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When did you people start wearing heels???


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I was about 8 or 9 when I first tried on women's shoes. It was a pair of thongs that belonged to the neighbor girl. It was a strange but very exciting feeling and that was just the beginning! In 1974 I bought my first pair of women's shoes--a pair of Dr. Scholls exercise sandals. By 1975 I was wearing them and other sandals (mostly platforms) in public. I haven't stopped yet, although I am careful not to wear anything real obvious in public, but I wear fem shoes most of the time, even to work. I'm even getting more brazen in my choices. Maybe someday I'll say "to hell with it!" and wear what I want!!!! Until then I'll keep pushing the limit. :roll:

If the shoe fits-buy it!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kenryu:-) If you feel up to it in the near future some of us would be interested in how you started wearing heels and what has happened from then until the present time. Enquiring readers would like to know. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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When did I start? Uhm, must have been very early. My mum said that I kinda had a big crush on her red boots when I was at the age of 2 or 3 or so. But back then I don't think I did this for the same reason as of today. Several years later, at the age of 8 or 9, we (the family) were sent a parcel from the (former) West Germany (I grew up in East Germany) from my fathers sister. My brother and I we both were primarily more interested in the chocolate that usually came along in that kind of parcels. I didn't think of anything particular that would be in there. But then - it hit me point blank - We unpacked an awesome looking pair of red knee high suede boots with (lemme guess) 3" chunky heels (typical for the late 70s). The next three hours until everybody (but me) went to bed was the longest hours ever since because I was eager to try those boots on. Lucky me, that same evening I had the chance to do so and they felt so good. Some days later the boots were gone. I was searching for them all over our place but my parents must have discarded or have done a good job hiding them. I'm sure it wasn't because of me wearing them because back then I was also very advanced in electronics for my age already and had the room secured w/ an alarm system. So I would have noticed when they'd entered the room. After trying on the boots I put them back in the parcel the way I found them. Anyway like I said the boots were gone three days after we got them. But this experience (somehow re-) triggered my big crush on high heels. One or two years after that I found a pair of very beautiful looking white patent sling-back pumps in my mom's shoe-closet. I organized myself a pantyhose (not yet knowing that a pair of stay-up stockings would give a much better feeling back then) and tried those sling-backs. Wow, what an awesome feeling! My legs looked cool in this 'nylon-wrapping' and the feet were marvellously bent to match the high-heeled-shoe's shape. That night I almost got caught because I didn't notice that my parents found that I wasn't in my bed and started looking after me. Some month ago before that time I had to remove the alarm system since my parents didn't like the cables anymore that were visible at some spots. So I didn't notice that a search was in progress. For some reason they searched the room I was in last so I had the chance to 'undress' but couldn't get the shoes back into the closet so I had to leave them in a corner of that particular room. It was the time of the anual 'school's out for summer' so I had the chance to get up before my brother (we used to share a common room) and put the shoes back. I managed to do so but my grandma asked me what was the story about the 'shoes'. Ooops! She must have found them before I was able to put them back. Since I'd put them away already I played possum and said 'What shoes?' prentending wonderment. Luckily I got away with this and no further questions asked. But by then I knew that I was somehow addicted. And it lasts till today... CU! -Mike

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Mickey S.:-) I enjoyed reading your post of how you got started wearing high heels. Most of us got started in very similar ways and then, now and again, a story comes along with a different twist. It sure makes for some interesting reading. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Hi Dawn HH!

Nice to read you liked it! To add to the 'got almost caught'-thing: Something similar happened some years later. But then with my own heels. At that time I was about to enjoy a pair of 3.5" front laced ankle boots (somehow 'high' for me back then). I wore white thigh high stockings w/ matching suspenders and had the boots firmly tied to my ankles (no chance to get them off in just a few seconds) when I noticed mum came home. And I was about to... PANIC!!! :roll::):D The only thing I felt was my heart stopped beating. But somehow I managed to calm down and I thought to myself, okay, that was it, no more excuses - so I just waited to be discovered high-heeled, nyloned and embarrassed... :oops: But, funny, she didn't come see me (what she normally always did back then when she came home for lunch) but left and went back to work. :o Later that day in the evening I found out why: Before I got 'dressed up' I went into the basement to look for something. When returning I forgot to remove the door key from the lock on the outside. Mum assumed I was still downstairs and didn't look for me in my room...

