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Any Bad\funny Experience In Heels


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when I was in the military I lived in the dorms. I came home drunk one night and decided to put on a pair of white pumps and go for a walk since it was extremely late. As I was walking around, I saw the MP's. I duct into the racket ball court to hide. Mistake. They came in and asked what I was doing. Of course they saw the heels. I don't really remember what they said other than go home. (Not that I was that drunk, just too many years ago). When I was starting to wear heels out more, years later and out of the military (honorable discharge BTW), I had on a pair of boots from fredericks. Chunkie heels, not too hi, kinda work boot looking. Well I hadn't quite figured out the long pants to cover the heels yet. Unfortunately I was with my wife when this black kid says at the top of his lungs "boy got on girl shoes". It was quite embarrasing but I felt worse for my wife. The same thing knda happened with some other kids when I at the mall. Today remimded of this story. I was in class in oklahoma for work. It was the first real time I had worn heels full time. I spent 30days 4 1/2 inch boots, 18hrs a day. One day the instructor said we would walk across campus to see another system we would work on. Well, I forgot to wear lower heels. It must have been over a mile. And what made it worse is I had to keep pace with the class. The muscle in my shins/side calf started to cramp and give out. I was so close to sitting down and just telling them my heels were too hi. At that point, I did not even care. How my ankle or shin did not give out, I don't know. I am still not sure how I made there and back.

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Not really any bad experiences in heels, but I did have a strange experience involving nail polish. Some coworkers and I went out for a beer after work, and for some odd reason two ladies were exchanging nail polish. One of them turned to the guys at the table and said "So, can I paint any of your nails?". On a whim, I said "Sure.". So she painted all 10 of my fingernails a shade of red. Well, a few of the guys chuckled, one guy said (and probably still thinks) I'm gay, but I just laughed it off. Now, the strange thing was I was driving my antique car that day, and 3 times on the way home it vapor locked. The last time it stalled out just a few blocks from my house. A bunch of folks walked over to offer their help, and I'm sure they must have thought it odd to see me wearing red nail polish while working under the hood of my little British sports car trying to prime the fuel pump. There was this brief moment of thinking "Aw geez, why oh why did I let her paint my nails, and why did the car have to pick today of all days to give me trouble?", but no harm done.

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I have been hit on by men in the past. The first time I was in pumps and stopeped at a rest stop while driving to florida. I was sitting on a table when a man walked up and started talking to me. He started telling how there were a lot of gay men where he was from. I don't remember how I got away, but I know I was scared.(I was young, in my 20's). Another time I had the boots on in the previous story. A man came up and said how he liked my boots. I said thanks and walked away. He came up to me again and started talking. I just remember getting out of there. These stories are meant to be FUN or FUNNY. Please keep them more or less positive. Stories like that are what I had in mind. Cool. Did u ever get the car straightened out? British=lucas=bad.

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Kids and teens are actually quite easy to deal with once you have the confidence. You may be surprised to find that that they are the most accepting of any age group. The important thing is to stand your ground. They really seem to respond to this.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Shafted is correct...I have had a few giggles, but ignored them...I have often wondered how I will handle the heckling I will eventually get from kids...It's like Shafted says: never let em see you sweat....I just hope I can bounce back with some whitty response to whatever they say...Hopefully this will happen when I'm in the company of another boot guy, "confidence in numbers" I guess....

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Been at conference for the last three days in Cardiff, on Thursday I wore a pair of 4" slim but not stiletto heels, bright red waist coat with matching jewellery, some borrowed from Mrs F. Got a lot of double take through the day as a fair bit of the heels were exposed and the rest of my outfit demanded attention. towards the end of the day I was stood with delegates from my own workplace chatting and they were complimenting me on the fact I looked very smart and they appreciated I made an effort. one lad said with a puzzled look " you're not normally that tall how have you grown so quick" He really didn't know and looked at me confused, I raised one of my legs up and said "I've got my heels on so had some Help. "oh" he said and we continued but I had to smile, proves the fact some people don't notice no matter what we do to highlight it. I have to say I had numerous smiles from the ladies during the day and as it was in an old building with a stone floor the give away was the distinctive heel noise, they heard it and confused eyes went down to my feet followed mostly by a smile.

High heels are the shoes I choose to put on, respect my choice as I repect yours.

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I was at a book store and made an enquiry at a cash desk. The assistant, a young lady, said I needed to go to the customer service desk for that. I asked where it is and she glanced around and said "It's easier if I show you" and proceeded to almost jog up the stairs and around corners with me teetering along behind (and rather enjoying it). She kept glancing back to make sure I was still there, but showed little sign of slowing down. When we got to the customer service desk I caught up with her and said "Thank you. Sorry, I was struggling to keep up in my heels" as I raised one of my feet to show my 3½" heel black leather ankle boots. She just gave me a smiley "You're welcome" and rushed back to her department. Certainly not a bad experience, but it did feel quite comical practically chasing the assistant through the store in my heels.

If you like it, wear it.

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Love the stories. The last one reminds me of when I was wearing those same 4 1/2inch boots, in oklahoma and I had just started to wear them to class. Someone was showing me where something Was and it was all I could do to keep up. Thought for he was going to ask what was Going on but he nev er noticed.

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The only bad moment I can remember, and I've shared this before, is when I was in the park drinking coffee and reading the newspaper while wearing high heels, and a group of teenage boys saw me, started yelling and laughing at me, and started over toward me as a group. I got up, got in my car, and drove off from the park. I saw no need for confrontation.
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Perhaps I was looking for more on the lighter side. I was at a holloween party with my wife a loooong time ago. I was dressed kinda like tina turner. There this girl there that really like my heels. We ended up trading shoes for the night. I have wondered what would have happened if I was not married.

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Bit of fun.

This weekend was a Startrek convention in London. Billed as all 5 captains big displays lot of hype, bit they left out it's gonna cost.but I digress.

Driving up in grotty weather and heavy traffic on Friday decides to stop off at the motorway services for some food. Chris has gone flat she's got a problem in her foot and can't heel it at the moment. begrudgingly let me travel in heels (5" bananas 3/4" plat). Almost empty half 5 and 2 dozen people?

As I'm getting the food in, a woman has clocked the shoes so does a guy that joins after me, she shrugs and ignores, he's checking up and down trying to be discrete, fails.

Order's placed and being cooked, paid the bill and with tea to take away goes and sit down. He comes and sits down on the table next to us. Unsubtle looks continue.

The woman is with hubby and two girls both 18ish (possible Spanish) one of whom is wearing some very nice knee boots with 5" parallel/curved heels. We find we are both watching each other as they have sat diagonally opposite.

Chris thought I was lacking in confidence, well when a coach load of football supporters came in, I wasn't too sure but I think it was for her I was not comfortable.

Not allowed to heel the Con though. :penitent: There was a very good 7of 9 in platforms that looked stunning and that was that days HIGHLIGHT! :pulsingheart:


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