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Posts posted by jo

  1. A bloody shame that no backups were kept. I came back to the forum after 5 weeks away to find it offline. When it came back online many thousands of posts had been lost and hundreds of new members ceased to exist. All my PMs were gone too. I really hope someone is backing things up regularly now. This site runs on its content. The content is priceless. Leaving it vulnerable to deletion seems insane.

  2. The red-sole court shoes that Gwen wears are by Christian Louboutin. They have pointy-toe, with slim set-back 5 inch heel. They are a 2004 model. I don't know the model/style name. The 2005 version has a rounded toe, the same heel, and is available with either a 4 or 5 inch heel. The model name is "Clichy" and they cost USD ~495.

  3. I looked into a branch of Faith soon after Christmas, or early in the New Year. There were about 5 or 6 customers in the store as I went in, and a couple more followed me in. I had hoped to try a few things, and was hoping it would stay quiet. I looked round and another group were already coming in the door. I looked at one rack then realised that the shop was more crowded. Within another 3 minutes there were forty-bloody-eight people in the shop, and it was nose to nose. Not a hope of trying anything on in peace, in a quiet corner; so I left. Maybe another day.

    One of the staff in that shop has those same boots, above, wears them to work sometimes, and looks very fine in them.

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