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Posts posted by Puffer

  1. I don't doubt that legs have a better blood supply than arms, but circulation in legs and feet (as wells as arms and fingers) does diminish naturally with age, as the vascular consultant told me only on Tuesday during a hospital referral.   Although he could find nothing abnormal with my lower limb circulation, he wasn't surprised when I told him of increasing cramps and leg pains at night and the intermittent soreness in the tips of a couple of my toes (which doesn't help if I wear heels), primarily due to thinning blood.    I've looked in vain for some 'Elixir of Youth' on eBay - but I've got some garlic in case the vampires call.

  2. Bubba136: You don't say what size and type of heel required a new pad (top piece), but I'm guessing it was a hollow one similar to that shown by Cali.   If so, I am sceptical that the thin edges of the moulding will give enough contact surface for the glued pad to remain firmly attached for very long - but time will tell.   That is one reason why I advocate filling the void with wood and ideally nailing too.

  3. 4 hours ago, Cali said:

    I'll will probably do a DIY on them, but I am extremely busy right now. I have the tools, wood, and other supplies, the only thing I lack is time. 

    Looking again at your particular heels, you might find it helpful to push a plastic wall plug or length of dowel into each peg hole, and nail thru new top piece into each one, as that will give a good 'spread' of fixings.   Ideally fill the void with scrap wood, flush to surface, and glue on top piece before nailing - which will improve stability (and deaden sound).   Let us know how you get on.

  4. 11 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    I'm probably headed up to my cobbler this week or next. I will ask Marty how he deals with this issue. Somewhere in my collection I must have hollow heels like that, but nothing that I wear regularly.

    I would have expected several of your wedge heels to be of similar hollow construction, and need reheeling from time to time.

    9 hours ago, Cali said:

    Thatwould be quite informative.

    I get the impression that you are not looking for a DIY remedy, Cali; am I right?   What I suggested above is quite easy to do with basic tools.

  5. 11 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    And even if you could, why would you? Those stock heel tips are crap! Although I don't do it myself, and after 11 years I seriously doubt I'll start, Vibram or other such material as replacement heels is superior in every way to these little things with nubs on them that come from the factory.

    One question, though. Why specifically softwood?

    11 hours ago, Jkrenzer said:

    I have only stock up to 12mm across. I think you'll need a cobbler for these. They often use larger parts then grind and buff to the shank shape. 

    I quite agree about the pathetic quality of (most) moulded top pieces and I was not seeking a source other than out of curiosity.   But, if they don't exist, I must question how a cobbler would replace worn/missing heels without adopting a solution such as mine, as simply cutting a larger piece of suitable material to size does not solve the fixing problem into a hollow heel.   I use softwood (as distinct from hardwood) simply because the right sort of offcuts are always to hand in my workshop and shaping is easy.   I can't see why a harder wood 'plug' would be beneficial as it is only there to be a foundation for the new top piece to be screwed or nailed into.    I suppose that one could put plastic wall plugs into the exiting holes and screw through the new top piece into them, but my solution is somewhat stronger.

  6. 6 hours ago, Cali said:

    They are from Soda. I also have anpther pair where I have worn out the heel. I would love to find a source for this heel type.


    You have asked this question before, in 'New Heel Tips'.   As I said there: 'Easier [than filling the cavity with a mixture of epoxy and sawdust] is to shape a piece of softwood to fit the cavity and wedge/glue it in.   Then add glued-on rubber or composition heel piece, preferably also nailed into wood with brass nails.'

    I have done this successfully on a couple of pairs with hollow plastic heels.   I have yet to find a source of moulded plug-in replacement top pieces, whgich obviously come in a myriad of shapes/sizes/fittings to suit the original boot or shoe.

  7. 11 hours ago, Jkrenzer said:

    If he's out of business there's no product. Also, eBay will contact seller first to "solve" the problem, meaning if the boots exist they will be delivered or the seller can refund without penalty. 