The second time a similar thing. I wore black panties, 4" pumps and a skirt about knee-length. Suddenly I noticed dad comming home and again I was... PANIC!!! :o:shocked::shocked: I tried to hide all the other garments that I put around the floor to choose from, laid down on the sofa and used a blanket to hide my wardrobe ('coz again I couldn't get the stuff off real quick) pretenting I was reading but dad just left. :o History's repeating! In the evening he told me he forgot his wallet... Damn! Almost died from a heart-attack the second time just because he was a bit sloppy managing his stuff in the morning...

I must add I didn't really like those times when my parents were working near the place where we used to live because it took them only 5..10min to come home. And they did... :wink:



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Mickey S.:-) Boy!!! That last post was a lot better than your previous posting. Almost had a heart attack, eh! I must have been very lucky as I never got caught or got cut short on "undressing" time. It would have taken me more than a split second to "undress" as I was completely dressed from the skin out What I did was to allow myself an hour before anyone was scheduled to come home to get "undressed" even though I didn't want to take anything off so early. I never broke that time schedule and I guess it paid of in "spades" as I never got caught. Yours was a very interesting story compared to my more mundane one. I enjoyed it also. Cheers--- Dawn HH :roll:

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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I am 6"2" tall. Most of my friends my height take a men's size 13 or 14 shoe. My femine heel wearing days would have ended long ago.

You're 6'2" too, eh? I'm just lucky that mine stopped as well, or even today's styles wouldn't be big enough! I'm at the very end of the chain, in size 14/15.

Although....I have seen styles that go all the way up to women's size US17 before - talk about PONTOONS! I saw a pair of classic 4" pumps and a pair of thigh-high boots in that size, and I actually tried on the boots, which of course felt like I was swimming in them....not something very common for my size.

As for my first "heeling"....I wore a pair of dark brown go-go style boots when I was about 6 at a store until my mom said "Put those back...those are GIRL'S boots." Oops! :roll:

Guess it was infectious after that because I never stopped. I did the whole "hide the shoes thing" and modified what I could (did poorly at - ended up butchering too many), but after I moved out on my own, I discovered ways of getting heels in my size (catalogs, bigger cities, internet), and have just watched my collection blossom since then! My mom knows I wear heels nowadays, and for a while called me "the daughter she never had", although nowadays I just wear heels and say the rest can come and go as it wishes. :)

