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Posts posted by RonC

  1. I have to agree with JNR. I think you need to make a choice. Certainly, you cannot blame her completely, as she just can't understand what happened to the guy she married. Imagine if she cut her hair real short, quit wearing makeup of any kind, and started dressing in three piece suits with wing tips in full guy mode. You'd likely be a bit aghast as well.

  2. Ron C,

    You have gone from a lonely dirt road to a paved suburban street on the confidence scale! What could be next...stepping high in stiletto boots on Michigan Avenue?? While this reply could be tailored to anyone in the Chicago area it also serves as a notice to all others out there wondering about what is possible. You can ALL go as far as you want..you just have to try!!


    Yes, and I'm darn glad to be off that dirst road, as my black patent heels were getting all dusty!...LOL

    I'm thinking no on the Michigan Ave thing...I don't have any stletto boots to wear...lol again!

  3. Please don't take offense, as I know from the pictures here that many of you quite enjoy platforms, but for me, my comment is, when the hell is this trend going to end!!!???. If I never saw another platform shoe, I would be a much happier person. I just can't get past the fact that they look like the shoe worn by a teacher of mine many year ago that had one leg shorter than the other. I guess it just makes me think of someone with a club foot. Of course, the platform trend will probably be replaced with nothing but flats! That would serve me right then, wouldn't it? LOL

  4. Hi All!

    As expected I went shopping on Monday, a federal holiday, and the stores were pretty empty! Got this first pair at DSW in Chicago (Clark and Belmont store) which is a nice cumfy pair of wedges sandals in taupe. Great with all kinds of jeans and more.


    The second pair is an edgy (sexy as hell) pair of 6.2" wedges which I got at Bakers at the Woodfield Mall store which I had never visited before but the downtown store is closed for renovations. They are definitely a wow shoe and thecoolest wedge I have ever seen from Bakers.



    Peek and opine if you like.


    HinH, one of these days we are going to bump into each other shopping in the Chicago area! That would be interesting! I was in a couple stores Monday myself, but I was up in the Algonquin area.

    Hope you enjoy your purchases. I am not a platform or wedge guy, so neither floats my boat, but all that counts is if you like them!

  5. I had a great experience at DSW today. The store was not crowded. I headed back to teh sale racks, where they had an extensive selection of siz 11 and even some 12s. I must have tried on 15 different shoes today, and even walked around a bit in a couple pair. One pair I really liked but didn't buy had the type of construction that for some reason seems to promote a lot of "wobble" when you walk, which is a sensation that I enjoy. I guess the $50+ price tag was a bit too much. Another pair I liked for their comfort was a pair of Clarks black patent heeled loafers that were available in an 11W and fit really nicely. They were so comfortable, not the stiletto heels I mostly go for, but a lower, blockier heel that I bet would be comfortable all day. See the attached picture. But alas, the price deterred me once again. But I sure did enjoy my shopping experience today!


  6. I know I've replied here already, but I just had to add that, as I continue to read the adventures of others in heels, I am becoming more brave to wear them myself. At one time, I never thought I would venture out into public, or at least where I would be seen, with any type of heels, unless I was for some reason in drag, such as for Halloween. But within the last year, I have worn 3" heel loafers to go shopping and even while I am doing parts of my work chores that involve taking pictures of buildings and the like. And I now quite often go into stores and try on heels in the store. So I must upgrade my previous just plain old yes to a more emphatic YES, this site has definitely given me more courage!

  7. I had a pair of heeled loafers that I wanted to wear out and about, but they were so damn noisy that I felt subconscious no matter where I wore them. I took them to a shoe repair shop and the owner said that one of the prime reasons for the noise was the fact that the heels were hollow. He said it would help to fill the cavity with some material (I think he said foam?) and then put a softer rubber heel plate on the bottom. He did say, however, that they could never be completely quiet. I told him to go ahead and make the changes. When I got them back, they were ten times quieter than before. Do they still make a noise? Yes, there is a bit, but no more than most other mens shoes, so I no longer feel like everyone can hear me coming a mile away! I am quite happy with the results.

  8. I agree Fred87, wish I could find more shoes that show cleavage,I really like the look for me.The problem Ive found is if they show cleavage they also seem to be very narrow in the toe box.

    Barbara, just curious if you have tried Classic Pumps on line. They stock only shoes that show toe cleavage, and they caryy a few of their styles in wide widths as well. Walt, the owner, is great to work with and can tell you what should work!

  9. When I was first able to buy heels that fit, it was when I first strated driving, and the car was always the first time I got to put them on. As such, I've been driving in heels for about 43 years now! I have absolutely no problem driving in heels, but then I don't wear platforms at all, so those may be much more fo a challenge, as it would be more difficult to know where the bottom of your foot is in relation to the pedals of the car (brakes in particular!).

