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Fashion. Good Or No Good.

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Im have to say that fassion can be good but mostly i dont like it. People are in my opinion putting to much into it, these days you find many girls wearing the same style of clothing, so just like i was discuing with Simcity3 on another forum he said " Look at 1 girl and basicly you have seen em all " he did say that its wasent completely like this but almost. This brings me to the part of fassion i do not like and it is that many people gets to look alot like each others because they try to wear whatever the fassion say so. I really liked the time when fassion was only for the rich people and both men and womens clothing wasent as similar to each other as it is today, so basicly i wish had a button that said "Back to the 80,s" even tho i was first born in 1987 but from what ive heard that was the days. What,s your opinion on this topic. Would love for both men and womens to reply on this. Thx in advance. Leigh.


i'm not one who follows fashion very closely. but folks like to follow the trend to feel cool. so, when fashion says heels are out, no one really wear heels.. and that is bad for us. when fashion say heels are in, folks who should do heels wear them too much. at any rate, fashion makes it hard to find what you like. if you like something that is not in fashion, you can't find it anywhere. it's almost like forced submission to the fashion gurus. places like here makes it worth while because you get to see pretty gals in heels! RPM p.s. nothing against guys in heels..


I recently read on a blog that men with the right attitude and confidence are having more fun with their clothes than women. Women's fashion has almost reached an impasse. Its become over saturated with the idea of glamour and tainted by wannabee Beyonces and Posh spices. The relentless march of fashion cannot continue in it's preset direction without someone doing something different. It's in it's very nature.

  Leigh said:

Im have to say that fassion can be good but mostly i dont like it. People are in my opinion putting to much into it, these days you find many girls wearing the same style of clothing, so just like i was discuing with Simcity3 on another forum he said " Look at 1 girl and basicly you have seen em all " he did say that its wasent completely like this but almost. This brings me to the part of fassion i do not like and it is that many people gets to look alot like each others because they try to wear whatever the fassion say so.

I really liked the time when fassion was only for the rich people and both men and womens clothing wasent as similar to each other as it is today, so basicly i wish had a button that said "Back to the 80,s" even tho i was first born in 1987 but from what ive heard that was the days.

What,s your opinion on this topic. Would love for both men and womens to reply on this.

Thx in advance. Leigh.

I stil think that fassion makes women look very similar to each other and i really dont like it. there is almost no idea in looking at women anymore because they all look the same. so i guess the only thing that matters any more is personality and diffrent hair styles.

Thats my opinion to Fassion.


there are so many fashion styles for women, theres something there for everyone to build on. I agree that following a trend without building on it to make it yours is a sheep style fashion, like being in a gang, and only those of us with a creative mind can put outfits together that are original and nice. Like, sometimes i do mega smart when we go out for a meal, but tonite it was frayed shirt, old jeans, unpressed black cotton waistcoat, old peeptoe black suede heels... like a crawled out of bed look... we were taken as actors last week...


It comes down to personal choice. Fashion trends and attitudes change. Each person needs to take from each season, the styles that fit the wardrobe they desire to wear. The stiletto depicted in my avatar is the court shoe that I have wanted for a very long time, but for some reason that specific heel has been absent from the array of choices. There are many that come close and I have let them substitute rather than have nothing at all, but they still are considered seconds, at best, to satisfying this desire.


I really like to look good but I often feel sorry for all of the people I see who feel that they need to cram themselves into a little mold. I think people should wear what looks good on them, and not what some fashion designer made for the fall 09 season. There are 6 billion people out there and just a few individuals it seems. :)


Totally agree, as an interior designer, i have my own personal style, and i create ideas individually for people. To follow fashion as per magazines is weak, as it is often out of date anyway, and wots hot in london gets to manchester a year later.... and i do know both.... Listen to ure interior designer, ask him or her questions, and suss the response....

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