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Posts posted by Trolldeg

  1. The wierdest comment I've ever got was when I was wearing my 5"heel/1"plat stiletto ankle boots to school. The teacher asked, when I was walking out of the classroom, "you must have bought those in the ladies section, right?" :smile: like there was any doubt about it...

  2. Hey, that's the style I'm planning to buy this fall, although with a stiletto heel. Their 4½" height is perfect in my oppinion. Is it possible to get a bit thinner, but still chunky heel on those boots, or is the choice between very chunky and stiletto?

  3. On 2002-06-12 08:02, azraelle wrote:

    Trolldeg, as resident expert on 3D, have you ever heard of "Strata 3D Pro 3.6 or 3.7" (free 23-Mb basic version avail from their website at http://www.strata.com )? My College computer classes start up again in the fall and Strata is the 3D program that they teach for the (required) 3D visualization class. Do you have an opinion on the program, particularly how it compares to 3D Studio Max, Maya, Lightwave, etc. Thanks, AJ.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-12 08:04 ]</font>

    never heard about it, but it looks ok...
  4. On 2002-06-09 22:59, Dexter23 wrote:

    Even beter than the ones you posted on 2002-02-24 18:15 ???? is that posseble???? they look so perfect...

    as people have pointed out, they have no seams. and the shape is not top notch either (thougn you may not see it in the pic).

  5. On 2002-06-01 02:37, terayon wrote:

    guns dont kill people, people kill people

    plain and simple

    and about drugs...i think that the US spending millions on "the war on drugs" is stupid....there are some drugs that are bad, but stuff like weed....thats stupid...they should legalize weed...it is not a drug anymore than alcohol or cigarettes are...they should legalize weed and make it illegal to smoke cigarettes....dont get me wrong, there are horrible drugs like heroin and cocaine which i am strongly opposed too, they really ruin peoples lives....and actually are addictive......however, unlike cigarettes and cocaine, weed is NOT physically addictive, it is entirely mental and you can quit whenever you want too

    it seems like you've smoked enough already.

  6. So what Azraelle is saying is; it's no use to have laws against weapons, because if a person wants to kill, he will kill. Then we might aswell have no laws against drugs, because if a person wants to take drugs, he will take drugs. And what about people who get killed by accident with guns purchased for family protection? Would they still find a way to kill themselves even if gun control was enforced?

  7. Simple it's not the gun that has caused the problems it is the social structure that has failed here in the U.S. Kids use the gun to vent their anger.

    well, if it wasn't so easy to get hold of a gun in the first place, maybe these outbrakes of teenage angst wouldn't have so many fatal results?

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