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Posts posted by RonC

  1. Well, HF, I know I really shouldn't be posting my adventures on your thread, but I have to say that it's all your fault....lol. I went out Christmas shopping in my 3" heel boots last night. I was fun to walk around a couple different department stores. Once again, I don't know if anyone noticed, as I just went about my business. Unfortunately, I am finding that I'm going to have to look for some alternate boot or shoes to wear out, as these boots are just not quite wide enough. Tow are is fine (that's where I normally have a problem), but the right boot is a bit too narrow through the ball of the foot, and I am getting pain across the top of my foot. Anyway, walking around Sears takes on a whole new meaning for me now!

  2. I agree RonC, it is frustrating that Payless has reduced their selection the way they have, but I'm not confident they'll ever get back to the way it was. Being a Payless "Gold" customer (self described of course) a huge part of my collection came from Payless, and from in-store purchases to boot (no pun intended). In 2008 alone I bought over a hundred pairs, most of which were on sale or via their BOGO promotion. Needless to say my 2009 purchases don't compare to one tenth of 2008. Not only from the reduction of the store's inventory but also because I find they aren't stocking stocking a variety of shoes, with a higher heel in the larger sizes, like they used to. They still have a good selection online but I'd rather see the shoe (hence going in the store) before I buy it.

    I agree HHRick, I much prefer to at least see the shoes in person. Many times the shoes from Payless can be rather, oh, I'm not sure of the word I'm looking for here...maybe bulky? I guess if one would look at the cut of shoes of maybe a NineWest, Steve Madden, etc., and then comapre them to a Payless shoe in a similar style, the Payless shoe is most often cut somewhat different...higher on the vamp, higher sides...it's just hard to explain, but they often lack the elegance (re: femininity) to my eye that many other shoes possess. So I like to be able to actually at least see them in person before I buy, and trying on is preferred.

  3. I agree with you J, regarding the reduction of Payless's selection in larger sizes. There is one store, in an area like you mentioned, that I visit at least once a week (if not more) and their larger size women's inventory has been reduced to a very limited selection. The manager used to keep back new styles, with a heel, for me but now she just apologizes. I've just about resorted to using their website, for my purchases, but I still enjoy going in to visit with the manager. She is so nice and understanding it's a shame that I can't increase "her" sales rather than the website's.

    It is the same with all of the Payless stores I've been in. The selection of size 12's is way, way down. I even used to see some 13's in the store, but they're completely gone. And even the size 11 selection has dwindled to about half of the styles available in the smaller size. Very disappointing. I'm hoping the selection ramps back up when the economy improves (of course, we'll all have nothing left to spend if our fine govenment doesn't quit spending our tax dollars like there's no tomorrow!)

  4. I can't imagine why we would not want the input of the "pros", lol. Seriously, I know we can't post in their forum, but I think with good reason, as the guys would over run the posts. I even have some doubts about the true identity of some of the "females", as there is really nothing to stop a guy from registering as a female and therefore being able to post in their forum. I just have a sneaking suspicion that they are not all girls. I really enjoy hearing the input of the ladies as to how they feel about their footwear, and what they think of the guys in heels. So more power to the ladies, and you are certainly welcome here as far as I'm concerned.

  5. HF, after reading your adventures, I decided last niight to stretch my comfort zone. Wearing the 3" chunky heel boots I recently bought (pictured in the "who has bought some new shoes thread), with a pair of jeans, I decided to do some grocery shopping last night. I have never gone in to place quite that public (and brightly lit!) while wearing heels. While the heels are chunky, from the side they are still obviously heels, and no one would mistake them for a heel on a typical man's shoe. I managed to stay fairly relaxed, and I really don't think any one noticed, or if they did, no one made a comment. My only period of discomfort was in an aisle where a woman was shopping with two young girls. I was afraid they might say something, but I guess they didn't notice. The boots did end up being somewhat uncomfortable on my right foot, as they are a bit too narrow, but other than that, I managed quite nicely. While I doubt that I would ever venture out into a setting that public in more obviously feminine footwear, it was a rather large step for me. One which I will likely do again after the success of this outing! I just figured hey, if HappyFeat can do what he does, I can sure manage a pair of chunky heels!

