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do you enjoy sex without Heels & "other" stuff


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as related to my last topic. i find myself enjoy (and alot) sex - something unexplained - only when i wear High heels or use nail polish or my GF tells me what feminine stuff she is going to do to me. it makes me very hot and therefore i enjoy sex alot BUT when we dont do it.......i dont enjoy at all. i also remmember that i did it with some other girls and it was just simple, unfun sex. so i find myself trapped to this Fantasy and i need to do it every time. does it happens to you ? do you enjoy regular sex ? what you suggest me to do ?

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psionic wrote:

so i find myself trapped to this Fantasy and i need to do it every time.

If this scenario has such a powerful hold over your emotions and ability to perform, as you seem to suggest, perhaps it's time you should seek "professional" help.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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True, fetish's and other 'playtime activities' are harmless up to the point they disrupt your ability to handle normal situations. If a fetish type activity has this type of hold on you then you may need to talk to someone, or at least take a bit of a vacation from it. I suspect a week or so w/o fetish input you might have no problem performing without the input. (yes, I have been sent to pro's reguarding my odd interests.. so been there, done that) Jim

(formerly known as "JimC")

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  • 1 month later...

as related to my last topic.

i find myself enjoy (and alot) sex - something unexplained -

only when i wear High heels or use nail polish or my GF

tells me what feminine stuff she is going to do to me.

it makes me very hot and therefore i enjoy sex alot


when we dont do it.......i dont enjoy at all.

i also remmember that i did it with some other girls and

it was just simple, unfun sex.

so i find myself trapped to this Fantasy and i need to do it every time.

Anita thinks you might have crossdressing/forced feminization wants/needs.

"The first thing you need to do is accept yourself as you are 'cuz f'durn sure this will NOT just 'go away'.

Facts are over 95% of crossdressers are normal, hetrosexual men in all

other ways. Denial can lead to serious depression and related psychophenomenon.

E-mail me if you need to. Remember a guy in drag is no big thing, there are 12 year olds with UZIs out there!"

does it happens to you ? do you enjoy regular sex ?

what you suggest me to do ?

"Spike Heels . . a Pork-pie hat . .

Have on the mend in no time flat . . Ten Minutes 'Till The Savages Come by Manhatten Transfer.

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In answer to the original question: yes! I haven't worn boots while having sex with Katherine. She won't allow it. However the relationship I have with her is so satisfying that it isn't necessary. In fact I haven't even been wearing my boots in private very often although I have many opportunities to do so (I still live alone). Kathy is wearing the boots now. I bought her a pair of leather thigh boots with 5 inch heels that I consider to be an acceptable stopgap measure. However I plan to have a higher quality pair made to her dimensions. Kathy had a very sheltered upper middle class upbringing in her own country and much of what I am asking her to do is completely new to her. To my relief she did not freak out when I requested that she wear boots during sex and was only mildly annoyed when I said that I would like to wear women's boots too. She loves her boots and is getting quite expert at using them in bed (they usually have to be wiped clean after use). I can also get quite aroused by her dress shoes (she is partial to Nine West). This is not the first time I have stopped wearing boots. I have gone through periods of years when I have not worn any high heels. Usually it was when I had a particularly satisfying relationship (I wear them only for sexual stimulation), however at other times I seemed to lose interest and take up other hobbies. There have also been periods (earlier this year for example) when I did not have a partner and the boots were a sort of "girlfriend".


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