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Hello everyone. I have been reading this board for over a year. Everyone seems nice and helpful in their posts. I'm not even sure why it took so long for me to make my first post. On to my topic: I watched a discovery channel program about twins, trying to find the pair that was the most identical. I got to thinking about twins that were separated at birth and how much they are alike when they reunite years later. I wonder if there has ever been a case like this where both twins were into high heels without the other twin knowing. I mean, is this a genetic thing, or is it "enviornmental circumstances" (obsession for high heels)? Just a curious thought, should provide for some thoughtful commentary. LA Woman


Hi .... BTW has the track 'LA woman' by the Doors any significance ? I think genetics has some effect on predisposition to heely interest .... my father was always on at my mother to wear higher heels. As to wearing them himself, the 50s was waaaaay too repressed for him to even countenance this. Xa


Welome LA Woman! I think it's more nurture than nature. If you grow up in an environment where people are wearing them then you may well develop an interest.


Hi! Welcome LA Woman. I strongly believe in inborn preference, at least for some. If it was a nurture thing, one could develop a taste for any type of footwear, dependant of what he or she is exposed to. Heel preferation seems to be independant of that. Many people who are into heels acquired that taste when they were young children, in some cases as young as 5 years old. I don't think they're being influenced by peers or adults, yet heel preference is remarkably distinctive. On the other hand, this view might reflect my personal experience too much.


There's no way the infant brain can be pre-programmed to favour high heels - they're a human invention that have not been around long enough for natural selection to have weeded out the non-heel-appreciating specimens.

However, I do find it curious that most people (although I haven't performed a survey) see high heels as a pleasant thing to look at - even though they might not see the heels themselves but their overall effect on the shape of the leg.

It's my theory that our brains have developed to favour a certain look - a look which indicates that the individual in question is healthy and will give birth to healthy offspring. Perhaps a longer, toned leg subconsciously indicates that its owner would be a faster runner and therefore be better at hunting or escaping from predators.

I believe that high heels make the leg look longer, or perhaps closer to some unknown ideal. Consequently, those with longer legs automatically are more attractive to most of us. However, some of us have a real thing for high heels, and that could be due to a combination of an individual's stronger emphasis on long legs, with a quirk in the fact that we as humans reason differently from other animals. It's a quirk of our own sentience. :sleeping:

Now in english:

Some of us like longer legs than others due to the way our brains are wired from birth. Those of us with a highly developed sense of aesthetics and good imaginations, and who also have an innate preference for longer legs are in my opinion bound to end up liking heels. A lot. And then there are those of us who like heels a lot more than average, and these are the people who visit www.hhplace.org

You can send my Nobel Prize in the post in the form of a pair of those fantastic Diesel Cuzca shoes which you may see to your left. :-?


Yeah, what he said. The 'natural' attraction for high heels comes from the way they cause the shape of the leg to change and how they alter the way the body moves, not quite sure where the natural selection part comes in although I'd also agree with Allyx that it probably indicates a faster runner, hunter, etc. Anything else is learnt, whether you can name the learning event or whether it was subconscious. I believe cultural influences also play a part; for example, in China feet are (or were) seen as much more erotic than they are in Western cultures, but if this was an inbuilt human attraction then all humans should have it.

If you are too open-minded your brains will fall out.


Welcome to the board LA Woman. Really good question this. Wasnt there a book and movie made about 7 Hitlers that were cloned from the man himself in South America some where. There story followed the 7 boy's lives as they were brought up under varying conditions. If I remember right they all turned out the same way, like the origional. Identical twins, where a fertilised ova splits in two, though are not the same as clones. There are many cases of identical twins having different personatities. From that I would think it has every thing to do with nurturing and not nature that determines just how much we like high heels. But if that is correct then some one like Stormie or any one who doesnt have a thing for heels could just say she is going to wear high heels every day for the next two years getting higher every couple of months or so and she could well end up loving the look and feel of high heels. Jeff


Thanks for the kind words of welcome. In response to xaphod: I like the song LA woman, but I am not a big fan of the Doors. It is a name that is more of a reference of where I live. BTW I don't live in Los Angeles! LA Woman


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It may be possible to tell from this that the blonder taller one with the more wavy hair (never could work out which one that was) prefers higher heels although neither of them appear very natural in heels.

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They're identical twins, child/teenage film stars etc. One is calld Mary-Kate the other is called Ashley. Don't ask me which is which! Not really of much interest until they got old enough to wear heels. Then in the publicity shots you can see one has a liking for higher heels than the other. Or that's what it appears. If anyone else has some more Olsen twin pics, please feel free to speculate.


Neither of them appears to be comfortable when standing to me. Have a look at their posture, not like we have seen on other heel wearers. My guess is they are wearing them because it is fashionable and not because they love wearing high heels like our girls do. Jeff


I think they just turned 18 and are (finally) grown up (or, think they are). By the way, they're worth a kings fortune.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

  Firefox said:

They're identical twins, child/teenage film stars etc. .

Actually, they are fraternal twins, not identical.

Proudly standing in my patent High Heels


Hjt101 is correct, they are fraternal not identical twins. They have just hit it lucky in life's lottery and are gazillionaires at age eighteen and can afford to buy and wear anything they darn well please. They also have their own line of clothing out. Moneywise, they could never spend in a lifetme what they are worth. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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