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What I bought in the sales...


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I've just bought a lovely pair of pink, glittery pointed-toe stilleto heeled, ankle strap shoes in the sales! I haven't been able to try them on yet, as I'm at work, and I'll have to wait until my Boss goes out at lunch. I can't wait! I've got butterflys in my stomach! I just wish that the shoes had a higher heel - they're only 3.5". I'd like a 4.5 to 5" heel, but you can't get heels like that in my town! Anyone bought any really sexy shoes in the sales? Pictures would be great. Sorry I can't post a picture myself - old computer! Looking forward to your replies!

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Hi MikeyGee, where are you in the world that you cant get a pair of hi enough heels, I would hate to go there. did you get a chance to pop the on when your boss went out? did they fit okay? what shop did you get them in? all these are things we need to know. have fun. Nigel

The angels have the phonebox.

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Well, I'm in a town renowned for its very elderly population (average age around 70!) - not the type of people to want many pairs of 5" metal heeled stilletos with ankle cuffs! Dammit! Not even an Ann Summers here. The only Sex Shop was forced to close down about 15 years ago! I'm restricted to buying shoes around here 'cos my wife doesn't approve of my passion for women's shoes. She doesn't even wear heels herself. So I have to buy when I'm at work, and wear them here too. Lucky I'm on my own a lot! Can't think my boss would be too impressed to come in to find me wearing a demin miniskirt, halterneck top and stillettos! I finally got to wear the shoes for half an hour at lunch - and they fit beautifully! They look absolutely gorgeous on, too. Very pretty and flattering! Very comfy, too. Only wish I could wear them all day! I got them really cheap, from 'Shoe Zone'. Not exactly Jimmy Choo, but they're as good as I can afford! I've now got a picture of me wearing them, but I don't know how to post it!

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Posting a picture seems to be a bit of a battle of late what with 'our own' server being closed and image host not taking any more pics. They have however provided a list of some other places that can do it for you, follow their instructions, copy and paste the url they give you into your next post. if you are struggling, then email me the pic and I will do it for you. By the way I think you are somewhere like Sidmouth or Torquay? it has to be somewhere here in Blighty as the shoe shop is Shoe Zone. Nigel

The angels have the phonebox.

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I went to Torquay last year. They had quite a few shoe shops I remember.

TK Maxx was stacked out with stuff, as well as a couple of nice shops in the main street going up the hill.

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Finally getting a chance to wear these new shoes for a while. The boss is out today, and I'm sitting here wearing the new pink glittery shoes, a pleated denim miniskirt, halter top and sparkly thong! (Shoes fit fantastically well - could have been made for me!) Just hope the postman doesn't want to deliver any parcels! That would shock him!! I'm bloody freezing, though!! Feels great to be wearing comfortable clothes for once, though, instead of chunky boots, Jeans and shirts. I'll look into the posting pictures thing and try to get one or two up here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very cute outfit, me myself i would have put on pink goucho pants and a black halter but yours is still very very cute. I have to admit i am kind of a slut when it comes to dressing and that skirt is still a little long for me but once again VERY CUTE OUTFIT AND OH YEAH THE SHOES ARE FABULOUS. :)

I hope that my wife asks me if i'm giong to wear those 4 inch leg wrap sandals that i bought from NIKE. Just a wish for the men in the world like us.

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By the way, looking at your pic again, have you tried pencil skirts, i think they would look better on you instead of ruffled skirts, I think pencil will accentuate your lines. just a suggestion, your choice of course.

I hope that my wife asks me if i'm giong to wear those 4 inch leg wrap sandals that i bought from NIKE. Just a wish for the men in the world like us.

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Thank you for all your very kind comments. I hope to get some more pics up here soon, as soon as the boss goes on holiday! Yay! Two weeks of being able to dress like a slut! Incidentally, this is the first time, ever, that anyone has commented on my 'figure'. Thank you enormously for that!!

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I am more intrigue by MickeyGee's job. What manner of work do you do that allows you the freedom to dreess up when your boss is out of the office? You and your boss must be the only people ever in attendance in the office?? And, if you worked in a service industry and dealt one on one with the general public, I doubt you would ever appear in women's clothing. What's the story, anyway???

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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