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I was reading an article in regards to Sophia ( Company Founder and CEO ) of Nasty Gals stores ( Online and retail shops ). Shes an AMAZING woman with a strong desire to reach out to markets when all the nay-sayers kind of brushed her off. I used their website and sent the following : > Where should I send an email to about a new market segment that NOBODY seems to consider? Theres MANY men out now that wear heels ( as in high heels ). Nobody wishes to carry larger sizes ( 11-13 womens US ) which is very common for most of the men whom wear heels. http://www.hhplace.org/ > NastyGals helped Campbell in selling his ' off looking ' footware. The article stated her outlet helped put him on the map. Check out their site and send them some feedback in regards to possible carrying larger sizes or maybe getting into the ' mens ' side of things? Linki : http://www.nastygal.com/contact%2Dus/ -Ilk


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The shop only goes to size 11, so it's not THE best option for some men. Still, if they plan to make bigger shoes, it would be great!

I could walk on sunshine, but I chose heels instead.

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I sent this message:

Hi. I come to represent the community of heel-wearing men.

We, men, love to wear high heels too, but finding suitable sizes can be quite a problem for some men (with female sizes up to 13 or more)

The amount of heeling men is rising, and quite possibly we'll make up a big part of the shoe store clients.

I want to ask you if your store and managers could think about the idea of producing some high heeled shoes in bigger sizes, maybe in size US 11 to 13. You'll be surprised how fast they'll be sold.

To show the growing community of heel-wearing men: check out this site:


Thank you for your time.

I got this response:

Hello Joris,

Thank you for contacting Nasty Gal! I believe this would be a great idea also! Please contact buyers@shopnastygal.com so they can future assist you.

If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know.

Jamie W.

If enough people send the same message, we might get through!

I could walk on sunshine, but I chose heels instead.

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Great email, decent response. All you hard to fit guys and gals with larger feet, this looks like a great opportunity to make yourselves heard.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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From reading about the CEO/founder, shes a no bull$hit type of person. She wont care what men wear on their feet BUT if she can market a product and distribute it while making a profit, she will definitely be an ear that will listen/look into doing such. There are many instances where marketing heels to men has DEFINITELY been heard. The subject was probably laughed at by a few sources, discourages by some others and to be frank, I would take a good guess quite a few ' top designers ' stuck their noses in the air and said ' let pleaser, elle, jante and the other thrift store suppliers look into it ' ( or something to that extent ). Sophia seems like a straight up type though. From the email response I received and the one posted above ( they were from 2 different sources which means that theres a better chance of the idea making it to the right ears ), this would be a golden chance to spread the word. One thing I would suggest though, be casual. Dont try to over-sell anything.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hoping someone - a moderator - changes the title of the thread eventually. I'd hate for more to be misled to the wrong site.

As for me...I'm gonna try emailing them about these booties. I'm hoping to get enough money so that mom doesn't notice it disappear from my account (haha!), and take the jump to earning my 1st pair of JCs. But it won't be until a little later so by the time they read the email, maybe they can reassure me that I can get a pair of 11s in these, heck even size 12s! (But I won't push it)


Formally "HHDude"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright so I received an email back around a week ago. While I was emailing Nasty Gal, I decided to take the liberty & email another site that I hear a lot about, and that was karmaloop.com. If you want their reply, then let me know. Don't want to vie too far off-topic here. Nasty Gal's reply back was somewhat mediocre, though. It seemed like they saw that I was asking for a certain shoe in a certain size & nothing afterwards. Here's the email:

Hello Chris,

Thank you for contacting Nasty Gal!

I am so sorry but I was unable to find any shoes on the website in a size 11.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with!

Paula P.

Below the email, it said that they were also hiring, so I might have to apply & teach them that we exist in numbers! :P

Formally "HHDude"

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