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Posts posted by AZShoeNut

  1. I am 5'10" and I have some weight to lose. I started an eating and exercise plan six weeks ago and have lost 20 lbs. I have about 40 - 50 lbs to go. Excess weight is one factor keeping me from public feeling. Also I lose weight from my feet as well and can fit into narrower shoes. That opens up the choices a little when looking for size 12 shoes. Later, Larry

  2. Howdy folks, Do you ever write a post and then think, "Whoa, too much information that is just a bit too personal?" Well, I sure did this time. :-) You know, I do, however, think that the more freely that we share the better for all of us regardless of where we lay on the men in high heels spectrum. Thanks for the support. HappyinHeels, thank you for your advice. Actually that is pretty much what the Mrs. and I are doing. I may sometimes get uptight that she is more reserved about my public forrays in high heels but when it comes to understanding women I think that I have one of the best. Best, Larry

  3. Howdy, A true fetish, as described by Swollen, is a very difficult thing to live with. I can say this from personal experience. What I can say is that I am a good man, I am well respected in my profession for what I do, I am well respected at church as a spiritual leader of sorts, and I have a fantastic relationship with my wife. But I also have this thing for shoes. My wife was aware of this experience of mine well before we tied the knot. Intimacy is a real challenge. For me it takes a whole lot of work to get into the right space for it. I absolutely love her but it is as if I am crosswired in that department. I am, however, improving. One thing that I have picked up from this web site is an inkling of how I can shift my interest in shoes into a more experiential form. As a result I have done halloween two times, walked for charity two times, and met KFSteve for coffee once. A lot of times I have read where the folks with a fetish seem to be considered the bottom feeders of this males in high heels experience. When I read it it feels like even among other men who wear high heels I am still the freak. I will be the first to admit that having a legitimate fetish complicates the heck out of things in life. I will also say that psychology and thearapy are still way back in the dark ages (think electro-shock) when it comes to treating fetish related issues. I have looked for help however it just appears that what is there is a cover up rather than a cure and cover ups, in my opinion usually cause more problems than they solve. What I think that I am attempting to say here is that among the collection of guys in this world that wear high heels there are fetishists. The good lot of us are likely to be very decent people who, for whatever reason, really have a substantial challenge before us. Gratefully, I have an improving (however slowly) experience of intimacy along with a developing ability to experience high heels in a far less "personal" manner. So, the orignal musing of this thread was more origen of fetish related and I digressed a bit regarding the definition of fetish and how it may apply to myself and our community. I think that there are many, many ways and many, many reasons for which guys wind up enjoying wearing high heels. It is so poorly documented that I think that we can only work on our own stories and ultimately, in the end, relax and experience our own unique reasons for be attracted to and wearing high heels. Larry

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  4. Wow - - walking around a machine shop in pumps. Bet that doesn't meet the OSHA reg's.

    I work in a machine shop, but there is no way I would wear anything that nice into the hell hole I work in. The chips and slim/grease/dirt/grundge in this shop would ruin anything, and especially anything nice.

    Howdy Heelster,

    We are actually a grind house and our parts are very small. The only safety rule that I "broke" was that they were open toe as we do not require steel toe shoes. Also, being part owner (very small part) affords some luxury durinng non-working hours. Our shop is also very clean and the floor has real decent traction. The part I loved about it is that it is a wide open space for walking around in heels.

    The president and 80 percent owner of the company wears the most awesome shoes to work and in the shop all the time. She knows that I wear heels and has challenged me to wear them in on a couple of occasions. Perhaps sometime I will do it openly.



  5. Howdy, I am sitting in Chicago O'Hare airport, having a beer while I wait for my flight back to Phoenix. I love hearing a pair of heels approach, seeing the shoes, and then looking up and catching a brief glimpse of the personality of the gal wearing them. I suppose it is a version of people watching suited to the shoe afficianado (?sp). Later Larry

  6. Howdy, Well, actually, on Easter I wore a pair of heels to work. I work for a machine shop that has a couple of semi-automatic machines. Due to machine problems our production fell for the month and our ony hope of making our quota for the month was to have a couple of us go down to the shop and refill the semi-automatic machines over the course of Easter weekend. I offered to head down early Easter morning. Being pretty sure that nobody would be at our shop or at any of the adjoining companies I put my heels on for the drive to the shop, stepped out of my Jeep with them on and went into our building. All told I was at the shop for on the order of 30 minutes or so in a pair of 4-inch black velour pumps with a peep toe and an interesting colored jewell pattern on the top (image below). Take it easy, Larry


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