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interesting front cover


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This front cover story a of news magazine is about Darwin and the evolution: "The secret of the stature". Quite interesting that high heels made it into this collage, isn't it? Interesting also that a clear male wears high heels here, at least in the front :thumbsup:


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I think it might be a tongue in cheek nod to a poster I saw that had evolutionary footprints. It started with a webbed foot, then one with claws (like a rat), then a paw print, then an ape style footprint, then a human print, then a human wrapped some kind of skin, then a male boot then a stiletto!

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Well, the rear half is clearly male. I'm not sure what the front half is, but considering leopard-spotting is an almost exclusively female apparel pattern, I'm inclined to say that the front, heeled legs are, and were intended to be female.

Those who really care about us don't make a fuss about what we wear. Those who make a fuss about what we wear really don't care about us.

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Well, the rear half is clearly male. I'm not sure what the front half is, but considering leopard-spotting is an almost exclusively female apparel pattern, I'm inclined to say that the front, heeled legs are, and were intended to be female.

Well! Your opinion is a valid as mine to a differing observation, but that's our individualities coming out. The front legs could belong to either a teenage boy or girl who have reached most of their growing height and haven't started filling out or bulking up.

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