and have fun with fashion. The boots that I did have I got rid of because it freaked her out.

This is a question for all married men who have conservative wifes. How do they handle your boot fetish. I would really like my wife to be more understanding. I want her to understand that it is a part of me. I love the feel of boots. I do not have to wear them out in public. I just want to be able to wear and occasionally to bed for fun. What do I do. I would greatly appreciate any and all input on this topic. How do I handle. I want to be able to buy more boots as time goes on. Please email me at keonimana28@yahoo.com. Thank you

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