  6. Thanks RonC!

    chizboco - they're alot more comfortable now i've worn them a fair bit, i really like them too :cry1: i really want a pair of these.. such a shame they're in the UK :wave:...

    I haven't been much for platforms, but I think I would enjoy those. I like black patent, and also like the ornament. I take it they are only available in the UK (Many places will ship overseas).

  7. Most gay guys don't want to be with a guy in womens clothes.. Trust me. As a group we tend to be a bit all inclusive, and for some reason alot of us have a facination with drag performers, but I've had to explain to the boyfriends of friends that an interest in heels does not equate a desire for a sex change.

    Sorry to hi-jack the thread this early. It just amazes me that everyone seems to equate wearing a piece of female clothes (heels, etc) with being gay, when an overwhelming majority of gay guys do not want anything to do with it, and by the numbers a larger amount of straight guys are into it.

    Jim, while I definitely see your point, I think that, to many people, any man in woman's clothing is a typical "drag queen", and I don't think there is much doubt about the sexual slant of most drag queens. Just take a look at the show "Ru Pauls Drag Race", and I think that it is pretty apparent that the guys are gay. Now, cross-dressers, as that term is used, are nearly all straight men, though there is a mix (at least in my metropolis). I know one gay guy who is not into women's clothes as such, but does do the occasional female attire thing, and know numerous other gays that have absolutely nothing to do with female clothing. Once again, it comes down to an individual thing, despite how society likes to label stuff.

  8. Thanks Bootking for the info.

    From outside the store, I can see the shoe size by a large sign on top of each display and I never saw anything more than size 10 in the women's section...

    Next time I pass in front of a Payless store I will have a closer look (or I will ask).

    Or maybe they carry larger sizes in stock only in Payless stores located in the USA ?

    Will see about that soon...

    Do Canadian sizes run the same as US sizes? Are they perhaps the same as UK sizes? I know a UK 10 is a US 12 in womens shoes, so if they have a section of size 10, that may be the equivalent of US size 12.

  9. HappyFeat, wonder if you've been to NineWest lately, and if they happened to have had either of the following styles. I think the black suede pumps would be a great choice for the larger manly foot and leg, and the sling backs are just damn cute! Wow, I'm starting to offer shoe shopping options for you!!!...lol.



  10. Just picked these up today. The heel on these in size 11 is right about 3". I wore them out and about for several hours today, including a site inspection where I had to cross a busy street to take some pictures. When I headed back to my car, I had to run about half way across the street. That was a bit interesting. I know the heel is pretty chunky, but running in them was a bit more than I had expected. I'm sure the drivers coming at me had a great view of all 3" of heel as well! While I can't say there were many people around (other than in cars), I was surprised at how relaxed I felt in those heels. It was a great morning for me, and I'm sure I will wear these in many other public settings. Someday, it will be the pair in my avatar.......lol!


  11. My girlfriend approves, on top of that I think she even likes it. It kinda started when she told me she wondered how it would feel to make out with another girl, to which I replied I would dress up as one if she wanted to. Guess what happened after that.:cry1:

    She tells me how sexy she thinks it is that I wear heels and women's clothing and often jokes around I'm the woman in this relationship. She sometimes refers to me as her transvestite boyfriend (though only in private) Haha. She even tells me that she's kinda proud of it.

    I think she still sees this as one big joke, as she keeps commenting that 'I am crazy like that'. I don't mind that the slightest bit, I can be myself around her. Even if that means if she doesn't take it as seriously as I do. I like wearing heels and women's clothing, and she lets me. Not too much though, since she once asked me to put off my heels, but still I'm really happy with a girlfriend like her. I tried to hint that I really like it, but I think I need to outright tell her that I love wearing high heels. But I think if I tell her she would just say that it doesn't come as a surprise, considering what I have worn when she was around.

    Best thing of all? We're about the same height and width regarding body shape, so we fit in each others clothes perfectly. We switch clothes every so often, I do fit in her shoes too, but my feet are 2 sizes bigger than hers so they're not comfortable.

