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Wearing loose shoes


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I see this thread, in the ladies section, has had a couple of new posts and would like to throw the question open to all. Guys: what do you think if you see a girl walking along in loose shoes which she can hardly keep on. Is it ugly or attractive; a turn on or a turn off. How do you feel about wearing loose shoes? I had a pair once which had stretched and I lost one once, just walked out of it. I found that very embarrassing, maybe that was because it made it very obvious that I was a guy in heels.

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Guys: what do you think if you see a girl walking along in loose shoes which she can hardly keep on. Is it ugly or attractive; a turn on or a turn off.

How do you feel about wearing loose shoes?

Very unattractive. I've experienced wearing flippy-floppy pumps before and found it to be really "unnerving," uncomfortable and dangerous. So, whenever a pair of pumps that I own, looses it's ability to "grip my foot" to the point that I can no longer keep it on my foot when I walk, they are "retired."

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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To me seeing a lady in a pair of loose fitting shoes is quite sloppy, not nice to view, and very dangerous to walk in. I do the same thing that Bubba does. When my heels get that loose and dangerous then it is time to pitch them into the garbage can and get another pair that does fit. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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we see in many pics heels being worn, with a gap between the rear and shoe and the heel. in short, the shoes are too big. courts are worse than pumps or strapped heels, as they depend on a good fit and a wee bit of toe action to keep them on, so if the foot is to short, there is no way they are safe, and certainly not good looking


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