  10. Just bought these today. I have looked in numerous Payless stores and couldn't find either and 11W or a 12. Just by chanced I stopped in one today, and they had a pair in 12. They are a bit on the narrow side, may have actually needed a 12W even, but considering how long I've been looking at these, I'll take the 12's and deal with the narrowness for a while! They actually look even better on than in the picture. Heels are a bit over 4" in the size 12.


  11. I feel guilt only in as much as there have been times I spent money on heels that would have better been spent on otehr things, and that my wife has no idea how much I spend on shoes (or even that I wear heels, for that matter). So the guilt doesn;t come from wearing the heels, it is more from buying them!

  12. I visted a Dorothy Perkins concession today and the older lady who served was SO kind and polite. I was wearing my 4" black courts with slim jeans and once she'd decided I was 'serious' then she couldn't have been more helpful. She helped me try various heels (such as http://www.dorothyperkins.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?beginIndex=0&viewAllFlag=&catalogId=33053&storeId=12552&productId=2235971&langId=-1&sort_field=Relevance&categoryId=208738&parent_categoryId=208609&sort_field=Relevance&pageSize=200&refinements=Shoe%20Size{1}~[8]^category~[208948|208738]&noOfRefinements=2) and gave honest advice on sizing etc. She related that occasionally other guys have come in and bought heels, including recently some very flashy sliver platform sandals. The younger shop girls looked slightly surprised but made no comment, so hopefully their collegue's great attitude will rub off on them. It still takes courage to try in a shop but experiences like this definitely make it easier!!!

    Wobblyheight, I love the shoes in your avatar. Could you give us a larger view? Are they still available anywhere?

  13. Hi all

    question ?

    do you find your need to wear high heels deminishes if your wife /girlfriend wears hers more

    Personally I find i wear mine less if my wife wears hers more

    Is it my liking for high heels that feeds my need for high heels when i cant see them being worn

    I do like the feel of wearing high heels , the posture the tightness of the calf

    But I also love the look it gives to my wifes legs and and they make her look so feminine this also applies to other women who wear high heels of course

    what do you think?

    I am like you. If my wife could wear them all the time, my desire to wear them would be less. She has had foot problems over the last four or five years and cannot wear true heels any more. As a result, I find myself shopping for heels all the time, and unfortunately buying too many pairs. It has been difficult for me, as in the past, she actually allowed me to pick out almost all of her shoes, and I would buy her many pairs. Now, the enjoyment that I got from that is gone, and I find myself buying what I would like to see her wear, but in a size that fits me (if I can find that size! lol). Certainly, I have bought more for myself in recent years than ever before.

  14. Unfortunately not. For example, I have purchased Nine West and Bandolino shoes in size 12 and could barely get my foot into one pair and the other would be falling off my foot. There is really no way to know from one style to the next, even if the same brand of shoe.

  15. If it's purely from a visual standpoint, I would definitely say the whole package, but I will always look to see what shoes she is wearing. I have seen women that from a looks standpoint aren't overly attractive, but if she's wearing a great pair of heels, I can be attarcted. Similarly, if there is a very attractive and shapely woman, I can be somewhat put off by the selection of a shoe style that I don't care for. She doesn't necessarily have to wear heels, as there are some heels that I find to be quite unattractive, and if saw a woman wearing that style I could be turned off by thinking, man, if she wears those things, he other shoes are likely bad as well. That being said, if we are going beyond the physical/visual end of teh scale, than sexy has a much different definition, and personality would rule. However, at this point in my life, I doubt that I would attempt to find someone for a long term relationship that did not wear shoes that I like. I wouldn't dump someone on that basis only because it wouldn't get far enough to be considered dumping unless she fit what I a would be seeking. Right now, I think I'd choose to be without a steady relationship if it didn't include a lady that would wear heels among the other traits I'd be looking for.

  16. I have found that the platforms are difficult the first several times you put them on but it is becoming my experience that they will get easier and more comfortable as you wear them more often...[ATTACH]11668[/ATTACH]


    I guess my question would be how do you keep them from pulling off you foot at the heel. There si no way I can keep the heel of the shoe on my foot!

  17. Today I went out in my 3" chunky heel loafers. I hadn't worn them much because they were so loud. I took them to a local shoe repair guy and he filled the hollow part of the heel with something and put on a softer rubber heel cap. Now, while they still produce a bit of clomp, it was not noticeable much at all, and I was much more comfortable in them. I had to go grocery shopping and to Sam's Club. I was out for a couple hours and walked quite a bit. I have to say that the more I wear heels, the more I sympathize with the ladies, as my feet were hurting after a while, and it felt good to sit down when given the chance. Now I admit that the heels are not overly high at 3", and they are thick, and that I wore pants that were intended to hide the heels, but the shoe style, if anyone would even look at the front portion of the shoe, is fairly feminine. I have to say, I did not notice anyone doing a double take or anything, and as one would expect, no one said anything. This was my most extensive time out in a highly public place, and it was great! I'll certainly be doing more of that with those shoes,a s they are quite discreet, but still give me the nice heel feeling as well as a bit of a feminine look. I did wear them with nylons, which also enhances the feeling for me. The attached picture is a very close style, but they are not the actual shoe. The pair in the picture appear to have somewhat lower heels, as mine are a full 3".


