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Posts posted by jmc

  1. First -- Welcome and greetings. You have not expressed anything that has not gone through most of our minds at some time.

    The little pictures are the board's way of commending you for posting. Being this is a board about shoes we shouldn't run around here barefoot -- so the admins put the post ranking system in effect. As your post count grows you graduate to higher and more interesting heels. The original announcement is here: http://www.hhplace.org/hhboard/viewtopic.php?p=31#31

  2. The doctor said, "Bill, the good news is I can cure your headaches. The bad news is that it will require castration. You have a very rare condition, which causes your testicles to press on your spine and the pressure creates one hell of a headache. The only way to relieve the pressure is to remove the testicles." Bill was shocked and depressed. He wondered if he had anything to live for. He had no choice but to go under the knife. When he left the hospital, he was without a headache for the first time in 20 years, but he felt like he was missing an important part of himself. As he walked down the street, he realized that he felt like a different person. He could make a new beginning and live a new life. He saw a men's clothing store and thought, "That's what I need... a new suit." He entered the shop and told the salesman, "I'd like a new suit." The elderly tailor eyed him briefly and said, "Let's see... size 44 long." Bill laughed, "That's right, how did you know?" "Been in the business 60 years!" the tailor said. Bill tried on the suit. It fit perfectly. As Bill admired himself in the mirror, the salesman asked, "How about a new shirt?" Bill thought for a moment and then said, "Sure." The salesman eyed Bill and said, "Let's see 34 sleeves and 16-1/2 neck." Bill was surprised, "That's right, how did you know?" "Been in the business 60 years." Bill tried on the shirt and it fit perfectly. Bill walked comfortably around the shop and the salesman asked, "How about some new underwear?" Bill thought for a moment and said, "Sure." The salesman said, "Let's see... size 36." Bill laughed, "Ah ha! I got you; I've worn a size 34 since I was 18 years old." The salesman shook his head, "You can't wear a size 34. A size 34 would press your testicles up against the base of your spine and give you one hell of a headache." New suit - $400 New shirt - $36 New underwear - $6 Second Opinion - PRICELESS

  3. 1. Boats last longer. 2. Boats don't have parents. 3. Boats never get headaches. 4. Boats' curves never sag. 5. Boats don't care if you have a beer while you ride them. 6. Boats never ask "Does this make me look fat?" 7. It is always OK to use tie-downs on your boat. 8. Your boat doesn't get mad at you if you look at other boats. 9. You don't have to deal with preachers and blood tests to register your boat. 10. If you say bad things to your boat you don't have to apologize before you ride it again.

  4. And, perhaps aside from some personal satisfaction, what exactly is that going to accomplish? (I know Dr. Shoe is not going to see this if he is serious about leaving. But others will.)

    We can fight the spammers. All of us -- regular users.

    There is a "Report Spam Here" thread right on top of the "Hellos, Goodbyes, and General Announcements" forum. Only about a half-dozen of us post there and we flag the URL's of these spam posts. Instructions for how to do it are here: http://www.hhplace.org/hhboard/viewtopic.php?p=114894#114894. Once flagged, spam does not stay for long, usually less than a day. Our posse of spam-killing moderators log in regularly and sweep it away. Complaining about it here in the threads does nothing.

  5. . . .I am soooooo ANGRY with all this f@@king SPAM!!!

    Then Fight It! There is a "Report Spam Here" thread right on top of the "Hellos, Goodbyes, and General Announcements" forum. Only about a half-dozen of us post there and we flag the URL's of these spam posts. Instructions for how to do it are here: http://www.hhplace.org/hhboard/viewtopic.php?p=114894#114894. Once flagged, spam does not stay for long, usually less than a day. Our posse of spam-killing moderators log in regularly and sweep it away. Complaining about it here in the threads does nothing.

  6. It's a roundabout way of saying, "Wear them at your own risk."

    ". . . and don't come back to sue us if you break your neck."

    As if we don't have enough sense to figure that out for ourselves. These disclaimers drive me nuts. Look at the operator's manual for any automobile -- at least every other page has a warning about what might happen to you if you don't pay attention to what you are doing. Duh!

  7. Ruby -- Le752 knows what she's talking about. She started a very lively and interesting discussion thread last spring, she was facing virtually the same situation as you. Her thread was accidentally deleted during an aggressive spam cleanup session but the majority of it was reconstructed shortly thereafter. The discussion is available here: http://www.hhplace.org/hhboard/viewtopic.php?t=5928. It's well worth a read.

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