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robbiehhw last won the day on December 9 2015

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  • Country
    United States
  • Hobbies
    Many, science, technologies, fashion, sociology, literature, music and health (sounds like a community college catalog)

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  1. Robbie,

    My wife and I would like to return to Oregon for vacation one of these days. A few years ago we drove the entire coast from Astoria to San Francisco. It was breathtaking. We've also been to Crater Lake and to Portland on trips before that. Where do you live? We must plan to get together in person someday. 

    I think we have a lot in common, especially wives who tolerate our preference for clothes marketed to women. Many times I have worn only such clothing, yet I still present myself as mostly male. Usually I am in 3 inch heels, and usually thicker or block heels, but I am slowly warming up to thin heels. Last week I bought a pair of Naturalizer "Brenna" booties on sale, and a pair of Naturalizer "Michelle" black patent pumps. Check them out!

    I live in central Ohio, in a small college town called Granville, about 30 miles east of Columbus.


    1. robbiehhw


      Hi Steve,

      That is really cool! I've been in your area before. We are down in the Willamette Valley close to Corvallis - about 45 mins from the coast.

      My shoe shopping has been fairly slow lately. I bought a new pair of Nike running shoes and a new pair of "chunky heeled slides" with tall 5 inch heels. Oh also a new pair of sandals. Lol funny but i consider that a slow buying time.




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