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Posts posted by jmc

  1. The good news: You will not fall over. The bad news: You may not be able to stand up. It is likely that you will not be able to straighten your knees so walking un-aided will be a bit of a challenge until you stretch your tendons enough to accommodate the new height. Going from 3.5" to 4.5" (not including any platform) is rather easy. Going from 5" to 6" (not including any platform) is several orders of magnitude more difficult. The "step-up-a-half-inch-at-a-time" approach has a lot of merit.

  2. The "shoe form" is called a "last". One site mentioned making a set of makeshift lasts by pouring plaster of Paris into a pair of shoes and letting it harden. You would want to use a pair of shoes about which you do not particularly care because you are going to have to cut them away from your new lasts -- the hardened plaster will not flex so it will not be like removing the shoes from your feet. Look around in this forum -- Dr. Shoe has made some insightful postings on this subject. He has actually made shoes.

  3. Greetings, Lady Celeste! Welcome to HHplace!

    You have raised a couple of questions in your thread -- please allow me to provide some answers:

    Regarding where to place postings, we have a number of different forums dedicated to different aspects of heels. You have access to all of these forums, please try to place your postings in the appropriate forum.* We ask that you do this to facilitate finding "that one special posting" in the future. Your posting about looking for the thong sandal would be more at home in the "High Heels Wanted" forum. Just browse around the site and you will get the "flavor" of the various forums, then you will understand the type of content we want to see in each. You may start threads in any forum, but we ask that you keep threads on-topic and not post duplicate threads. If there is a thread already discussing what you have in mind, just add your comment to it -- even if it's an old thread.

    *(Guys are not allowed to post, start threads or vote in polls in the "For the Girls" forum.)

    Regarding the posting of images, we restrict image-posting for new members until they have been around a while. (The delay is on the order of 10 days and a handful of posts.) We do this to encourage them to explore the site, familiarize themselves with the content that is already here and get to know how HHplace works. Our site has been on the Internet for more than a decade and we have threads going back that far. Much of this content is still relevant. If you comment on a thread, even an old one, you bring it back up to the top of the list. We do not mind "resurrecting" threads this way as long as the comments are worthwhile.

    Once you are past the "new member" restrictions and ready to post images, check this_post to see how to do it. Make certain the material you are posting is not copyrighted -- if somebody got paid for it. it's copyrighted. Alternatively, you can start a gallery, please see this post for some guidelines as to the type of content we want to see in galleries.

    General forum guidelines and the "HHplace user manual" are right at the top of the "Hellos. . ." forum.

    Once again, welcome and enjoy the site!

  4. Hold on a second, you mean some guys like to smell girls shoes??? Is this a common thing???

    . . .

    Yes, it's true. Don't know how common it is, though. It's probably not as common as guys who like to wear heels.

    It sounds a little weird to me, too. Leather smells great and the leather aroma is part of the attraction for heels. But stinky feet are stinky feet no matter how they look . . .

  5. One other (minor) point: Heelguy states that guys and girls on this site are prohibited from posting in each other's forum. This is not entirely correct. Guys are prohibited from posting in the "For the Girls" forum. The girls have made it abundantly clear that they want it that way and since we enjoy their company, we extend this courtesy to them. Case closed, discussion ended. Girls, on the other hand, can post anywhere they want. Before we start hearing the caterwauling about unfairness and sexual discrimination, take a moment to think. If you are a guy, do you really mind having one of our fine female members post a response to one of your threads? Most guys will gladly welcome any interaction with a lady. The site is structured the way it is because almost a decades' worth of experience has shown us this is the way it should be. In that time period, we have tried other arrangements and found them to be unsatisfactory. Again, case closed.

  6. Not to defend laziness or lackadaisical attitudes on the part of sellers, but some people run their businesses on eBay. As such they sell a lot of stuff and if their "stuff" is shoes, they sell a lot of shoes. The shoes they have listed are probably already packed and ready to ship -- just waiting for the address label. I have done this, even though I have only sold 3-4 pairs -- having the item already packed means I can ship it immediately upon payment. I know all too well the unbearable anticipation a buyer experiences between sending payment and receiving the item and I feel that delay on my part is inexcusable. Answering a question to take a measurement means I will have to unpack and re-pack the item (taking the time to explain this might help buyers understand the situation). Spending some time to fully describe your item can help reduce the number of questions you have to answer and that gets back to the laziness issue. Add that to the variation in heel heights with respect to sizing and styles and a seller may not actually know the true height. But then, a knowledgeable seller who can field questions about his/her wares would come across as a person who actually **cares** about having paying customers. Further, anybody who runs a business selling high heels should know that heel aficionados can easily discriminate a half-inch difference in height. Being able to answer a question accurately and in a timely manner may make the difference between getting a sale or not -- and will certainly affect the potential of repeat business. If you're looking at a seller who cannot come up with an accurate answer to a fairly simple question, you might want to pass them by.

