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Little introduction & story


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Well … there isn't really much to report, however, I thought I should anyway …

Here's the background to the story. This should help you understand my position slightly and hopefully see where I'm coming from. When I was 15/16 I found out that I have a fetish for high heels *yes I do know that it's a little taboo here* . I'm now in my mid 20s and thought it's about time I took stock of my life so far. I know I have just less than three quarters or four fifths my life before me … I thought I should, so I did. I looked at “Have I made the right choices?” “Am I where I want to be?” and a couple of other questions I won't go into. The answer to the above two questions are, NO … as unfortunate as that may be. So I've decided to take the proverbial bull by the horns and see what happens. I've made some changes … here and there to diet and such things and I also found out that although my fetish is still there it is to a lesser degree in the sense of wearing them for sexual pleasure. So I took the choice to see what I could do with them, I have over 150 pairs, most of them don't see the light of day so when I saw this place I decided to join and see what I could do.

On a little side note I still live with my parents, who know about my fetish and although they may not approve of it, they do allow me to “practice it”. I, as yet, haven't told them … not because I'm scared but because I'm not sure if this is what I want to do and it does seem a little silly to say “by the way … I'm going to wear high heels as normal shoes” then a day or two later deciding … you know what I don't like this.

*THE NIGHT RUN* (I do like naming my stories)

As I mentioned above my parents don't know and I'm not sure what I want to be doing at the moment so I took the decision to try out a couple pair of my heels and boots and have been doing so over the past couple weeks, after midnight. I know my parents are pretty heavy sleepers but I still sneak down stairs just on the off chance that they aren't in “stage 3 sleep” and they do hear me. So I unlock and open the front door, take my keys and lock it behind me; well it wouldn't be fair of me to leave the house vulnerable. I walk out the porch in my “stockin' soles” just so I don't wake them again with the tapping of my heels and after I'm out of reverberation range I put the shoes or the boots on and go for a “saunter” usually I go as far as the end of my street … around 5/10 minutes walk. I hasten to add at this point that I'm not wearing PJ's … would look a bit suspect if someone saw me. I wear my normal clothes bar the heels, obviously; since at the moment they aren't part of my normal clothes, also depends on my mood as to whether or not I wear the wig that someone got me for a laugh, but actually suits my face.

Last night I was doing my thing outside and I had my wig on. Walking down the road I heard heels coming from behind me I did think “ah, hide!” … then thought “aww f&%! it” and continued. I reached the end of the road and turned round to head back. There facing me was my ex girlfriend … she took a few steps then stopped, took a double take and said

“Oli is that you!?”

“Yeah … it is, bloody hell K … thought you said you were never wearing heels again!”

“Weeeellllll....I wasn't going to but I like wearing them”

“Hmmm, thats cool … so how come you're out this late?”

“I was breaking them in just walking to the end of my street … then I saw what I thought was you in some pretty awesome heels and I thought I'd see if it was … you said you could wear heels but wow, can I try them!?”

“Umm...yeah, ok”

I should really give you some details here on K (my nickname for her) She's the same hight as I am .. She absolutely hated heels but loved me … I got her wearing heels and now she loves them. She's also the same size as I am, well actually slightly bigger. I was wearing my pleaser heat 4.5” metal heel shoes with metal tap (in hot pink … only colour they had) and she was in a pair of normal style work heels … 4” patent black with plastic taps which were almost a distant memory already, I had forgotten just how hard she is on heels.

So we swapped shoes and walked off back in the direction of home. Talking all the way, just as we came to the junction where our streets join K walks over the central reservation, grass/mud, and back over to the other side of the road. I said “oi! … thats my heels you've just got muddy!” It was loud enough because our street was just so quiet. “That doesn't matter … they're only yours” came the smart reply … I crossed the road and said

“oh really … so you wont mind if I …”

*squish* goes her heels in the mud


“what did I do?! … they're only your shoes”

“you bugger, come here...”

*squish* goes the other one as I cross the reservation.

When I got to the other side she says “oh well...I'll clean them off” we swap heels again and give each other a hug “same time tomorrow night?” says K as she walks off. “I'll text you” comes my reply.

I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing … but we will see. I'll keep you informed.

Regards Oli.

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Amazing story. 150 pairs and still living with your parents. WOW. I mean, my parents don't know and I own up to 6 pairs now, which I manage to keep hidden from them quite well. I am in awe.

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My, lol, "rental units" have known since I was 16 about my heel thing ... so it isn't new information (I'm not sure if 150 is right) and all of my shoes are stored in my wardrobe ... incase you were wondering my clothes are kept in a chest of drawers. K has known about my heeling since I was 18. Yes she knows that I want to continue heeling and we are meeting in 2 hours or so ... but I don't want to run before I can walk. We'll continue doing things this way for the moment ... just to see how it goes.

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Neat story. It sounds like K is a cool lady. Although she is your "ex" maybe there is still something there and warrants another look. Good luck...

If the shoe fits-buy it!!!!!!

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Amazing story. 150 pairs and still living with your parents. WOW. I mean, my parents don't know and I own up to 6 pairs now, which I manage to keep hidden from them quite well. I am in awe.

I must ask: where the hell do you hide your 6 pairs?! lol

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Part Two “Good Morning, Miss … What's a girl like you doin' up at this hour?” “Oli … you £”&$!*% you scared the livin' daylights out of me!” *laughs* “... SORRY! … no need to be so jumpy!” “yeah well I don't like coming out at this time in the night/morning, as fine you know!” “Yes dear, I know …” Long story short, K was almost … taken advantage of (nicest way of putting it) so she's more than slightly jumpy … understandably. “...Same shoes? … that's not good form K” “yeah well I figured if you're going to get them muddy again may as well use them again” “...oh yeah who said we were going to be doing that?” “your reputation proceeds you Mr Carn” *short pause* “... bah! … now are we gonna get going?” “I suppose” As K pointed out … muddy high heels, for whatever reason, I find attractive … but that's got nothing to do with the story. We took a walk down to the local play area … K in those black heels and me in a pair of black knee high cowboy boots with a 3 inch heel, adventurous aren't I. “So what's the deal exactly?” “...well I have all these heels which next to never get used, let alone see the proverbial light of day, I suppose I just want to use them and not have a collection that never get seen or used” “right, so you are going to wear them normally?” “...not sure, this is what these jaunts are for” “ahh, right I get you …” “I'm still not sure if I want to take this past the fetish stage, I mean as you can see I am not “enjoying” this … but I am enjoying this situation” That was true I wasn't enjoying in the sexual sense but was enjoying clicking together with K. We got to the park and had some fun. Swapping heels again and such like then we walked home. Today we've spoken about things at length … by we I mean K, Alice (My best mate) and I … and I have made the choice that is I won't take this any further into the realm of “Real Life” … It just isn't me and it isn't something that I would feel comfortable doing. However, K and I will do a few “Night Jaunts” just for the fun of it and because we enjoy it. Who knows perhaps I will feel comfortable with it somewhere down the line... THE END …. for now Regards Oli.

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