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Posts posted by jim

  1. Well I voted moderate, but alot depends on what I'm wearing, where I'm going and of course how I'm feeling at the time.

    I usually wear boots with heels ranging from 3"-5" in height but usually leave the high stiletto numbers for more special occasions, like when going out in the evening.

    During the hotter months I enjoy wearing slides or mules, but these tend to be lower in height and usualy have a wedge heel (Aly those mules look great !) :D

    I always have pedicured and painted nails, especially so in the summer when I wear the more open styles. For me, polished nails are a "must" when wearing beautiful shoes.

    As far as wearing high heeled pumps and sandals in public is concerned....I don't do it very often at all. Altho I admit to having a good number of them, I usually only wear them at home.

    Wearing heels on the street is something I have been doing for quite a while and in that time I've had very few negative reactions to them. Perhaps the worst has been a smirk or high pitched shreek from a teenage air-head. (You may be able to bounce a 50 cent coin off their backsides but there sure ain't much between their ears.)

    Those that do usually notice and speak up are nearly always women and almost all comments have been positive. I've had some very interesting conversations over the years, with people that I wouldn't normally have met........ and all because my heels. :)


  2. Here you go Heelfan..

    Carrie snapped this last winter,just as she called her Hubby and I in for some fresh Pizza. LOL,When I saw what she was up to she called out "I always wanted a photo of those boots Jim....!"

    Posted Image

    Hhhhmmm.....perhaps not the best pic of me...but the boots look fantastic! :D:)8)


  3. Thanks for posting the links to some rather interesting sites Gene.I spent the morning browsing thro them and enjoyed what they had to offer.

    I also like the look and feel of skirts and have 2 of my own that I wear when the mood strikes. One is a faded blue denim and the other a dark sand colored cord, with a laced fly that sits low on the waist . Both fall to the lower calf with the corduroy skirt sporting a frayed hem. I do enjoy them and they are both extremely comfortable, but I don’t wear them any where near often enough. (This will have to change. :))

    To say I was particularly taken by the Macabi skirt would be an understatement. What a practical alternative to trousers and with style to boot. Definitely something I would buy.

    While visiting Tom's Cafe, I came across a photo of one of their members wearing a navy skirt, jacket and polo neck.The heeled boots he chose to go with them were spot on in my opinion and I thought the look he had achieved was harmonious and coordinated. He may be pushing the envelope but the whole look suited him immensely. Here’s a link to it. navy skirt

    I beleave good media coverage like this and as you have said, tasteful moderate dress sence on our part, all help in the continuing move towards true fashion freedom for men.


    Btw Gene,I enjoy your unbiased and well thought out posts,long may they continue :D

  4. "Hefalumps" Description: Hostile Animal. Comes in every shape and size and color. Often Elephant-shaped. More Description: Feared by residents of the 100 Aker Woods Address: 100 Aker Woods. Rarely seen. Best Friend:: The Woozle. Favorite Thing to Do: Steal hunny. Favorite Food: Pooh's Hunny. How To Catch One: Build a Cunning Trap, like a Very Deep Pit, and use Hunny for bait. Or if you are like Pooh and love hunny so much that you can't stand the thought of using real hunny as bait, then use yellow cheese (because it looks like hunny) and put it in a jar marked "Hunny". How to Get It Home If You Catch One: Lead it home by a string, or it may come if you whistle. As you can see Bubba, Hefalumps are a fearsom creature,so be prepaired if you happen upon one. :D jim

  5. To gaze into the eyes of the person we love and see a perfect reflection of our own emotion really is something to behold.

    It is said the eyes are the window to the soul and beautiful, clear, expressionate eyes are simply a delight to look at, often saying more than words could ever hope to.

    But just how good are we at gauging someone’s mood or motive when we look at them. Body language gives most of us a good idea but it's the eyes that say it all.

    Not exactly scientific but here’s a little test....just for fun. :D

    the eyes have it


  6. I can’t help but smile at the names you have given to your new mules Lucy. ”Happy” and “Slappy”, how very cute. :D Over the last 18 months or so, my own interest in mules has developed considerably and I can relate easily to the pleasures and pains of wearing a new pair for the ist time. Like Happy & Slappy, my favorite pair are also made in China. These are by Colin Stuart, are very well made and have an arch that fits my foot perfectly. Jimmy Choo’s they are not, but what a joy they are to wear. Thanks for sharing your experiences Lucy and please, keep us up to date with your progress.I look forward to it. best regards jim

  7. Aesop

    AN EAGLE sat on a lofty rock, watching the movements of a Hare

    whom he sought to make his prey. An archer, who saw the Eagle

    from a place of concealment, took an accurate aim and wounded him

    mortally. The Eagle gave one look at the arrow that had entered

    his heart and saw in that single glance that its feathers had

    been furnished by himself. "It is a double grief to me," he

    exclaimed, "that I should perish by an arrow feathered from my

    own wings."

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