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was listening ti the radio this am i hard a pro mo for the john Tesh radio show.He said more men are wearing high heels.Didnt get to listen to the broadcast though.Be intresting to heard what he said. I didnt get a chance to listen.

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I found some more info:

Coming up tomorrow on the John Tesh Radio Show we’ve got intelligence for your life! John Tesh is going to help you stop worrying about money! He will be sharing some tips from financial planners and psychologist to help you reduce the #1 cause of stress.

Then, the use of antidepressants has gone up 400% I the last 20 years! John will tell you why doctors say depression is so common now – and why, in some ways, that may be a good thing.

Also a report on why all the men walking around these days are in high heels! Believe it or not, experts say it’s the fashionable thing to do.

It’s all on The John Tesh Radio Show. Don’t miss this stuff tomorrow, Ocotber 28, starting at 5 a.m. on Mix 101.1!



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I'm betting their definition of "high heels" (insert sarcastic> 1.5"..omg!) and our definition are probably quite different.....But maybe not..

Doesn't matter how high they aren't. It's in mainstream media!!!

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