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Introducing STYLE.COM women's reactions to men in heels


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You guys have got to check this out. Just for the hell of it, I posted a website link to tasteful photos of a man and his girlfriend at a mall with the man wearing stilleto heels at STYLE.COM forums. You can find this link if you visit Ultra High Heels and Other Fetish Things and click on check out these pics. Then check out what the women at Style.com said! Wow, the response was greater than I had expected. Check it out NOW!

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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You guys have got to check this out. Just for the hell of it, I posted a website link to tasteful photos of a man and his girlfriend at a mall with the man wearing stilleto heels at STYLE.COM forums. You can find this link if you visit Ultra High Heels and Other Fetish Things and click on check out these pics. Then check out what the women at Style.com said! Wow, the response was greater than I had expected. Check it out NOW!

I saw that. Some were sympathetic, some were enthusiastic, and some were downright nasty.

BTW, that site you linked to is also part of a site that sells heels. I found it in a roundabout way. You'll have to check for yourself, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to get back there.

"To kiss, pretty Saki, thy shoes' pretty tips, is better than kissing another girl's lips." -Omar Khayyam

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Kneehighs:-) Thanks very much for the link. I ran them through my printer. Great pics. If for any reason I get down in the "dumps" with my street-heeling---I'll just whip them out and give myself a "heel Boost". Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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kneehighs:-) That was a great idea to post at Style.com! Very interesting reactions and discussions in that thread there. I was surprised to learn that besides the usual "gay" reaction (and a very good dementi BTW) a majority of different posters seem to at least accept the fact that men's styles are boring and therefore are more tolerant of guys in heels than I expected. I'm sure to follow this thread further on and think that we guys from our community here should refrain from posting reactions there at least for the first days. It's very interesting to watch discussions from a distance by people who aren't into our "heely themes" as much as we are here.

High Heels - a true feelgood-factor for everyone

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I did have to put in a couple posts... one mentioning my own very masculine, very butch, very gay boyfriend (firefighter, ex SWAT), who isn't into heels, but doesnt mind that I am.. but it may be a while before he warms up to public heeling.. I also did a reply about the statement about her boyfriend would beat up a guy for wearing heels.. Duh.. Might want to be carefull where you try that one.. FL has a concealed weapons license permit.. but thats another discussion. Besides, last time I heard about someone getting beaten up for their shoes was back up in Detroit.. but that's just Detroit. Jim

(formerly known as "JimC")

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Well that did not last to long, they removed the topic. :D

I'd say it was because it started to get nasty. There was a lively discussion and then some trolls started calling a regular poster a lesbian and saying her boyfriend, who wears heels, is a "fag".

"To kiss, pretty Saki, thy shoes' pretty tips, is better than kissing another girl's lips." -Omar Khayyam

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I just checked, a new thread is up on that very topic. Do what Shoegirl says, ignore the flamers. Honest disagreement, yes, but the obvious baiters, ignore.

"To kiss, pretty Saki, thy shoes' pretty tips, is better than kissing another girl's lips." -Omar Khayyam

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You have to go back in time - those threads all got deleted: The one that was there first (and got posted about here) got deleted - but that one was said to have evolved into "dirt-throwing" and such. The next thread didn't contain any bad language at all, just good posts. It got deleted (just after I had answered a couple of posts.) The third thread - in which I asked why the second thread got deleted - got deleted. Without any explaination. For me, that speaks volumes...

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Wow, I wonder why they deleted ALL the posts? I guess we can only speculate unless we actually know firsthand from Style.com....probably they just think it will evolve into another repeat of the first post. However, for the meantime, I will assume that the rest of the world is about 50/50 on men wearing heels. I could be wrong since I've been known to be wrong in the past, but this ratio seems the most useful to believe in right now for me.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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I read them when you first brought them to our attention and I think the moderators of that forum doesn't want controversy or "bent" topics. I.E. topics that don't really break the posting guidelines but aren't quite on point, either. The controversy was generated by the people that wanted to get nasty with the idea of men in heels and not the people that supported men wearing heels.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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