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Whatever Happened to the 70's Styles?


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Since I was arond W-A-Y back then, I recall everything from the "Mini" to the "Maxi"; Plarforms, Bell-bottoms, hip-huggers, polyester, HEAVY eye make-up, "Frostd" Lip-colours, BIG earrings, Peter Max, SoHo, Carnaby Street, Andy Warhol, PAISLEY!, Bra-less fashion, fondue . . . Every so often local clubs have a 70's night . . . I come out asking myself "Did I ever dress like that?" I DO notice that I saw an abundance of Mercedes-Benz symbols on the clubs' walls. When I enquired one of the Gen-Xer's working there she smiled and said "Peace, Baby" . . . I smiled and drew a accurate peace symbol with an arrow indicating the missing line & handed it to her & said "I think you might have missed something."

"Spike Heels . . a Pork-pie hat . .

Have on the mend in no time flat . . Ten Minutes 'Till The Savages Come by Manhatten Transfer.

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Ok - a clarification is clearly in order.


Whatever happened to the idea of guys wearing a heel higher than 1/43,872 of an inche?

Something must have happened, as more than half the things AnitaC mentioned are back in style in limited niches.

Alas, heels on men just ain't one of 'em...

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I remember a "Time" piece about the heels some time in the early 70's. One fellow comented he could trip running for a cab in his heels and strangle him self when his beads caught on the door handle. I was to old for that craze, besides they didn't appeal to me, to blocky looking. But when the tapered heel womens boots came out about that time I went nuts, they have been my style ever sence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One thing I know, although I wasn't around in the 70's, that alot of the fashions that were around then are comming back around again...well for example: the gothic fashions (although never out of fashion) got another run and alot of people are taking it up again. And the 80's dress and makup styles too. I know this about the goth things because I am one, and I'm not ashamed to admit it either, though one thing that does come as a slight suprise...men in the goth area somtimes wear platform shoes/boots or 'elevated soles' which come from the Newrock boots (which I have a pair of as well) and don't get looked upon so much. Well at the end of it all theres one phrase which ALWAYS comes to mind...what comes around goes around

We are what we are, let nothing stand in our way in what we do

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My memory of the heeled (mostly) boots for the guys in the seventies was that it always was the short ones who sported them (assumedly to try to gain some height), and thus they were quickly labeled as a "tainted" outfit for the rest of the gang... I'd be ashamed to be caught in a pair of heels then, but not now, as times has changed. I find this quite funny really, that when they were a fad I did not want to wear them, but now when they are "strange" I have no qualms about it. -Do note that I was the tallest in my class way back then, so it would be hard to accuse me for wearing heeled boots to gain percieved tallness at that time. TallSwede

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I do know that once while out on the town in my pair of 3.5 inch chunk heeled round-toed boots from Payless a gentleman with more bravado than courtesay said, "So - the seventies are back in style, eh?" At least he had the guts to say, "well that's cool. Always wondered when they'd come back." It's up to you, folks, to usher in the new era of guys wearing heels!

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In 1979 I bought a pair of mens' cowboy boots with 3.5" tapered heels. I wore these to death.

Do you recall what the make/model was?

Back then, I wasn't at all into higher-heeled shoes. Around that time ('78, I believe, as it was about 2 years after the centennial) I tried on such a pair of cowboy boots, but decided not to buy them because the heel was just too high!

Now I wish I'd bought 10.

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Does anyone now make or sell western boots with a proper heel (i.e.- 2 or more inches high) now that WesternRanch is out of business? I've looked at a lot of ads for cowboy boots on the net, and all I see are boots with underslung heels that are only one to one and half inches high. Bah!

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