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Posts posted by gary0618


    Gary0618, those are great looking Nine West boots.  Very sleek, and a nice heel.  You indicated that you were a size 12 and that these fit perfectly, but didn't indicate if they were in fact size 12.  I assume that's what you meant, but could you clarify that.  Also, how is the width?  I have fairly wide feet and those look like they might be a bit narrow.  I have been able to wear a size 11 in some of their other boots, however, as it seems that, in general, boots are cut a bit larger, likely to accommodate the wearing of thicker socks I would guess.



    Yes, they are size 12 M. Amazon automatically includes this info in the review, which is why I did not repeat it.

    And the width? I always buy wide in my in my sneakers, E or EE in my regular men's boots. Almost all of my nine west boots fit well.

    So I assume they run a bit wide.


    Not to sound like a commercial, but Amazon has free returns, so get a pair and give them a try.


    Here is the Link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CM3HW22/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

  2. I just received these Nine West Boots, purchased from Amazon.com.


    post-640-0-03729300-1380207523_thumb.jpg     post-640-0-25476800-1380207792_thumb.jpg



    My review of these Boots on Amazon



    Most Helpful Customer Reviews

    By GaryBootMan on September 24, 2013
    Color Name: Brown LeatherSize Name: 12 B(M) US
    My new boots just arrived. Looked great out of the box.

    I did get a bit worried at first.

    It seems the shaft is a bit small for a boot with no zipper. At first I really thought they were going back.
    I just could not get my foot into the boot. It was close, so I decided to try a little harder.
    Success! With a little struggle, I got them on. Wow. They feel great.

    After a few times putting them on and taking them off, I guess the shaft stretched a little. Much easier to put on now.

    I wear a size 12 and these boots fit just right. (Once I got them on).
    The heel is 4 inches on this pair, which is just right for me.

    I have a lot of black boots, so I went with the Brown this time. I am glad I did. It is a very nice shade of dark brown.
    They look great with all my jeans, and I do have a pair or 2 of brown dress slacks they will go nicely with also.

    I like the thicker heel, and the sleek styling. Plain, Clean Lines and No Platform. Perfect!

    I felt the price was a bit high, but the current offer was 30% off, so I am happy.
    Actually I think all decent quality footwear has been drastically increasing in price this past few years.

    I really like Nine West and thank them for continuing to produce stylish quality boots in larger sizes.

    The Otilla Boot gets Five Stars from me.





    ooopppssss    Sorry, Meant to post this under "Who Has Bought Some New BOOTS"

  3. post-640-0-70475100-1380027211_thumb.jpg

    Wearing high heels can change the way you shop Physical experience of balance influences consumer choices

    When shopping for a big ticket item, such as a television, there is a checklist of things you should always do:

    • Read reviews
    • Compare prices
    • Wear high heels

    If you’re uncomfortable with No. 3, you have other options. You can ride up and down the escalator, play a few games using the Wii Fit, or just go shopping immediately following your yoga class.

    A new BYU study finds that consumers experiencing a heightened sense of balance are more likely to weigh the options and go with a product that falls in the middle of the high-end, low-end scale.

    “If you’re someone who tends to overspend, or you’re kind of an extreme person, then maybe you ought to consider shopping in high heels,” said study author Jeffrey Larson, a BYU marketing professor.

    Larson and BYU coauthor Darron Billeter have discovered that most anything that forces your mind to focus on balance affects your shopping choices as well.

    In the example of the TV, balancing consumers are more likely to go with the 42-inch TV for $450 rather than the $300 32-inch set or the 50-inch screen for $650.

    The study is part of an emerging area of research that examines the relationship between physical sensations and decision making. Previous studies have looked at the role of warmth, weight and hunger.

    For their study, appearing in the current issue of the Journal of Marketing Research, the Marriott School authors set up experiments where balance was introduced to the consumer experience, including:

    • Leaning back on a chair while shopping online
    • Playing a Wii Fit game while simultaneously answering questions about product choices
    • Standing on one foot while considering which printer to purchase

    Other elements that could have similar effects but were not included in the experiments include making purchase decisions while on a cruise ship or walking on icy sidewalks during winter shopping.

    The authors say the most important takeaway from their study is that people should be aware of how physical forces can change the way we think about things.

    “We need to sit back for a minute and consider, ‘Is this really what I want, or are the shoes I’m wearing influencing my choice?’” Billeter said. “We need to be more aware of what is influencing our choices.”

    The results of the study, the authors write, demonstrate that influential cognitive processes are at play as people stumble through life, regardless of whether those stumblings are literal or metaphorical.









  4. From The Urban Dictionary




    A girl who is stupid, wears lots of make up and is obsessed with boys and clothes. Generally blonde but there are exceptions. Usually hang around i with other bimbos. You can spot them because they will be the big group of girls that all look the same and are giggling hysterically.

    Oh no! I broke a nail! This is awful!  You're such a bimbo.
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