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Is it ok?


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Hey all, I just wanted to ask your opinion. I obviously admire high heels and more specifically woman wearing them. My question is the following. Is it OK to make a complement a stranger about their heels? Does it come off a creepy? how would it make you feel if a man commented on your heels?

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It depends on how you do it. It has been discussed here before in great detail of how and how not to do it. It's real easy to do if you're wearing high heels as well. I do it quite often and have gotten nothing but thank you's and beaming smiles in return. I have had guys compliment me on my high heels and I thank them in return.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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I receive compliments on my heels most days - and from as many men as women and I almost always compliment others if I like their style. If you are sincere and genuine then it will be well received (in my experience anyway). I find it hard to know what to say sometimes when I get compliments, and I believe that would be the same for anyone else. Its harder to receive a compliment and handle it well than to offer one (in my mind anyway) Regards Heel-Lover

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Yes, it's always nice to compliment a woman to her face. First, you tell her, her outfit is "quite becoming and attractive" and then that her shoes makes her "look, sexy and feminine". The compliments should be done in that order. Being a woman, women want to be complimented on how nice they look to others. This is very important to them. It has something to do with their self esteem. (Something few men understand). When you compliment them about their high heels shoes as making them look more sexy, feminine and attractive it increases their self esteem and pride in being an attractive woman to others. Word of advice, guys. It's the shoes that makes them look sexy, not necessarily the outfit. So when you want to compliment them, save the word "sexy" for the shoes, other wise they will think you are more interested in their bodies and it's the attractiveness of what they are wearing that is more important to them.

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To heelg60; Well that depends on how you take the compliment. Are you being complimented because of the high heel shoes you are wearing or because you are a man wearing high heel shoes? I would want to be complimented as a man looking nice wearing high heels shoes rather than the shoes itself I am wearing. Why? Because when you are complimented as a man wearing high heel shoes, then you know it is now an accepted thing. If the shoes alone are being complimented, then that tells you "yeah, the shoes are nice, but as a man, why are you wearing them"?

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Well I kinda sorda see it like this. When I wore my graffiti denim skirt to the mall a young girl came and said I just gotta tell you your skirt looks great. So this I believe and the way it came across at the moment I do not really think that she would have made such a complement to another girl as it is not so big a deal for a girl to wear a skirt like that. One time at Sears a very mature lady complemented me on my ankle length skirt ans again there was something in there that she meant it looked good on a guy. Somehow many of us still associate skirts or high heels with girls and the complements that I get somehow do not feel like the complements that a girl would get so I think those are good complements and helping to stretch the boundaries.

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