  7. Just to reinforce the theme of this thread, HHplace does not tolerate sexual harassment, un-invited come-ons or the like. The Private Messaging system is provided to allow members a way communicating among themselves without everything being visible on the public forums, but it is not intended to be a tool to allow members to "hit on" other members. Because it is "private", we cannot monitor the message traffic on the system and we must rely on our members to bring offensive messages to our attention, as the two principal participants in this thread have done. We will take action against any abuse of the Private Messaging system or any other features of our site.

    I would think that any male heeler should be able to relate to the theme of this thread. We guys can all remember times when we have had to put up with "crap" from insensitive, closed-minded morons who could not wrap their minds around our choice of footwear. Read through this thread and you will realize that we are not alone -- the ladies put up with their share of the same kind of nonsense. Let us not propagate it.

  8. That's the ultimate heel style for the ultra-shy male heeler!! Okay, probably not on the "must-have" list for pretty much everybody on our site :) . We want to see 'em, and hear 'em and feel 'em on our feet (well, most of us). Google ads is kind of a double-sided coin -- it definitely has pluses and minuses. On the plus side, Google ads does provide some revenue that helps us keep HHplace on the 'net. Things like server space, network bandwidth, software licenses and maintenance don't come for free, ya know. And without all of that, HHplace would be a pretty sorry excuse for a site. On the minus side, we have no control over the advertising content they provide. They scan our site and pick up on keywords, then they select content that pertains to those keywords. "High Heels" shows up around here more than a handful of times so they pick a lot of ads for heels. We also mention "guys wearing high heels" once in a while (well, only on days that end in "y") so they pick ad content to match.

  9. Hi Karen and welcome aboard! HHplace is for anybody who likes heels, for whatever reason. People who wear them, people who watch them, people who just shop for them, male or female. As it turns out, there are more guys here than women (but we are working to reverse that trend). It goes without saying that one cannot have a discussion about high heels without including the female perspective. But some of us guys are so enamored of heels, or in some cases just so curious as to how they felt, that at some point we slipped a pair on. And we loved them! And we felt like the biggest weirdos on Planet Earth, until we found this place and discovered we are not alone. If you are curious, browse around and you will find many tales of our trials and tribulations. Welcome and happy heeling!

  10. We have a listing of shoe shops right here on our site. Some of these shops do carry certain styles in sizes as high as US14 or even larger. One shop in particular is mentioned in this thread, but don't ignore the rest of the list. Sometimes it takes a lot of searching to find the perfect pair but the thrill is in the hunt!!

  11. I'm told that TV has a way of making talented people feel like they had been drawn through a wringer. But clearly some individuals do excel in that medium. I'd say you should just "chalk it up to experience" -- you tried something new and found it wasn't your forte. You will know better next time. You certainly have the looks for television (as any follower of your pictures thread can testify), and probably well more than the usual amount of poise (at least judging from American television). Perhaps the show staff did not prepare you well?

  12. I really don't get why we have two separate sections.. I mean, I understand that girls could get vulgar remarks before but isn't the easiest way to handle things like that just to take action against the person that's got bad manners?

    I sometimes read in the guy-section and wish I could be a part of your discussions 'cause they seem very interesting from time to time :-)

    We have two separate forums because 'way back when, the ladies wanted a place for themselves and this arrangement has served us well over the years. In the beginning there was no restriction as to who could post in what forums -- anybody could post anywhere. As the membership grew, more and more guys were participating in the girls' threads and the ladies began to feel as though they were being invaded. They complained quite vociferously about it and many stopped participating in the site. They had a point, too -- a woman would post a comment and then 40 or so guys would pile in, each adding their own points. Some of the guy postings were relevant and insightful, many were not.

    This situation prompted us to institute the "No Guys" rule in the "For the Girls" forum and it is one of the fundamental aspects of our site. It has been in effect for many years and it is not going to change.

    M-a, as a female you may post anywhere. There is no restriction on women posting in the "For the Guys" forum, in fact most guys openly welcome any lady who joins in with them!

