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Posts posted by balletboot2000

  1. Come on Roz, what about your 12" heels. I think Lampwort is right, it is the unexpected little thing like a pebble or a twig that sends us flying. Uneven paving in my 12" heeled boots has had my arms whirling, and some serious wobbles on the ankles.

  2. Hi Lampwort, this is something I used to do many years ago, but wouldn't mind having another go. I used to strap my shoes on, so about a 5" heel was to highest I could wear. I did it with some home made ballets once, but couldn't find a suitable way of attaching them. My home made wooden peg stilts were about 30" high, although I did make higher ones. To me, balance seemed easier in heels than it did in flats

  3. We all know that we have seen some great pics of Pata recently out in her heels in the snow, so I thought that I would give it a go after a recent snow fall. Ballet boots - work pretty well as there is a good pressure on the toebox. Pony boots - seem to work pretty well, until there is a build up of ice under the horse shoe. Then things get very wobbly. 7" Hollywood heels - totally helpless. The heel digs in, the toe box doesn't, and then you end up with the heel flicking backwards. 6" stilettos - as above. 8" platform Pleaser boots - they work quite well on snow, but you have to be careful on packed ice.


  4. Hi Bubba, skating rinks are not really common in the UK, so I can't really say. Outside on a paved roadway they are reasonably controllable. They don't roll too far, but I think that they need some better wheels which is something that I am looking into. Thanks for asking

  5. Hi Pata, on the few occasions when I have skated outdoors in the skates, it is not easy to get from the camera to a photographic pose before the camera takes the picture. It isn't as hard as it looks, especially on a road type surface

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