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Posts posted by jmc

  1. Sounds a little sado-masochistic to me. Not my "cup of tea" but to each his own. To the best of my memory, high heels have always been a fascination for me so I have to say it has been that way since I knew what they were. They are just so darned interesting! The sound, the motion, the sway they impart to the hips, it's "poetry in motion", sheer ecstasy to watch! Then, slip a pair on -- what a rush!

  2. Kinda makes you wonder why they have to put the stickers on in the first place. I know, they have to price the shoes but how about a really radical idea -- put the price tag and barcode on the box!! Or maybe on an easily removeable tag. Yes, certain styles like pumps or mules do not have straps and thus are not easily taggable but the box idea still works.

  3. Just read the article mentioned at the top of this thread. Sounds like another fashion slave who does not bother to think for herself. So she cannot handle five inch heels? Here's a radical thought -- don't wear them! OK, I know that's almost heresy around here but look at it this way -- we male heelers buck the winds of fashion all the time. In fact some among us are so cutting-edge that they are trying to define a new fashion! And some of the notables among us are even succeeding!

    To the author of the article: Come on, lady -- are you a sheep or a human? Do you bother to think for yourself or do you just mindlessly do what the rest of the herd tells you is "cool"? If you like it and/or it feels good, wear it and make it work for you. If you don't like it and/or it is uncomfortable then wear something else that does suit you and save us all the complaining. Frankly you have no idea what you are talking about until you try to go out in heels AS A GUY! A woman can wear anything from sandals to combat boots and nobody will bat an eyelash! If you don't like five inch heels then wear fours . . . or threes . . . or twos, or ones, or flats, or sneakers, or whatever suits you. And don't gripe at us when nobody's paying you any attention.


  4. Saw these here and had to beat it over to the Nine West website. Normally I do not pay much attention to them (although they have nice stuff) because they do not go big enough. But these were listed in 12's and I found them quite interesting! I think I snatched the last pair, sorry guys. I like them a lot, they are quite comfortable.

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