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Checking out others' shoe closet


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You see Tex, the thing is that you got enough men’s style boots (in women's sizes)in your collection. You need lots more of high heels added to that collection. :wink:

What are you saying that you do not like my steeltoe workboots???? hehehe

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So what if I did want to wear men's shoes. There are men that wear women's shoes......what about all these requests for equality that I hear?


It's not an equality thing, it's more of a shoe enthusiast thing. You can wear any women's shoes you want, so why on earth would you want to join us blokes in the dull crap that we are supposed to put up with?

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"

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yam yam

It was a joke!! I like heels. Especially on my boyfriend. I would be wearing some if I did not mess up my foot a month ago!

Well, that's all right then :wink: . Hope your foot gets better soon so you can get back on your heels.

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"

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:D It's been a sad, sad, sad month. Next time you will make sure the tub mat is secured to the floor. Right? :wink:

yam yam

It was a joke!! I like heels. Especially on my boyfriend. I would be wearing some if I did not mess up my foot a month ago!

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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yam yam

It was a joke!! I like heels. Especially on my boyfriend. I would be wearing some if I did not mess up my foot a month ago!

You can still wear them during "intimate" moments though?


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Don't often get any chance to see others closets, but would look if the opportunity arose, and would try, if the shoe fits wear it :wink:

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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After being reading throu this page I think I better hide my stuff. Better safe than sorry ............ :wink:

Dont want to be discovered ............... yet.

I can see what you mean, HHfanatic, but the worst part is wondering how other people will react. Something like 'the darkest moment is just before the dawn'. Perhaps being unexpectedly discovered is the best thing. You can always assume the moral high ground as you explain - like "Well, you shouldn't have been looking, but..."

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"

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  • 2 weeks later...

For me I think the most difficult part is to accept my footwear passion myself. So, if I cant accept it, how can I possible believe that any other will accept it. Hmmm, I better start to work on myself ............. For my own best, I think I better keep them in the closet. But, I must admit that when I have got a new girlfriend, her closets have never been safe. :wink:

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But, I must admit that when I have got a new girlfriend, her closets have never been safe.

:wink: I know what you mean there HHF, My wife just knows I have to try all her new shoes on when they arrive. And if they are ok, she may have to yield them for the odd hour here and there, now if I can persuade her to get higher heels :D

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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For me I think the most difficult part is to accept my footwear passion myself.

So, if I cant accept it, how can I possible believe that any other will accept it.

Hmmm, I better start to work on myself .............

For my own best, I think I better keep them in the closet.

Sometimes other people are better than you can believe. As I have written elsewhere, when I've told family and friends, they've all accepted my footwear without any hesitation. I know it is hard to accept in oneself, that's the hardest part. Once you can accept it yourself, and learn to love yourself, then seeing that others can accept it too will be easier.

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"

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Yeah, good advice. Learn to come to terms with it yourself. You'd actually be suprised how matter of fact most other people are about it. There's the odd one who might freak out, but then you won't want to be associating with such a shallow person anyway. Back on topic to shoe closets; has anyone been actually caught looking in someone's shoe collection? Stories please!

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My younger brother nearly caught me a couple of times. Once, when I was about 12, I was carrying a pair of Mom's stilettos back to her bedroom, and he asked what I was up to. And another time, during my TV times, around 18 or so, when he knocked on my bedroom door, catching me in girly underwear and stockings. I dived into bed and pulled the covers up around my ears. He simply said 'Night!' and disappeared again. After he left I noticed I'd left a dress on the floor... He's never mentioned it again, and I'm not going to remind him :wink: ! Otherwise, no, I've never quite been caught, and I've had many happy hours exploring. It's not the same now I have my own closet!

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"

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