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I have finally given in. I've been browsing this forum for some time now without being a member. Obviously I do like high heels quite a lot, but unfortunately my wife doesn't. I love her a lot more than that this issue could shake the strength of our relationship, but I am working on it of course, never the less. Maybe I can find someone here who has gone through a similar experience and succeeded. :)

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I have finally given in. I've been browsing this forum for some time now without being a member. Obviously I do like high heels quite a lot, but unfortunately my wife doesn't. I love her a lot more than that this issue could shake the strength of our relationship, but I am working on it of course, never the less. Maybe I can find someone here who has gone through a similar experience and succeeded. :)

'Bout time zonk77 So your wife doesn't wear high heels! So what. It would be nice if she did, as you say, but your relationship with her isn't dependent upon her taste in shoes. Rather, it's her taste that she chose you.

That being said, it's quite conceivable that within the membership of hhplace, we've experienced every different involvement that can be thought of -- and some not thought of before they were discussed here.

Welcome to hhplace and we're all looking forward to discussing issues with you. :)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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HEELo! :) welcome to the site! maybe instead of concentrating on your wife's point of view on heels, you could tell us a little bit more about your interest in them? have you tried a pair on? maybe you can pick up the slack in the heel interest and grab a pair yourself! :)

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Hi there yes I do like high heels since ever I tried a Pair on when dressing up for the Rocky Horror Pic show. As I said to others my wife and I wear the same size shoe and she lets me wear her shoes. I have quite a collection at the moment, just wish I could wear them to work. I like the peep toes but any other that is higher than 10 cm feels sooooooooooo good.

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Hi Zonk77, First off welcome to he site - you are amongst friends here and as Bubba pointed out, you will find that within our membership we have experienced and discussed just about every conceivable type of involvement in heels. Your wife doesnt sound any different from a large number of other members wives. The range goes from outright hostile and negativity to open encouragement and support As Heelguy suggested, tell us abit more about yourself and your interest in heels Look forward to hearing from you

Gingers Rogers did everything Fred Astair did .. but backwards and in heels

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