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Hello from England (NE).

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Hello, I'm Willow, I'm a 36 yo cross dresser from North East England. I enjoy going for a slighty gothic look, but the most important thing for me is Heels. I've had a passion for Heels for as long as I can remember. I think it started when I was very young and used to play with my mums heels in the days before I even thought there was anything society might find strange about a boy in heels. As I grew older I tried resisting my love of high heels, but over time I came to accept that this is just the way I am. Unfortunately circumstances meant I had to move back in with my parents a few years ago, so I had to hide Willow away, as well as get rid of a fantastic heel collection I had built up. I'm now about to move into my own place again, in the next few weeks, and my urge to dress up and especially to wear heels has come flooding back again. I've recently plucked up the courage to start my shoe collection again, and I've even managed to have my first shoe shopping experience, having previously always ordered my heels online. This is however a story for a different thread. Just wanted to introduce myself and also say a big thankyou to many on here, for lurkers like myself it is very comforting to know that there are other people out there that have the same love for heels, it makes me feel slightly less weird about myself anyway ;-) If I can figure out how to transfer pics from my camera I will try and post up some pics and tell my little story about how my shoe shopping went. Anyway, just wanted to say hi....

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Glad you joined us, Willow. Welcome to our forum. Like you, I learned early on in my youth that the desire to wear heels would never go away so at about the age of 15 or 16 I decided never to try to quit, ever again. We're all looking forward to reading of your adventures and viewing your pictures. ;-):w00t2:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Hi Willow. Welcome to the forum. Your story sounds a bit similar to mine. I'm quite gothy generally too. Apart from I introduced my parents to my shoes even though I lived away from home. It was difficult for them not to notice as they were my day to day wear! You'd be suprised that people are generally more accepting if you do something as an open life choice rather than a closet activity. I know breaking the ice is hard, but once done it is all downhill from there on.

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