  13. Based on personal experience, I generally agree with the sentiment of this thread. Guys normally wear such boring shoes that nobody bothers to notice even if you happen to be wearing something exciting. People are so accustomed to seeing the same old sneakers or wing-tips or loafers or whatever on mens' feet that they have given up looking. That said, occasionally somebody will be paying a little more attention -- but even if you are noticed, the consequences are rather unremarkable. On a recent outing, my travels took me to an Office Max store. I needed some computer gear at a late hour and I was wearing my beloved Fitzwell Fallara boots from several years back. They have 3" wedge-type heels and they are not overly egregious. They do, however, make a quite noticeable heely sound when I walk on hard surfaces. There were two women running the store, one probably in her fifties and the other more like in her thirties. The younger woman was running the till at the front of the store while the older woman was helping customers (although due to the late hour and a raging snowstorm there were not many). She greeted me at the door and I saw her eyes dart toward my feet. I knew I was "made" and after she directed me toward the merchandise I was seeking, I am positive that she passed her observations on to the younger woman. I could feel both their eyes on me as I approached the registers and completed the transaction. As I left the store with my purchases, my heels making their tell-tale sounds the whole way, I knew both were watching. But throughout the experience neither said a word to me regarding my boots. You don't want to make a paying customer feel too uncomfortable, after all. I saw a couple of glances between them (I'm sure they did not know I was aware) but they treated me as I would expect to be treated. And I am hoping, perhaps wishfully, that I loosened a brick or two in a couple of mental walls that evening. After all -- let's face it -- we don't wear heels to blend in with the crowd now, do we?

  14. A lot of a woman's beauty comes from confidence. Confidence affects how she carries herself, how she presents herself and her general well-being. A woman who is not confident in her appearance may look frumpish even though she may be physically pretty. Conversely, a rather "plain-Jane" woman who projects an air of confidence will make herself appear more attractive. Most women have some attractive feature. It may be the shape of her face, it may be her eyes, her figure, her hair, her hands or whatever. For some of us, even a feminine voice can be beautiful. Further, beauty really is in the eye of the beholder -- different beholders may find different features attractive, so beauty is somewhat difficult to quantify. There are a few unfortunate souls out there that have nothing to recommend them, we can only hope they possess delightful personalities!

  15. Kind of the opposite of the question normally posed here. But getting a pair that's too small is generally rather effective. Please bear in mind that HHplace is a fashion forum. While high heels certainly have their fetish and sexual aspects, such subjects will be heavily moderated here.

  16. Gotta say I find it annoying. Not because of the content but because of the implementation -- I find animated GIF's to be generally annoying. You have some thing off the side of the page cavorting and bouncing around just outside the periphery of your vision -- it's distracting. Also, animated GIF's usually move too fast on most systems, adding to the level of distraction and annoyance.

  17. On the subject of galleries, please bear in mind that galleries come under the control of the member who posts them. A member does not have to make his or her gallery public, any private gallery will not be visible to the rest of the membership. You will have to ask the member for permission to see private galleries. Don't bother asking the moderation staff, we will not force a member to extend viewing permissions to anybody.

  18. WOW PJ how did you get so many posts? This one might be enuf to get in gallery. tineetommie

    PJ didn't "get" so many posts. He wrote 'em! He wrote 'em all, every one! He has also been here a while, patience pays.

    Now this thread concerns public reactions to the passing of pop icons. Let us return to that topic, please do not take threads off-topic.

  19. lol. It's a painting I did of a VERY close up flower. A yellow tulip. The black is the stick in the center. I'm blanking on what that's called.:smile: Stamin? maybe?

    By the way, I class myself as a trecky wannabe. Star Trek is great because it's dialogue driven. Starwars is action and setting driven. Star Trek, to me, seems like watching a book. The way it's done and set up is more sophisticated than starwars in my opinion.

    The center part of a flower is called the "pistil" -- this is the female part. The pistil is surrounded by a number of "stamens", these are the male parts that produce pollen. Pollenization occurs when a particle of pollen is transferred from a stamen to the top of the pistil -- this is often accomplished by a bee. The pollen particle sends a tendril down through the pistil to the ovum, located at the base of the pistil. This begins the process of producing a seed. (See, I wasn't always sleeping in 9th grade biology class.)

    As far as Star Trek -- I love it. Original series, Next Generation -- I can quote dialog from certain episodes, I've seen them so many times. They never get old. I recently acquired "Enterprise" on DVD but have not watched them yet -- just haven't had the time. I'm looking forward to it.

    I am less enthusiastic about the movies -- not sure why, either. It seemed as though the graphics in the latest movie were a huge overkill -- far more advanced than anything we saw in the original series, although the movie was supposed to be set well before anything we saw in the original series. Of course, that is to be expected since the movie was made in 2008-2009 while the original series goes back to the sixties.

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