    In my recent experience (twice) with an incorrect product being supplied (due to erroneous description by seller), eBay has immediately intervened and responded to my report by offering me a refund, rather than contacting the seller and (in my case) asking for a product exchange - which I then had to do direct with the seller.   (In both my transactions, the seller could not supply the 'correct' item, so a refund followed by re-sourcing was the only option, but I got there eventually, if a little poorer.

    It does seem from the seller's silence here that he might have ceased trading, in which case the goods may or may not be in existence, and possibly still retrievable, subject to insolvency procedures if applicable.   But if he is simply not resoponding, for whatever reason, eBay may be able to throw some light on it.

  8. 10 hours ago, Jkrenzer said:

    Ebay uses tracking so eBay will ensure you're refunded and will potentially kick the seller out. Contact eBay, nothing takes this much time.

    Correct - but (as I have found for myself), eBay tends to take the easy way out when there is an issue, processing a refund rather than trying to secure missing goods or other solution.  I'm guessing here that Prutske255 wants his boots (if they exist) rather than his money back, and may need to emphasise this to eBay.

  9. 1 hour ago, Prutske255 said:

    I tried to contact him via Ebay messages .

    More than 2 months no reaction .


    If you ordered through eBay and nothing has been received, surely you should report this to eBay and request help?   Ebay should be able to tell you the status of a seller on its site if there is any contact problem,

  10. ASOS currently has on its UK website some 56 items of men's footwear described as 'heeled'.   Several of these styles have been shown here before.   Overall, they are a mixed bag, with the more extreme examples being unlikely to have much appeal to those here who value their feelings for taste, reputation (or sanity).   One of the newer items that I would certainly never wear is these OTK boots:


    Take four bricks and two black binliners and assemble as shown!
    They are listed as available in sizes UK6 - UK12 and the discounted price today is £72.00, or less with extra discount code.

    Would anyone here like to wear them (outside Halloween)?



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  11. Although I am sure that there was a 'live' online link to this business very recently, all links now seem to lead nowhere.   Miguel Jones does seem to have run a respected and ethical business for some years, so it is surprising that everything has gone dead.   Maybe something bad has happened to him or the business itself?

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  12. I quite like the look of leather or faux leather trousers, although I don't own any.   But I think that a man so clad could attract quite a lot of adverse attention from many people - more perhaps than if he was wearing obvious high heels.   They have a certain 'reputation' in the UK, unless worn by e.g. young (or once-young, now faded) pop singers and the like.   A shame, however; leather can look very smart.


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  13. Shyheels is right to question whether the 'regularly on TV' heel-wearers would keep them on when not on camera, but that is a separate issue and ripe for debate if not research, ideally supported by observation.   

    The question posed by Heelsfor30 was whether 'heels appear to be dead and the frumpy look has taken over'.   The image that TV presenters (or their producers) wish to project seems clearly to be that heels are not dead, and I doubt that the heels are being worn to demonstrate an intentionally different or eccentric lifestyle.

    I did not suggest or mean to imply that trousers are incompatible with heels, which is clearly not the case.   I was merely observing that, even in formal or semi-formal situations (such as a TV appearance by invitation), women seem to be in trousers more often than in dresses or skirts, regardless of footwear.   Whether for fashion, comfort or simply personal choice is open to question but the trouser preference does dilute yet another traditional, accepted and arguably attractive characteristic of the female of the species - and is sometimes bordering on the frumpy.    

  14. 6 hours ago, Heelsfor30 said:

    I really want to keep this thread going because I’d like to hear from others as well. Like I said I hope I’m wrong but heels appear to be dead and the frumpy look has taken over. 

