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Posts posted by jmc

  1. I have a pair of light tan boots (real leather) that I decided I wanted to darken. The official color was listed as "tobacco" when I bought them but that really isn't a color to me so I will stay with my original description of "light tan". I would have gotten them in black but they weren't available. So I decided to try the black shoe polish suggested at the top of this thread. (Black shoe polish is readily available. I'm going to have to hunt for shoe dye and it sounds like it can be more than a little messy.) So far I've put on a couple of coats and the color has deepened to something resembling dark chocolate. The grain of the leather still shows -- in fact it seems like the polish has highlighted it -- and I am really liking the result. Shoe dye is probably the way to go if I insisted on making them really black but I like the chocolate/mahogany color I'm getting. It's starting to look like nicely stained wood.

  2. You don't have to click on the smiley to see the link. (At least in Mozilla Firefox -- the browser I'm using) if you roll your cursor over a link, the link target pops up at the bottom of the browser window. You can see where the link leads but not what is on the other end. None of these spam links are worth following anyway.

  3. Hi micha, I did a profile on Albert Einstein in a school composition class many years ago. He was an interesting character with a lot of inconsistencies. From my research he was Jewish and that is the primary reason he left Europe. In his early years he was a patent examiner (for the Swiss patent office if I remember correctly) and he found that to be less than stimulating. I forget what led him into physics. In spite of all his genius he was incapable of some of the simplest everyday tasks. For instance, finding socks that matched (or finding them at all) was often beyond his capability. When working on a big theory he would occasionally leave home for the lab without shoes. He would just forget to put them on! His signature hairdo was mostly a result of never combing it! It is almost as if there are only so many gray matter cells in the human brain and all of his were dedicated to physics. He was married in the 30's, back in his patent-examiner days and when that marriage ended nis ex-wife commented that he needed a mother more than a wife! With all that, Einstein had an interesting way of explaining things. For instance, in an attempt to explain relativity he said, "When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour it seems like less than a minute. But sit him on a hot stove for a minute and it seems longer than an hour. That's relativity." Well, that makes sense but I have no idea how you get lasers, E=mc^2 and nuclear power out of that. Einstein had another explanation. Somebody asked him how radio worked and his reply went something like this: Start with the telegraph. The telegraph is like a really long cat. Somebody is pulling his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Radio works the same way except there is no cat. Gee, thanks Al! That clears it up!

  4. Yeah, I think you might get noticed. Like a half-block long cherry red fire engine with lights flashing and siren blaring might get noticed! But you make the look work and if you have the confidence to take it out into the world then you are a shining beacon to us all.

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