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wearing heels in public

Donna Marie

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hiya guys im Donna i started out just wearing heels but wasnt ver enough for me.I was married my wife (then) knew i liked to wear heels and dress some.I like thigh high boots mostly!For those guys that havent gone out public in hels i say *just do it* (nike!!) Its a thrill..rush!Now that i live as a female i can wear any boots i want to.Just wanted to say wear yur heels XOXOXOX donna :D

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Yes, just do it. That is very good advice Donna! Actually, as a male you can also wear any boots you want to in male guise. Society is very tolerant nowadays, at least in the UK. By the way,you need to do something about your avatar. Resize it 100x150 max as it distorts the threads. Have a go at sorting it out. If you can't, I will help you with it.

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Donna Marie:-) Your right about thigh-high boots being great as there is nothing like them. I especially like how they feel on my legs and feet. How does your wife like the fact that you are living 24/7 as a girl. Is she for it or against it. Asdf174:-) It's great that you are wearing your heels outside more these days. This can boost your moral and give you more confidence to continue wearing your heels in public. Any stories that you can tell us all about it? Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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I have worn heels in public for many years, mostly boots, but I am getting bolder the longer I do it. Yes, just do it is a very good slogan. Lately I have been wearing baby doll style shoes in public with no adverse reaction. In cooler weather, I like to wear my knee, or thigh high boots with 4" spike heels. High heels forever ward

High heels forever, ward

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Ward:-) Go to it, Ward. Wear those heels out in public as much as you can. We all need the public to see us men in heels as often as is possible. The tide may be turning in our favor ever-so-slowly, but I feel that it IS turning never-the-less. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Not sure if I fully understand the second part of the question, but here goes: If it was a smaller town, say pop. 10,000? It's generally a conservative town along the Bible Belt (I'm generalizing ignorantly here) and everyone knows everyone with generations living there. Got a good image yet? I think when you say street-heel you're referring to women style heels like pumps...etc. I personally wouldn't street-heel in a town like that, simply for the fact that people would generally be too conservative. If I was single, then I wouldn't care too much. If I had a wife and kids, then I would do it for the sake of them. I don't think we would be invited to many social gatherings. If a family makes friends with us, I'm sure their friends would question them as well as question our family values and morals. Our kids would get picked on at school and probably have few friends, after all everyone knows everyone and rumors and gossip would spread quickly. So in a town like that, I don't think they are ready to see men walking around in heels, especially if you have to do business like local insurance sales. But again, if I was single, I wouldn't care. Now talk about a large city and I don't think many people would bat an eye as all kinds of people come to the city. It's a melting pot of sub-cultures. It's just my general thoughts.

Yes, it's beautiful isn't it?

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FlipFlop KlipKlop:-) What I was saying is basically what you said. The town that you live in and the part of the country that you live in determines how and what you would wear when you are street-heeling or not street-heeling. Only I think that you expressed it better than I did. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Yes, it helos that i live in a large metro area, so I am not as afraid to wear my heels in public. If I were living in a small town pop 500 or less I would probably be content to wear them at home only. Having lived in small rural communities before, there are things that one can't do there with out the fear of being excluded from the community. When one owns or has a hand in all the buisnesses in town, one controls the public opinions of the residents. So I am happy living where i am, I can be who I am with out fear. If any one lives in a a small community, the best thing to do is take a mini vacation to a larger metro area, rent a room or stay with friends, and have a ball. By all means be yourself, even if you have to watch your back doing it. High heels for ever, ward

High heels forever, ward

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FlipFlop KlipKlop:-)

I believe that you may be right. Where in the country that you live would change the rules under which you would street-heel. Cheers---

Dawn HH

LOL. Dawn, after reading this again, I initially thought you were asking a question, instead of making an affirmative comment.

Donna's avatar is still huge. She's done a good job with herself. From that shot, I couldn't tell that she was formally a man.

Yes, it's beautiful isn't it?

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Donna, I love those boots. I wish that I had a pair like them, don't worry, I'll get some as soon as I get a few things paid off. I wish that I was there with you so that I could shine them up for you. High heels forever, ward

High heels forever, ward

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