    But, here on UK TV, it seems to be the rule (unwritten or otherwise) for the great majority of female presenters - including those delivering the news, weather etc - to wear heels.   Their typical footwear would be a 4" stiletto court (pump), but equivalent sandals and boots are often seen too.   I realise that such occupations are not wholly representative of the entire population, although by no means all of them are doing the 'glamour' jobs on TV either.    What is equally (and depressingly) apparent is that 'ordinary' women appearing on TV (e.g. being interviewed in the studio or as contestants in a quiz show) seem rarely to wear heels of any significance, and are as likely to be in trousers as in a skirt or dress.   Few make any obvious effort to 'dress up' for what is generally a special and very public occasion.

  15. 19 hours ago, Cali said:

    I had an encounter with a woman in combat boots this week. ...


    I had to read beyond this at least twice before I could determine who was wearing the combat boots.   I did wonder if you had taken to kicking hapless females ...

  16. As a latecomer to this thread, I have read the varied comments with interest.   Obviously, there are differences of opinion, clearly influenced by personal experience, age and background.   I can't add a great deal to the debate but I do suggest that the two most prominent watershed markers in 'high heel history' are (i) the popularity of the (high) stiletto heel c1960; (ii) the preference for comfort and female independence/identity in recent years - say from c2015.

    As I well recall from its halcyon years, the stiletto heel was very widely recognised as new, sexy, elegant, daring and (above all) 'feminine', in an era when women were still expected to conform and look the part.   They soon realised that stiletto heels, in particular, allowed them to adopt a look which was not only conforming (in that they became part of a common 'uniform', along with stockings, pencil skirts etc) but also thoroughly smart and feminine.   In other words, their look was not only to their liking but also appealing to most men.   Comfort and practicality were seen as secondary considerations and stiletto heels were often worn for unsuitable activity during work or leisure, because the prevailing fashion was paramount.  

    In recent years, the growing recognition, by women in particular, that they do not need to conform - especially to men's expectations and desires - has understandably led them to question their fashion choices, with 'difficult' footwear often eschewed completely.   They no longer need to wear a uniform in most situations, and certainly not one that is primarily dictated by male desire or conventional societal expectation, especially if it hampers their freedom and comfort.    Alas, the movement has (along with so much else that is classed as unacceptable for one reason or another) come under the scrutiny of the 'woke police', to the extent that it is often viewed as totally unacceptable rather than merely a matter for personal choice.

    I have little doubt that, as with most trends and fashions, high heels will never totally disappear and will indeed come back into vogue for a lasting period, before again melting away for a spell.   Perversely, the blurring of male/female fashion boundaries, and the growing acceptablity of 'men in heels', will do heel-admirers few favours, as women will no longer have the edge when it comes to being different, if not unique.   Unless of course women will seek to compete with men and wear higher heels etc than men do!   We can but hope.

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  17. Interesting, enlightening and inspiring, Bubba136; thank you.   

    My eldest stepson is an RAF pilot, flying the biggest cargo planes (as often seen in the news in relief operations around the world).   At an early stage in his training on fighters, a potential heart condition was diagnosed and he was grounded for a time, during which he was the innocent victim of a motor accident and broke his back, although he did recover.   In his usual dogged and persistent way, he persuaded the RAF to let him fly again, although prohibited from single-manned aircraft.   As far as I know, he has no interest in high heels - but his wife is a fan, and only yesterday was joking with me about me wearing her stilettos (which I was admiring) for a night out!   If only she knew (and had much bigger feet) ...!

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  18. 21 hours ago, Bubba136 said:


    I have been a member here for a long time and have posted a lot about myself in the past.  Answers to your questions are there.  Just scroll back through my comments.

    I am well aware of your antiquity but, as you have posted so rarely in recent times, and many here would not be familiar with your history, it seemed reasonable to ask for a catch-up, given your heel-wearing resume.   And a wish to keep the board alive and maybe interest newbies.   As a learned judge once remarked: 'Information and means of information are not the same thing.'.  🙂

  19. I can see the attraction - comfort with a lift.   I agree with Shyheels that they are scarcely 'platforms' but essentially a clog with the expected thickness of wooden sole.   Come to think of it, they could be described as clogs, sandals, mules or slides - according to one's prejudices!

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