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Posts posted by canadianbeaver17

  1. I find the pain to occur at the oddest times. For example, I can be at a club all night on my feet - dancing and walking around. But...as soon as I take that first step outside on the street, my paws screem bloody murder. But that has only happened a few time so that's good at least.

  2. I just finished doing interviews all week for work. A few people I commented that I loved their shoes and asked them where they got them at. All of them were thankful and receptive. They all discussed where they got them and how they were a steal. Just ask and they will be thankful someone took the time to comment on what they wore!

  3. Welcome to the board, Aaron. I myself am attempting to fit into the look you are trying to protray now, maybe minus the long hair. It seems to me that more this summer than any time most of my female friends feel that I need to push the envelope farther and try to wear what I want. I am still reserved at times, but under certain situations, I let it all hang out. Keep it up and enjoy!

  4. I've noticed that a lot with the girls at bars/clubs downtown. We have a lot where I am at all down one street. It's a little bit more relaxed dress code then people in like Toronto or NYC are use to. Most people do dress up, but you do see a alot still in flip flops

  5. My feet were killing me from work so I decided on my day off to go for a pedi. I went back to a place I haven't gone to a while. Anyways, an hour and $25 later, it was a good time and I'm back at my old place!

  6. I went shopping in the states earlier this week. Normally I have an ok time trying to find 11s-12s at the places at go, but I was striking out on the pairs I liked. Having said that, at a few stores I handed the shoe I wanted to the SAs and asked for my size and not a single one even hesitated. One even asked if I liked a similar pair and she would see if they had those. In all situation, they were all younger females, 17-25.

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