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Hi ppl, I've been stumbling on a high heels site by accident i think. I was browsing google images while chatting with a woman about high heels, one of my passions in life, and i clicked on this very sensual office babe pic and there I saw it . Suddenly I was no longer alone. I saw women being proud of wearing heels and exchanging info about how they feel and why they want to wear this skirt or that pair of heels during the day. Finally I found a sign that I wasn't alone on the world with this. Then I posted in the message board and someone brought me here so here i am ! From very early on I started associating a woman on heels with a fairy, an elevated (yeah form of life, a princess. To hear her walk is to accept her announcement that she's beautiful, proud , sexy, respected, feminine, classy, and that increases with every click she makes with her heel. I wondered if i'd gone mad somehow because when you tell that to every day women they are sometimes very surprised and wonder if you'd be better off seeking a psychiatriest and ironically enough, if you don't know a companion who can somehow relate to you: a psychiatrist is the only one helping you with that kind of stuff :o Some close friends should declare me insane. What am I thinking, a skirt with a back slit is alive ? heels make music they talk ? you are insane :P" But now I can place the fantasy and I like it as much as any other passion. I might be the odd duck here ? Is this forum intended for males that actually like to wear those heels themselves ? I must say I lack that desire in my heels passion. I own a few pairs but it's mostly for praise and I actually expect a woman to walk in them :)... I've a cool stereo mic and oneof these days i'd like to record all kind of girls walking, playful heels, classy heels , metal stiletto heels, different floors , Heels are a sharm to see visually but I'm as much as thrilled with how they sound. It's an incredible experiene, it actually has a language of telling how that woman feels. Not only can you derrive stress and tension from it, but also peace , security, moods.. well this is enough for a first post i guess.. heels n skirts are an entire world on its on:) UPDATE: lolz, this ranking system here is evil, but motivating :oops:

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Welcome to the site. Don’t worry about being “the odd duck”, we all fit into that category.

If your going to buy heels anyway, why not get a pair that fit you. If you find the sound of heels a form of communication, join in the conversation. There might be a lot to be learned by “standing in the other persons shoes”.


I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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hehe, am i lucky :).. wheres the conversation on high heels sounds (ofcourse a dream coming tru would be recording females with heels myself but just talking aobut it is good enough for now :o .. and tx for a cool forum like this :D also: yes i could wear them but then I really have to get out my transvestite qualities and feel like a woman, for myself i can't unify the properties and thoughts that heels give me with the male body and spirit, maybe that's some thing that is limiting . WHen I would walk on heels it would be to split myself in 2 and think that i'm a woman feeling the sensation :oops:

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here yes, but if you here from people who call themselves "broadminded" that you are gay or something.. hmm.

anyway, I think i've scavenged enough info here and i saw some beautiful heels on www.extravaganza.be i'm going to buy a new outfit for my gf (shes kinda into it but i still need to teach her to respond actively to the wealth of fantasies).. wish i could record some sounds of her walking on several stuff :)

I anow have an actual broader motivation :o


does anyone know a good site for those very classy long skirts with a large slit in the back ? also might be a bit interested in the more gothic style, (very long and tight)

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Welcome to the forum! Actually, there's quite a few of us here that wear heels with male attire and anything to do with TVism or feeling like women is not involved. If you consider heels as just another piece of fashion wear, then it's only current soceity associating them with women which may channel people to think solely of some TV type aspect. In the end, they're footwear, and what you do or think while wearing them, is up to the individual in question not some preconceived notion by society in general. Admittedly, some people find it difficult to get their heads round this because they have been conditoned to think a certain way for a long time and it requires a sidestep to break out of that loop. I'm not saying you're like that though, as you indicated they could mean something different for you personally, which is fair enough. I suppose but depends what type of heels too; there are ones with more rugged styles. I'm sure many people who have neutral feelings which could mean they can use them in many ways. Just another view on the subject :)

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well yeah, i realise I might seem "strict" in this way that I personally connect that type of heels for women ? arn't they also streamlined for women feet ? Don't want to debate as I can surely understand and apreciating those who got to the next level of thinking and think heels should be universal wear :)... could males also wear a nice tight skirt then ? yes, my thinking of the sexes is "abstract" in such a way that if i would be wanting to wear a skirt or something, i could very well be gay. But well at the other end of the spectrum, people call "me" gay because I have such insights on what heels mean to me so , I think i'm a bit drifting in the middle (hence my odd duck declaration from the first post)... I don't look to heels as "a fasion statement" in the sence that when the masses say heels are out, i still think they're in because they look timeless and raise above other blocky wear. They excell in grace and streamlined forms..

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Whether it is streamlined to the foot depends on the cut of the shoe not only the heel. I suppose many people have a vision of heels as high and thin with narrow pointy toes. I wouldn't disabuse them of that notion but there are many forms to delight the imagination :) I also use the word fashion in its broader sense to mean an item (of wear) which can be used to mould one's image, rather than the meaning which indicates what the trend setters happen to think is in or out that particular week. In our view of this concept, I think we both agree!

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Mantorok:-) Welcome to the forum which includes both male and female people of all walks of life that have various interests in the high heeled shoe and boot. Keep reading and posting and I'm sure you will find your niche here on the board. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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