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Posts posted by loveheel

  1. Hi Scotty, Like you I am an East Coaster. Actually, the Boston area, which is super conservative (Kind of like they stepped right of the Mayflower). But I have had very nive reactions, just like the kind of interactions with sales people Heelfan and Firefox describe. This is just too much fund to pass up. The shoes I buy in those stores always have that special thing going for me. I know what you are saying about kids and their parents. As a rule I don't shop for women's shoes in the town where I live or very close buy. My daughter goes to school here and I would not want her to get any repercusions or teasing due to my hobby. Just go and do it. Here is EXACTLY how it usually works. I browse the shoes. Someone comes and asks if they can help me. I ask if they have a particular shoe in a size 10 and 11. When the girl (or guy) returns with the shoe, I ask if I can try it on (Sometime they even askme if I want to try it on !). Noone blinks an eye. Half of the time that is it. The other half I strike up really fun conversations with the sales people about shoes. Thrust me, you don't want to miss this. I have met the girls that have over 20o pairs of shoes. There is a reason they work in a shoe store. They LOVE shoes. Good luck with it. Thanks for sharing your stories on the board.

  2. Scotty, this is one reason I try to buy slightly more expensive leather shoes. Even if in the beginning they are a little tight, I break them in slowly, wearing them for short times only, and after a while I find that they form to my foot. With the plastic shoes that one often finds a Payless that does not happen. Having said that I have been seduced a few times buying shoes at Payless. It is hard to resist getting a good-looking shoe for $10, even if they are plastic.

  3. I do think one of the reasons shoes are so popular with women is that they are the only item of clothing that can make them very elegant without worrying about their body (whether they ar too fat, too skinny, too short etc.). Nice and good-looking shoes are almost always an elegant statement and they do not make women shy about their body, as tight or revealing fashionable clothes might do. In that sense shoes are an "easy" fashion item.

  4. I almost uniquely buy my shoes from sales staff now. It is such a thrill to chat with the sales girls and let them advise me on shoes. As others on this board, I often try on the shoes and walk around with them in the store while looking at other shoes. The most difficult situation I find when I am trapped in a small public place with very feminine shoes on (like in an elevator) and people start staring at them. There is no escape then ...

  5. We look forward top hear back from you SF. Going away with no back-up is a brave thing to do. I have thought about it a few times but never had the courage. Is this a drive or fly trip ? I used to wear heels on a lot of my business trips that involve flying, but with new airport security one very often has to remove shoes. That has made me a little more cautious.

  6. I know what you are saying. When I wear 2 or 3" heels I fon't get much sensation of being in heels. But I do like that I have broken the barrier of wearing and buying women's shoes since there is soooooo much more variety to pick from.

  7. Oh, I have tried on shoes in many of these "old fashioned" shops where they ahve to go and get your size in the back. Usually they stop short of putting it on my foot. Though I know what you are talking about. I have seen in often in Europe that they actually put on the shoe for people.

  8. Good to hear from you Vanessa. I definitely want to do the painted toenails with sandals at some point. But I am so bad at painting them myself, and I haven't found a salon yet where I can have them done. I live in such a conservative area. It is strange. I have no problem trying on shoes in a store, but I have not had the courage to walk into a nail place to have my feet done.

  9. I just spent two weeks in Belgium and my HH report confirms Highluc's observations. Disappointingly few HH sightings. The only good heels I saw were on foreign women (mainly asian) strolling around. Still alot of clunky thick platform shoes (the super thick soled sneakers that never made it as a fashion in the US). A few HH boots, mainly worn with jeans. All in all as disappointing as the weather usually is in Belgium. In a few weeks this guy is going to France. I will bring you a report from there.

  10. I had so much fun today shopping for shoes. Went to a Baker store where I was served by a young lady who was extremely friendly and helpful. I ended up trying on shoes for one and half hour in the store ! Customers came and went while I tried on mules, boots, sneakers, sandals. I ended up bying these two pairs. The sneaker-like shoes were described as Frankenstein-like in a previous thread, but I like them a lot. Very comfortable. The other pair is a mary-jane like type with 4" heel. They are a little tight upfront but otherwise comfortable. It was so great strolling around the store in various pairs. The sales lady even gave me an extra discount because I bought two pairs.

    These are the jeans sneakers with a 3.5" heel.

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    And then I got these. They are a bit more feminine looking than what I usually buy, but I like them

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    All in all a great day ! For those of you still worried about trying on shoes in store, just go and do it. You will notice very quickly whether the sales staff is accomodating and interested in you. If they are not, just take your business elsewhere.

  11. Try not to be too nervous. The more normal and confident you look the better things work out. If you are too nervous with high heels, try some shoes with less obvious heels, like some loafers with a 2.5 inch heels. They can help you build up confidence.

  12. I have a preference for women, though I have been treated well by several men as well. On rare occasions the men reacted with a smile when I asked for a size 11, but never any problem. Wearing heels is definitely a plus unless it makes you uncomfortable. It is important that you shop with confidence, so if lower heels shoes make you feel less "watched" than just sling on a couple of 2" heelers ! There is nothing more fun than trying on shoes in a store. i try very hard to go when it is not crowded as you can get much more attention from the store clercks. Which usually means you get to try many more pairs !

  13. I told my wife a few years ago, after hiding shoes around the house for several years. Man, do I feel much better now ! My wife didn't make a big deal about the shoes, though when we had some other marital problems she occasionally mentioned that "SHe doesn't know who I had become" i always had he feeling she referred in part to the shoes. Our marriage is back on track for the last year and the honesty has paid more than off. We are both close for knowing some of each other's feelings and desires. While she is not a HH wearer and does not share my passion for heels, she thinks now of my hoby as interesting, and is truly happy that she knows about what keeps my mind spinning. She thinks it is funny that I can so well remember the shoes that everyone wears, even after having only met them for a few minutes. So, honesty can bring you closer. We all have our desires and interests that we may not be comfortable with sharing. Your spouse may not be a HH wearer, but that doesn't mean there are no other feelings and passions he/she has difficulty telling you about.

  14. I think some clerks know that is not all that "easy" for a guy to buy shoes in the women's department. I guess some of the more helpful ones therefore go the extra mile. I have gotten quite a few of really friendly store people, mostly women though. But also a few guys.

  15. I would love to come down. Was in Australia last year. I loved every minute of it. I tried to plan a trip over the coming winter holidays using frequent flyer miles, but couldn't get a seat anymore. It is so annoying how few seats these airlines give to be used with travel awards

  16. Payless is a great store to go and browse and have fun trying on the shoes. I don't buy there too much anymore as I just can't deal with that much plastic on my foot. But, one can't really complain about shoes for $10

  17. I agree with Firefox. I normally like the fairly classic HH boots. The stuff that would look classy. But I think these new styles could also be a real opportunity to wear high heels in an evironment and with clothes that we would otherwise not do so. Some newer shoes styles may take a while to get adopted. I was not keen on Mary Janes when they first reappeared on the fashion seen a few years ago, but now I have been dying to get a pair with high heels that fits me.

  18. All the funkier stores around here are starting to carry shoes and boots that are a hybrid of a high heel shoe and a sneaker (trainers for the UK folks ?) According to what I have seen from customers in the store they seem to be the newest rage and are selling like hotcakes. What do people on this board think about this new style ? They make take some getting used to (we don't think about crossing a sneaker with a HH), but they could be a style that works well for guys. In particular the ones with the thicker heels.

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