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A Different Kind of Heel


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I have not been excited about "low" heels for many years, but I am terribly excited about these shoes.

First, a little background. Due to need at our church created by some unfortunate circumstances, I have decided to take a serious stab at learning to play the pipe organ well enough so that I can substitute if our regular organist is gone. Right now, we have no backup organist. 

At first, I was reluctant to buy organ shoes, and was just playing barefoot. I thought that was working ok, but after talking with people, I decided I was serious enough to invest in the specialty shoes of the trade. Most people use Organ Master brand, but I absolutely hated the style of the men's shoes, and wasn't real fond of the women's styles either. Then I found this company called Tic Tac Toes, which is actually a dance shoe company, but they also make a line of specialty organ shoes as well. They offered a "women's" Oxford style that was acceptable to me, and they are made in the USA. Sold! I ordered my usual USW size 9, and waited. 

When they arrived, I could see that they really are a specialty shoe, designed ONLY for playing the organ. The soles and heels are made of very soft suede leather, and the soles are almost ridiculously thin and flexible, so you can feel the pedals through them. They slide very easily along the pedalboard, unlike my bare feet. If you were to ever wear them outside, they would be ruined almost instantly. I carry them in a bag with my music when I go to practice (arriving in REAL heels, of course!).

I guess those organists know what they're doing. After half an hour of getting used to them, my pedaling technique had improved so much, it was like I had practiced every day for a month. Suddenly, stuff that I had struggled with before was actually kind of easy. Suddenly I thought, "Yes, maybe I CAN do this after all." 

Don't get me wrong, it hasn't improved my BRAIN any, my poor brain still has trouble processing two hands PLUS feet simultaneously, but now at least my equipment, or lack thereof, is not impeding my progress.




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Hey MLR, Nothing (much) to do with the shoes, just want to commend you for taking on the pipe organ and serving your congregation in that way. Seems to me a tall order. Well done!


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I wrote you about this but let me cite another example of determination over perceived obstacles. A very young and inexperienced group of young men faced a formidable champion of gigantic proportions, an enthusiastic public but one not expecting a lot of success, and a universe of sports writers and analysts casting a doubtful eye upon them. One man saw their potential and encouraged them to believe, and perform, and believe some more. He said "you play these guys ten times and they'll beat you nine. But not tonight." He went on, "tonight is your moment so go out there now and take it." The man was Herb Brooks. The young men were the 1980 USA Olympic hockey team. The moment was, well, the "Miracle on Ice" and I saw it happen as it happened. This example should serve as a template  for anyone wanting to pursue something but somewhat doubtful of their chances. Dig deep to pursue that which moves your soul. Whether you have a number on your chest or simply aspire to master a new skill master the moment and become your own miracle. The human mind is the most advanced computer ever devised if only we'll rid ourselves of the obstacles from harnessing its potential. You can, and will, achieve your goal but only if you have no doubts. Try your best and you'll have no regrets either.

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