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Victoria Beckham in "highest heels ever"

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From the Daily Mail:


I must say I definitely quite like those.

So guys, what do you think how high these are, and how high the platform is? My guess is heel = 7", platform 2.5".

Just that those silly reporters have to add comments why she preferred to take the elevator rather than walking the stairs: "Clearly unable to walk up any stairs". Why couldn't she?

Reporters really add their own nonsense way too often to those stories. After her appearance in heel-less boots (http://www.hhplace.org/discuss/everybody/11885-bizarre_beckham_boots.html#post179681), some reporters wrote that she "always had to lean on David". Com'on folks - watch her walking in the video on Youtube, and you can see that she didn't have any issues walking.




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Hey, Heelma, thanks for posting the latest on Victoria. I'm guessing the plats at 2" and the heels at about 6", resulting in approximate 4" rise. The shoes sure do look like they're a challenge to walk in when you consider the height of the platfrom, the height and placement of the super-skinny heel and all. Personally, I prefer the "look" of the traditional stiletto heels with a more moderate plat, or no plat at all. Overall, Mrs. Beckham does very well in her heels. Very well, indeed. A real ambassador for the cause. :-)

Women who wear heels are to be admired and appreciated for the feminine visage they create.

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some reporters wrote that she "always had to lean on David". Com'on folks - watch her walking in the video on Youtube, and you can see that she didn't have any issues walking.

Wow... a woman who can walk in high heels.

That's about all Victoria Beckham can do. Oh, and wear sunglasses, I suppose!

Always High-Heel Responsibly

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Overall, Mrs. Beckham does very well in her heels. Very well, indeed. A real ambassador for the cause. :-)

I would have to agree with that statement. She wears all different styles of high heels and looks good in all of them, in my opinion.

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victoria seems to always manage the big heels really easily, and i think that is great but what i can't stand is those silly huge sunglasses she always wears that cover half her face they look silly, the heels are fine

the higher the boot, the higher the heel, the better the feeling!

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