    The only thing I feel sad about is that she dislikes high heels herself, since she can't walk with them. She even tried on a pair of mine, stood up and sat down immediately after standing up. Then she asked how I was even able to walk in them. Haha.

    The reason that she doesn't find it weird that I own heels is because she knows I'm planning to wear them together with a matching costume for this gig that I have coming up. She can't wait to see me in that costume, on top of that. God bless my girlfriend.

    Wow, that would be a tough choice for me. While I would love to have a partner that approved of my wearing heels, I would be less than thrilled about her NOT wearing heels. My wife, due to foot and knee problems, no longer wears much in the way of a heel, maybe a thicker 2" heel now and then, but the days of nice classic stiletto high heels is over for her. Unfortunately, I am not handling that fact very well, and while trying desparately not to let it be an issue, I know that I am less than thrilled by the shoes she now wears. I know that is despicable of me, but my love of women in heels is just so damn strong. So it would be a very difficult choice for me. I have to say, since her footwear has changed, I find myself wanting to buy and wear heels just that much more, certainly more than at most any time in the past that I can remember. So, though I can't imagine ever giving up my desire to wear heels, I believe that I'd prefer that she wore them, rather than her be acceptiong of me in heels and not wearing them herself.

    Wow, that was long winded....lol. Maybe I could finally tell her my habits behind the guise of needing to feed my heels desire, and since she can't wear them, I could get some satisfaction by wearing them myself!

  12. I was out shopping for a pair of boots today, and tried the boots on, as well as a couple other pairs of heels. I would have tried more, but they had very few shoes in even a size 11 (and no 12's, which is what I really need, though some 11's do fit ok, including the boots. I have noticed that boots tend to run larger. Maybe because they expect that heavier socks will be worn rather than nylons?)

  13. You likely have a more narrow foot than the average male. If your foot is narrow, you can pretty much wear the same size in a woman's shoe as your regular men's size. At your 9 1/2, I'd probably try a 10 woman's (9 1/2 woman's is a difficult size to find, as is 10 1/2. For some reason, manufactures believe that after size 9, no one ever has a 1/2 size difference...lol). I know a guy that wears a size 11 men, and can quite easily fit into an 11 women's. And I'm jealous!

  14. HappyFeat, an interesting post in that all three shoes were t-straps, yet all have a different look. The first Nine West paid has a relatively low heel, which I'm sure makes them an easy walk. But the look classy if conservative. The middle pair, I think, are among my favorties of the shoes you have posted here. I think they are a great look with your outfit, and have a nice heel height, but is not overly thin, which I think does look good with a larger foot and leg. I'm with you on the peep-toe look. I think it looks great (and can also make the shoe a bit more comfortable!) And finally the brown t-straps with the heavier, higher heel and overall "heavier" look with thicker straps, etc. Despite being the highest heel by far, I think those are a more casual look. They do go good with the skirt. My only comment in looking at those pictures was perhaps that your jacket was too long for the look? It seemed to make your shoulders look wide (maybe a compliment!), but I just thought a waist length jacket, like a denim jacket, would be an appropriate combo. In any event, your boldness these days is stunning. I wish I had some of your "I don't care if you like it or not" attitude when it comes to what you wear!

  15. Nice HappyFeat. I like the slingbacks. I think platforms are starting to grow on me a bit. Those are not exaggerated, which is a good thing in my book. I like the cut of the loafers. Very low heel, but obviously a feminine slant. It will be interesting to hear the reactions you get in those. Wonder how many will even notice? Thanks as always for sharing!

  16. Saw this girl today at Bryant Park. Her style isn't really extraordinary, but it's simple patriotic American: Red, White, and Blue. She could spice it up a bit with some more jewelry or maybe a bag, but I still love her as being the kind of girl that I could inspire because of our similar style tastes.

    Wow! Absolutely lovely. Those shoes are perfect with jeans!

  17. Bobsmith, thanks for posting that video! The way she keeps flexing her ankle makes me crazy. If I had been sitting in Conan's chair, it would not have been a very good interview...lol. She'd be asking me why I keep staring at her feet! Wouldn't have been able to stand up when she left either...lol. And the drool running down the side of my mouth wouldn't have looked to nice either.

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