btw...latest pair: knee-high zip up black-patent boots with 6.5" heel and 2" platform! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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Emery:-) Stuffing high heels inside of a pair of high-top sneakers? NOW there's something that I hadn't even thought of trying. They worked for you back then---I wonder if anyone has tried that method lately? Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Bubba136--- Hi! I know you wrote to Dawn & asked him how he told me about his crossdressing, well if you don't mind I will try to fill you in on this question. In fact not too long ago I to asked him the same question & guess what - neither one of us can remember how or when I found out!! I guess it wasn't a KODAK moment!!! However, let's go back and take a trip down memory lane & I'll try to bring you up to the present. Okay. We were older when we got married (as to some of the ages kids get married today) & both raised in a Christian conserative background. Being an only child, I guess I lived a sheltered life & was very innocent as to what life was all about. I knew about the "birds & the bees" but not much more & certainly nothing about crossdressing or whatever it was called. I doubt my parents or even Dawn's would know what it was or if he even tried to explain it what he was talking about. Especially when Dawn himself didn't know what he was going thru. Back then I guess a person would be considered "queer" or "gay" & sent for professional treatment. I do know that he told me if it got out that he was a crossdresser, he could lose his teaching position. Well anyway, back to the subject - so when we got married (36 years ago) I did not know anything about it. Now he certainly did't spring it on me on our wedding nite - but I can remember that one day we were out in our antique car & talking about sex & stuff & he started to tell me about men who had operations to change them to females. I could not understand why any man would want to do that - in fact it wasn't done here in the US - I think you had to go to Denmark or Sweden or wherever to have the operation. He told me about CHRISTINE JORGESON & then I think he gave me something to read about him to her. I guess he was crossdressing at home then when I was at work & I didn't know it. See since he had his summers off & I didn't, he could do his thing everyday while I was gone. I think that thru discussions over the summer it came out (we were married in the summer) & he showed me his shoes first & how he walked in them. I could not understand why any man would want to wear shoes that high around the house. He was very balanced & gracefull but never went outside, then gradually came the outfits. Now don't think I just was a little mouse and sat back & didn't express my opinions. I truly thought he needed some sort of help - asked him if his parents or sister knew anything about what he did & was told they didn't. And I was not to say anything to them or anyone because he could be "fired' from teaching. I just thought how glad I was that I wore a size 5 shoe & he couldn't fit in them, but he did wear some of my outfits around the house. I hated to even think about him dressing - could not watch him do it. When he did dress he would always say "He had to scratch the itch". I thought B------t he just didn't want to make love with me. There were many many times I cried myself to sleep. Had no one to talk to about all of this (except him) & felt stuck in a weird sexless marriage. Hated to have sex when he would be dressed. I am not gay & thought he was trying to make me out to be. Don't get me wrong WE DID HAVE SEX in our marriage. There were times I just wanted out - I did love him but could not cope with all of his "sillyness". If I went to a lawyer to apply for a divorce what reason would I give - didn't want him to lose his job or to embarass him or his family & I truly didn't want my parents or friends to know what I had to live with. Sometimes my mother would say to me "you look so unhappy". If she only knew the half of it. Bubba, thru the years I just have learned to accept it (still don't really like it or think it is normal) but whatever keeps us together & happy I'll try to cope with. At his age & point in life he is not going to change. He is starting to "streetheel" but it is in his boots with chunky heels - sort of manish looking. That is okay but I would never be seen out with him in HH (which he can't wear now). We did go to a Halloween party once as mother & daughter - now you figure out who was mother! I read an article once where a husband passed away & the wife layed him out as a "female" - she said no one knew of his crossdressing - he did this all of their married years. Can you imagine the shock to his family & friends when they viewed him. I would never do that to Dawn, unless he suggested it but so far he hasn't & I feel safe that he won't. So Bubba, does this sort of answere your question - no formal announcement that "I'M A CROSSDRESSER" it just sort of slid out thru the years. Would I have married him if I had known? Probably NOT - but I really have a gentle careing husband who always takes good care of me & considers my wishes & feelings before putting us in a difficult situation. Tootles!!! Micky68

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What a great story, and you shine through Mickey68 as a woman who has little by little come to terms with something very difficult for you to grasp. This is exactly how my wife currently describes her feelings of losing her femininity if I am in womens shoes. She also said she would divorce me if she caught me dressing up in her clothes, which isn't on the agenda anyway, as I am only into the shoes. Well done to both of you coming to terms with it.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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Shyguy--- Thanks for reading my post & glad you enjoyed it. It was the first time I had ever really sat down & thought it thru & wrote about it to anyone. We discussed our feeling & learned to respect each others wishes thru the years. Like I said before I got married for love & thought Dawn did also - but after discovering what he was & what it involved, I just had to accept my marriage & move on. I knew he always loved me for me - and he always said what went on behind our front door & in our bedroom was no ones business. To him this was all perfectly "normal" however it did take me quite awhile to really believe him. You must remember that back in the 60's we did not have cable television or some of the shows on regular TV that deals with sexual issues like there is today. So I must say that we survived the "rough waters" & I think grew closer together. Now, I have read your latest posts & see there is some progress being made. That is great for both of you - just take one day at a time & I'm sure all will work out. Tootles!!! Mickey68

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Mickey S.:-)

Boy!!! That last post was a lot better than your previous posting. ...

Dawn HH,

I came up with the first one because the topic said 'When did you start...'. The second story was more like 'What happened after you started...'. Anyway, glad you liked it...



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Larry here. I was 13 years old and house sitting for my aunt and uncle and their dog. They lived five doors away. My aunt was a clothes horse and owned many pairs of high heels, nylons, and garter belts. This was my first time in stilletos and the outcome was explosive. It was less than in 30 minutes that I managed to do it again and again. Later.......Larry.

Love those heels!

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Begin buy buying loafers or flats you can wear around, Like most have said, thrift shops are excellent places to go. You can use the story they are for your sister or mom. A present. And if anyone asks why you are trying them on, you wear the same size as they do! You are lucky in the UK as you have some great Feminine Footwear to see and buy. Tell your girlfriend you want her to give you a Chinese massage on your back. She needs to wear her shoes cause it helps concentrate her weight where your back is "sore" Works every time!! Turn over and talk her into your chest!! Great fun!! highHEELman

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