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When did it all start....


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Just curious how everyone started wearing heels and when... Anyway, for myself, it was when I was 12. My Mom kept wanting to buy me sandals for the spring and summer, but I refused whenever I could. On one hot day, she simply asked me to come into the kitchen. I thought we were going to have lunch and it was about that time anyway. I could smell that lunch was nearly ready. She smiled at me and asked me to sit down at the kitchen table... on the chair that was facing her. She said that it was hot and she understood that I did not want to wear shoes... but if I did not want to wear shoes, then perhaps a nice cool pair of sandals. She said she had thought about it sometime already and discussed it once with Dad. He didn't care either way, just as long as I don't wear dresses. So... she produced a pair of her sandals and laid them in front of me. Well I was a bit shaken. She said: c'mon go ahead. At least you could try one on. She decided to help out and slid my foot into the sandal smoothly and firmly buckled up the sandal (it was a 3.5 inch) in burgundy red/brown. She asked me about how the sandal felt... and I said: strange and weird. She said that was normal and proceeded to slide the other sandal on my other foot and hurriedly buckled and checked both sandals. She then said: OK now stand up and let's have a look at you walking in them. I took a few cautious steps and she said that I would definitely need practice. She said that they were mine to keep and that she wanted to see me wear them at least an hour a day or so. She mentioned that if I were good, we would go shopping for some new sandals for me and that they would be more from the feminin side, since I had pretty feminin type feet. I thought it was a little unfair that mom never bothered my brother about it, who teased me a lot about it. But in the end, I did not really have a choice and wore them more or less willingly. The girl next door (became a friend) wanted to trade with me and give me heels of hers whenever I wanted.... So that's how I got started..... Feedback time....... cordially, Raphaël

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I'm not very clear on why your mother wanted you to wear her high heeled sandals? Had you shown some interest in them or worn them when she wasn't around before? Did she happen to catch you wearing them one day? Just curious. I have been wearing girls shoes as long as I can remember. I got my first pair of my own high heels when I was 12, too. And, I've been wearing heels every since.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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I'm not very clear on why your mother wanted you to wear her high heeled sandals? Had you shown some interest in them or worn them when she wasn't around before? Did she happen to catch you wearing them one day?

Just curious.

I have been wearing girls shoes as long as I can remember. I got my first pair of my own high heels when I was 12, too. And, I've been wearing heels every since.

Well, actually, she had me wear sandals a lot and first always girls sandals that looked cuter on me and there were many more colors and styles.

You are right... I was curious and I think she thought it would be nice if I tried on both of the high heeled sandals that I was looking at in her closet...

YUP... exactly as you said. She was pretty insistant though that I should go on wearing high heels....

Which after a while was kind of OK by me....


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Cool story! Wish my Mum had that mindset! When I was about 5 or so, my mum came home with a new pair of spiked heel knee boots in a burgundy colour (I think). They were zip up and had a 4" heel. Her friend asked to try them on so her daughter who was 4 going on 13 insisted that she try them too so not to be outdone I had to too. I have enjoyed the tactile sensation of heels ever since. Years later (I was about 13) we were living in Tel-Aviv and I saw a man meeting some friends with purple stilleto knee boots with the legs of his jeans rolled up to show them off. I desperately wanted a pair but my mother told me not to be silly! From then on though, I would try hers on whenever I could until I outgrew them by the age of about 15 or so (She has size UK7 feet so I was still able to get into her boots until comparatively late). As soon as I left home I started to collect boots and heels and have been a lover of these ever since.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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I was also about 12 when I first tried on my cousins shoes. My parents thought that flourescent coloured socks were the height of fashion then, and had packed me off to my aunts for a weekend with a pair of dayglo pink socks (they were mens/boys socks btw). My uncle saw them and was ribbing me that maybe I should be wearing my cousins heeled shoes, and she bought them in and put them on me for a joke, well I don't need to tell anyone here of the feeling you get and thats the buzz I got. Those shoes had a very low kitten heel, but my aunt had stilettos, so left alone for an hour I had to try them, didn't I? As well as wedge heeled mules, and all her other styles but the stilettos well, Aren't stilettos fun? So despite trying I have never been able to give up that feeling I get when I wear womens shoes, and I'm sure you all know that feeling too.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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I can't really remember when it started for me. It was when I was about 11 or 12 and I started wearing my moms shoes then I bought my first pair when I was 14.... I think.... as I said I can't remember really. Then I would go through phases where I would buy heels and then be like "what am I doing" and then throw them away, my mom threw away a few of my fav pairs. All the way up untill last april when I finaly aceppted to myself that I like to wear high heels and I celebrated by buying a pair a fusicia 6 inch pumps. Haven't turned back since.

It's all good. ~Arron.