  18. I just bought these in black. They are a great looking shoe, but unfortunately, my desire for them got the best of me, as the size 11 I bought are much too tight. Also, I have a question. These are the first pair of platform sole shoes I have bought. When I walk in them, the sole doesn't bend at all, and as such, the heel of the shoe geys pulled off the back of my left foot (not the right, as it would take a crow bar to get that one off it's so tight...lol). Anyway, is that common? I do wish these would have fit better. Actually, I wish I had tried them on more than a quick slip on of the right shoe. If I had, I would have known that the fit was not good for me.


  19. Assuming they are still available, any thoughts on trying the other sizes? if you did, I'd suggest ordering both, so you can compare which one is the better one, then decide if that one is good enough.

    I had a similar issue with a pair of pumps I was trying to buy from Payless. Naturally I ordered the largest size they had (13W), which is the size I've tried to order my shoes in from them (or else a 13M, if that's all that's available). Surprisingly, the 13W was too large. I don't remember if on the same order, or a different order, but I ended up ordering a 12W and a 13M. I think I ended up keeping the 13M, with I remember now some heel and ball of foot pads, to help take up some of the excessive room that the 13.

    While unfortunate that they pair you had might be too large, I'd much rather hear an occasional, "they were too large", instead of the constant, "they're too small" that us larger-size people need to endure.

    At this point, I don't think I will re-order. I have a feeling that the 11W would work OK, but I just don't feel like going through the trouble right now with the holidays and all. Now if there was actually a store that carried the wides and larger sizes, I would go try them on. But none around here carry that boot in the big and wide sizes.

  20. There was a thread when someone else had gotten the Glassy, and I mentioned I got the Giddy [who's making up these names??]. I got mine from naturalizer.com for $69.99 + $6.50 shipping, so you got an even better price than me. What's your usual size? I'm a 13 man's, so the 12W in women's was tight, but wearable. If you're a 12 or smaller, you'll probablly be okay.

    While the two are almost identical from the ankle-down, up, it's a different story. The Glassy is a combination of leather and suede (mostly suede) on the upper portion. Plus there's a studded strap at the rear of the heel. If you're going for discretion (as I am), neither do much to help the cause.

    I'll be curious to read your comments after you get yours.

    Well, I recieved the Glassy boots in size 12W after returning the 11M. As I indicated earlier, the 11M was much too tight, and actually hurt my right foot. No way I could wear them. So based on that, I went to the 12W rather than the 11W or the 12M. Well, much to my chagrin, they were quite a bit too large. My left foot did not reach the back of the boot when standing, and even the right foot would slide down into the boot a bit. I would guess the size I really need is an 11.5W, which of course they do not make. So these boots, despite being quite nice looking and something I was willing to wear in pubkic. went back to the store. I do have to add that the slope of the arch and heel in these was rather steep and did not really hit the right part of my foot. I would have guessed that they would not have been overly comfortable for me to wear. It seems that the shoes that are more comfortable for me have a more pronounced curve in the arch area, which then leaves the heel with a bit less of an angle. If anyone is aware of the Insolia design, that is the type of design that I am most comfortable wearing.

  21. I think I'll be in St Charles next 3-4 months so I hope to visit Aurora too. I didn't know there is nine west. What the heck, I'll need to go there and see if there is anything interesting for me so that I can try buying something cool for me and my wife:)

    Anyway, thanks for the news. I hope they will keep the 11's and 12's in the store.

    Right now there is a large selection fo boots, as one would expect. I'm guessing that they will have their season clearance shortly after chrismas, and then bring in the spring shoes at about the end of January. It will be at that point when the tale will be told. If there is still an abundance of 12's when the new stock comes in, then I'm guessing it will be a consistent thing. Time will tell!

  22. A few weeks back, I reported that one of teh Nine west outlets in the Chicago area had a good selection of size 12's. In the past they had very few, so seeing an expanded selection gave me some hope. Yesterday while Christmas shopping, I stopped in another Nine west outlet in Aurora and, lo and behold, I think they had size 12's for just about every shoe in the store! I certainly hope this continues, as it would be great to have the Nine West option at outlet prices! On a down note, however, it still seems as if Payless is severely limiting the number of 11's and 12's.

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