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I'd been sneaking into my mum's bedroom and trying on her shoes since I was little. She had a lot of high heeled shoes and boots, and I loved wearing them. She only wears a size 5.5 to 6 (UK) though, so I outgrew them when I was getting into my teens although she had a old pair of boots that I could still squeeze into. Fortunately we used to visit one of my aunts on a regular basis who had larger feet. Her and my mum would often go shopping and leave me alone for a couple of hours. She too had many pairs of heels, and hers fit me. I used to love spending that time trying on her heels and choosing a pair to wear for an hour or so. Chris

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First couple of times was during the winter, when I was in fourth grade, and involved wearing my mom's Italian winter boots (2-3/4 in heel) around the house on occassion. At size 8-1/2s, they were a bit large, but they were very narrow, so they fit reasonably well with a thick pair of socks. The first time I wore them, it was a novelty with my family, and I even took out the garbage while wearing them, but both mom and dad were concerned when I wanted to wear them the second time. On the third time, they both said no. When our neighbors' went on a two-week vacation and asked me to feed their fish and keep the tank clean, I'd go over, slip on her heels (size 5, perfect fit), and wear them until I was done (about ten minutes). It was a short, passing phase, and did nothing with it until later, in seventh grade, when my mom was working (high school teacher) and my older brother was in high school. I had almost two hours to myself before my brother came home. I usually just did my chores and went out to play with my friends, but about three weeks into the school year I got curious and started rummaging through my mom and dad's closet to see what was there. While searching I found my dad's guns (handgun and shotgun) along with some ammo. I knew that was off-limited, even though I'd shot both many times before, and knew how to safely handle a weapon. While climbing off the chair, I glanced at the heels on my mom's shoe rack, and remembering when I'd tried on those boots a lot time before, I wondered what it was like to try on other types of women's shoes, so I donned a pair of lace-up oxfords with a three-inch block heel. I found them to be a touch loose, but very comfortable with socks. For the rest of the school year, I'd come home, put on a pair of her heels, usually those or another pair that didn't look too "girly," do my chores, then take them off and go outside to play. I really didn't think anything of it, but knew from my earlier experience with the boots that my parents wouldn't approve, nor my brother understand. As my feet grew throughout that year, none of her shoes fit comfortably by mid-Spring, and I simply shrugged, and let it go, totally outgrewing it until one Halloween while in college, when I lost a bet with my girlfriend, and her "winnings" were that I had to let her dress me up as a hot chick. I had quite long, flowing hair, and due to a hormonal problem growing up, it was as if I never went through puberty, so my physique was pretty much the same as any woman's, except I had smaller hips and no breasts. But I had didn't have a guy's barrel chest, either - mine was (and still is) as narrow around the ribcage as any woman of my height. My girlfriend knew how to dress, as well as do makeup. We were the same height, so her things, including her heels fit me, although her hips were about 3 inches larger in circumference than mine. She made up for that by buying a four-pad panty from Fredericks. We used 1-gal thin-walled food storage bags filled with about 8 oz of water to fill my bra, but they made too much crinkling noise with the water, so we tried it again, using a bottle and a half of Suave shampoo, which worked fine and was very quiet, easily molding to the contours of her bra. I already wore my nails long, about 1/16 of an inch past my fingertips, but filed in a semi-circle countour with my fingertip. She told me that as part of the bargain I would have to let those grow, too, and since I had eight weeks left until Halloween, they grew another 1/8 of an inch, for a total of 3/16's of an inch - long enough, after she countoured them, to look exactly like a woman's fingernails. The only problem is, she also said I had to shave my legs, which I didn't want to do, as I was constantly playing soccer. But she insisted, and since it was only intermurals, she suggested I just wear sweats until the hair grew back. The hardest thing about all this were the heels she wanted me to wear - four inches! She bought them about three weeks early. Even she had a hard time with them, but she said I ought to practice, so I did, even though I could hardly walk in them at all. But they were leather strappy sandals, very well made, with good cushion along the instep, so as Halloween drew near, I got better at it until I could walk comfortably in them all evening. The only problem was, I wound up spending a lot of time in her apartment (she lived by herself in an efficiency) as my roommates wouldn't understand! When the day arrived, she presented me with a waist-nipping panty over which I donned the padded panty, before putting on her bra and dress. I have black hair, the dress was black, as were the heels, so her choice of minimal makeup, just enough to enhance my prominant features, and a rich, sparkle berry nail polish completed the look. We took pictures, some of which I still have. Her costume? Young, but flashy business exec, complete with hat! Yes, male - and out of sympathy for me, she butched her hair. She was blonde, so without makeup she simply had a teenage-boy look, which in the light-colored business suit, worked fine. The problem was this: Everywhere we went, no one recognized us for who we were, and everyone kept asking us where our costumes were, a requirement for the parties! We were constantly pulling out our student IDs as proof... After that, I never wore heels again, until a mid-90's ankle injury and subsequent increase in pain in 2002 forced me to begin looking at higher-heeled alternatives to a $350 men's "orthopedic" lift shoe. After months of embarrassment, and wearing them only around the house, I grew comfortable with the concept of wearing women's heels, and now wear them pretty much all the time. Hope you enjoyed the details!

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